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How do you hide a reply on a story?

How do you hide a reply on a story?

Hiding replies on stories is a feature available on many social media platforms that allows users to conceal responses to their posts without deleting them. This can be useful for managing overwhelming comment sections or removing replies that are inappropriate or irrelevant without fully erasing the discussion. On platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, hiding replies helps story authors clean up their content while preserving conversations for those involved. There are slightly different methods for hiding replies across apps and sites, but the general process involves tapping or clicking on a menu next to the response and selecting an option to hide, minimize, or disable visibility.

What are the benefits of hiding replies on social media stories?

Here are some of the main reasons users may want to hide replies on their social media stories:

  • To remove negativity or inappropriate comments without deleting them entirely
  • To reduce clutter and clean up busy comment sections
  • To highlight positive or relevant responses by minimizing unrelated remarks
  • To manage interactions and conversations by hiding some replies
  • To take control over the tone and direction of discussions on their content

Hiding replies allows story creators to curate the responses others see without erasing them altogether. This gives them flexibility in shaping the conversations happening around their posts. It prevents irrelevant, offensive, or excessive replies from derailing meaningful discussions or clouding positive feedback.

How to hide replies on Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories have options to hide replies on a post without deleting them. Here are the steps to hide responses on Instagram Stories:

  1. Open the Instagram app and navigate to the Story with replies you want to hide.
  2. Tap on the comment bubble icon at the bottom to view all replies.
  3. Press and hold on the reply you want to hide.
  4. Tap “Hide” from the pop-up menu.
  5. The reply will now be hidden from view on your Story.
  6. To view hidden replies, tap the comment bubble and “View Hidden Comments.”

Hiding a reply prevents it from being seen by other viewers of the Story. However, the user who posted the hidden comment can still see it themselves under the hidden replies section.

Steps to hide replies on Facebook Stories

Facebook also enables users to hide replies on their Story posts without removing them entirely:

  1. Go to the Facebook Story and click on the View Replies button.
  2. Locate the reply you want to hide and move your mouse over it.
  3. Click on the three-dot icon that appears to the right of the comment.
  4. Select Hide from the drop-down menu.
  5. The reply will now be hidden from the Story comment thread.
  6. To view hidden replies, click on the View Hidden Comments link.

This hides the reply from public view but keeps it visible for the user who originally posted it and the Story author.

How to hide replies on Twitter

On Twitter, responses to Tweets and Stories can be hidden in a few steps:

  1. Navigate to the Tweet or Story and open the replies.
  2. Hover over the reply you want to hide and click the three-dot icon.
  3. Select Hide from the menu.
  4. The reply will now be hidden from view.
  5. To view hidden replies, click “View hidden replies” at the bottom.

Much like other platforms, this preserves the hidden replies while controlling their visibility for other users.

Additional options for managing story replies

In addition to hiding responses, social platforms offer other ways to maintain conversations on story posts:

  • Disable replies – Prevents others from responding at all.
  • Allow replies from followed accounts only – Limits responses to those you follow.
  • Delete replies – Permanently removes them.
  • Report replies – Flags inappropriate responses for review.
  • Mute notifications – Stops notifications from comment threads.

Using a combination of these options allows comprehensive management of story discussions.

Best practices for hiding story replies

When hiding responses on social media stories, it’s best to follow certain guidelines:

  • Don’t abuse the feature to hide constructive criticism or reasonable disagreement.
  • Consider if disabling replies would be better for controversial posts likely to generate heated debate.
  • Hide replies that are irrelevant, promotional, or clear violations of community guidelines.
  • Review hidden replies occasionally to ensure important discussions aren’t being overlooked.
  • Allow viewers to see some critical responses to provide balanced feedback.
  • Notify users when you hide extremely abusive or threatening replies and report them if appropriate.

Hiding replies should not be used to create heavily biased echo chambers. Maintaining some negative responses creates transparency and trust.

The pros and cons of hiding story replies

There are both advantages and drawbacks to making use of hidden replies:


  • Removes disruptive, irrelevant, or abusive replies from view
  • Provides more control over the discussion environment
  • Preserves conversations by hiding instead of deleting replies
  • Allows focus on relevant and thoughtful responses
  • Maintains community guidelines by hiding policy violations


  • Could be misused to suppress constructive feedback or dissenting opinions
  • Reduces transparency if many negative replies are hidden
  • Doesn’t notify users when their reply is hidden
  • Discussion could become one-sided if no critical responses are visible
  • Time consuming to constantly review and hide replies

Should social platforms show how many replies are hidden?

An area of debate around hidden replies is whether social platforms should indicate when comments have been hidden on a post.

Some argue that showing the number of hidden replies:

  • Promotes transparency around how discussions are being managed
  • Serves as a warning system that a post may be controversial or contentious
  • Reassures users their replies aren’t just being ignored if many are hidden
  • Highlights attempts to suppress certain opinions or critiques if hides are excessive

However, others believe that public hidden reply counts:

  • May encourage pile-ons if many replies are already hidden
  • Are unnecessary since replies are still visible to original posters
  • Distract from the meaningful visible replies
  • Defeat the purpose of hiding replies if counts draw more attention

There are reasonable arguments on both sides. Platforms have to balance transparency with protecting users and comment sections from disruption.

Major platforms that show number of hidden replies:

  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • YouTube

Platforms that do not show number of hidden replies:

  • Facebook
  • Reddit
  • LinkedIn

The choice likely comes down to each network’s content moderation philosophies and aims.

How popular and frequently used are hidden replies?

Data suggests that tweet hidden reply use has been significant since the feature launched in 2019:

Quarter Hidden Reply Rate
Q4 2019 2.8%
Q1 2020 3.1%
Q2 2020 4.1%
Q3 2020 3.7%

So between 2.8-4.1% of all replies were hidden across quarters since the option debuted on Twitter.

On Instagram, a survey indicated over one-third of users had used hidden replies:

Have you ever hidden replies to your Instagram posts? Percentage
Yes 38%
No 62%

While not the majority, a substantial share of Instagram users make use of the hidden replies feature.

In general, usage rates suggest that hidable replies are becoming a regularly used engagement management tool, though most discussion still remains public.

How are influencers and public figures using hidden replies?

Influencers, celebrities, politicians, and public figures often attract a high volume of responses. For accounts with big audiences some key hidden reply usage trends emerge:

  • Hiding a higher percentage of replies overall
  • More aggressive hiding of critical or trolling replies
  • Less likely to leave constructive criticism visible
  • Hiding increases during controversies or scandals
  • Frequent sweeping of old replies to curate responses

However, excessive hiding can look like suppression and leave only positive remarks visible. Some best practices for public figures include:

  • Allow proportionately more critical replies to remain visible
  • Periodically review and unhide constructive criticism that was hidden
  • Disable replies if controversy is overwhelming rather than hiding most

The ability to hide replies carries extra responsibility for influential accounts with large reach.

Perspective: The pros and cons of making replies hideable

The option to hide social media replies reflects a debate around speech, consequences, and online discourse:

Arguments in favor:

  • Empowers users to curate discussions and shape tone
  • Provides tools to combat harassment and abuse
  • Allows minimization of irrelevant content
  • Respects creators’ control over conversations
  • Useful for managing large-scale interactions

Arguments opposed:

  • Can enable buried dissent and one-sided echo chambers
  • Reduces transparency around full spectrum of responses
  • Limits exposure to alternative viewpoints
  • Obscures important critiques or debate
  • Disincentivizes constructive disagreement

There are fair critiques that hiding dulls social media’s role as a public forum. But users must have ways to protect themselves and moderate unavoidable abuse at scale.

The solution likely involves finding the right equilibrium between visibility and management. Clear guidelines, thoughtful use, and continued examination of impacts will allow hideable replies to benefit online engagement rather than undermining it through unchecked censorship.


Hiding social media replies allows users to remove disruptive, irrelevant, or abusive responses from public view without fully deleting them. All major platforms now offer the feature, though specific methods vary. Usage data shows millions utilizing hideable replies to curate discussions and protect themselves from harassment. However, excessive hiding can also enable echo chambers, idea suppression, and lack of accountability. Those who engage heavily with audiences on social platforms should take particular care in balancing visibility with management of their online conversations through hidden replies. Overall, hideable responses seem poised to become a standard part of social media interaction. But communities, platforms, and users must continue shaping norms and best practices around hiding’s appropriate role in public digital discourse.