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How do you invite followers to Facebook page?

How do you invite followers to Facebook page?

There are a few different ways to invite followers to your Facebook page. Having more followers can help increase engagement and reach for your page. Here are some tips on how to get more followers on Facebook:

Invite Friends

The easiest way is to invite your existing friends and connections on Facebook to like your page. You can do this by going to your page and clicking “Invite Friends” on the right side. A box will pop up where you can either invite all your friends or search for specific people to invite.

When your friends get the invitation, they’ll see a notification that you invited them to like your page. This is an easy way to get an initial group of followers.

Share Your Page on Your Profile

Another way to get more Facebook page followers is to share your page on your personal Facebook profile. You can create a post that includes a link to your page and asks people to follow it.

This will show up in your friends’ News Feeds, which gives them a chance to see and potentially follow your page. You can share your page multiple times to keep reminding people about it.

Run a Facebook Ad

Running a Facebook ad targeted to your ideal audience is a paid way to get more page followers.

You can create an ad that promotes your page and choose to optimize for more page likes. This will show your ad to people who may be interested in your page based on targeting options like location, age, interests etc.

Host a Contest or Giveaway

Contests and giveaways are a great incentive to get more people to follow your Facebook page. You can offer prizes or rewards in exchange for liking your page.

For example, you can have people like your page, share the contest post, and tag friends for a chance to win. The more engaging the contest, the more shares and followers you’ll get.

Cross-Promote on Other Platforms

Mention your Facebook page on other platforms like your website, blog, email newsletter, Instagram account etc. This will let followers on those channels know about your Facebook presence.

Include links to your Facebook page on your other platforms to make it easy for people to find and follow. Cross-promoting is an effective way to increase Facebook followers.

Ways to Invite People to Like Your Facebook Page

Here are some of the main ways you can invite people to like and follow your Facebook page:

Send Individual Invitations

Using the “Invite Friends” option explained earlier, you can send invites to people individually. Search for the specific people you want to invite and send them personalized requests to like your page.

Focus on those who may be particularly interested in your industry or niche. Personalized invites have a higher acceptance rate than mass invites.

Share a Post Asking People to Follow

Write a post on your timeline that introduces your page and asks people to follow it. For example:

“We just launched our new company Facebook page! Click here to like our page and stay up to date with our latest news and updates.”

Include a compelling photo or video that gives people a sample of your content.

Run a Follower Contest or Giveaway

As mentioned previously, contests and giveaways create buzz and incentive for following your page. Make following a requirement for entering and promote the contest heavily.

Advertise Your Page in Your Email Newsletter

If you have an email subscriber list, send out a dedicated email letting them know about your new Facebook page. Give them a link and encouragement to follow it.

Cross-Promote on Other Social Channels

Let your audiences on Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc know about your Facebook page. Share the page link and have people follow from your other platforms.

Send Email or Messenger Invites

Identify targeted people you want to invite via email or Facebook Messenger. Send them a personalized message with a link to your page and a request to follow it.

Ways to Get More Facebook Page Likes

Here are some additional tips for getting more likes on your Facebook page:

Engage With Followers

Respond to comments, questions, and messages from existing followers. This shows you’re invested in the community being built, which encourages more participation.

Run Facebook Ads

Create Facebook ad campaigns that promote your page or individual posts. Target relevant demographics and optimize for more page likes.

Post Interesting Content Consistently

Have a consistent posting strategy for your page. Share content like articles, videos, images, stories etc that will interest your target audience. Post frequently to stay top of mind.

Go Live

Broadcasting live video is very engaging on Facebook. Go live to share announcements, behind-the-scenes footage, Q&As and more. Notifications are sent to your followers about live videos.

Have a Strong Call-to-Action

All your page posts and info section should have clear calls-to-action for people to like your page. For example “Like our page for more business tips” or “Follow us for more recipes”.

Run Contests and Giveaways

As mentioned earlier, contests are a great way to get more engagement and likes. Offer fun prizes and require liking your page as an entry rule.

Advertise on Other Pages

Consider running ads for your page on other high-traffic Facebook pages in your industry. Their existing audiences can become your followers.

Cross-Promote on Other Channels

Leverage all your other marketing channels – website, email, Instagram etc. – to promote your Facebook page everywhere possible.

How to Analyze and Improve Facebook Page Followers

Here are some ways to analyze your Facebook followers and improve that audience over time:

Page Insights

Facebook offers Page Insights for analyzing details about your followers. You can see demographics like age, gender, location and interests. Use this to better understand your audience.

Age Percentage
18-24 15%
25-34 50%
35-44 25%
45-54 10%

Follower Insights

You can view follower demographics and trends over time. Check your growth, losses, and loyalty rate. See when you gain/lose followers most.

Engagement Metrics

Monitor engagement metrics like reactions, comments, shares and clicks. See what posts resonate best with followers. Identify poor performing posts to improve.

Split Test Content

Try split testing different types of content. For example, test image vs. video, short vs. long copy, educational vs. entertaining. See what content your followers prefer most.

Interact With Followers

Respond to followers’ comments and messages. Ask for feedback on the page and what they’d like to see more of. This two-way engagement helps build loyalty.

Remove Inactive Followers

Review your list of followers and remove those who seem inactive or aren’t engaging at all. This will ensure you have an audience of truly interested people.

Advertise to Lookalike Audiences

Use Facebook Ads to target lookalike audiences who share qualities with your existing followers. Attract more people like engaged followers.

Best Practices for Inviting Facebook Page Followers

Here are some top best practices to keep in mind:

Personalize Invitations

Generic invites are easy to ignore. Take the time to customize messages and explain why someone should follow your page specifically.

Focus on Quality Over Quantity

Don’t blast invites to every person you can. Target those most likely to have genuine interest and engagement with your brand. Quality followers are better than high quantities.

Offer Exclusive Content

Entice people to follow your page by mentioning they’ll get access to exclusive content just for followers. Give them a reason to take the extra step.

Make it Easy to Find and Follow

Include your Facebook page link prominently on your website and other platforms. Don’t make it hard for interested people to follow.

Engage With Your Followers

Don’t just invite people to follow and then ignore them. Post regularly, respond promptly, offer support etc. to keep followers engaged.

Analyze and Refine

Track your results and see what invitation methods perform best. Double down on what works and improve poor performers.


Building an engaged audience of followers on Facebook takes strategy and effort. Inviting the right people, consistently posting compelling content, interacting with your community, and analyzing your results are all key to growing your Facebook presence. Use the tips outlined in this article to get more high-quality followers and boost engagement on your Facebook page.