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How do you give a Muslim name?

How do you give a Muslim name?

What is the significance of Muslim names?

The name given to a Muslim child is considered very important in Islamic tradition. Muslims believe that a child’s name should have a good meaning as it can influence the child’s character and personality. A child’s name is also seen as a reflection of the parents’ values and hopes for the child’s future. Some key points regarding Muslim names:

  • Muslim names often have Arabic origins and meanings drawn from the Quran.
  • Names of prophets and holy figures like Muhammad, Isa (Jesus), Musa (Moses) are popular.
  • It is recommended to pick a name with a praiseworthy meaning, e.g. Abdallah (“Servant of Allah”).
  • Many Muslim names include the phrase “Abd” meaning “servant” or “slave” as Muslims believe they are servants of Allah.

Giving a child a beautiful, meaningful name is thus considered an important responsibility of Muslim parents. The name is believed to chart the child’s path in life and remind them of their Islamic identity.

What are the sources for Muslim names?

Muslim parents have several traditional sources they can refer to when choosing a name for their newborn:

  • The Quran – Many common Muslim names come directly from the Quran or are derived from Quranic words and meanings. Names of prophets mentioned in the Quran like Adam, Nuh (Noah), Musa (Moses) etc are popular.
  • Names of Companions of the Prophet Muhammad – Names like Abu Bakr, Umar, Ali etc given to companions and family members of the Prophet are commonly used.
  • Arabic vocabulary – Muslim names often have Arabic origins since it is the language of the Quran. Arabic words with good meanings are adapted as names.
  • The 99 Names of Allah – These describe the attributes of God in Islam and common ones include Rahman (Merciful), Rasheed (Rightly Guided), Sameer (Entertainer) etc.
  • Family names – In many Muslim cultures, a family naming pattern is followed and children are named after ancestors.

Researching the meanings and sources of potential names is an important part of the selection process for observant Muslim parents.

What are some customs around giving a Muslim name?

There are some traditional customs and practices associated with picking and giving a Muslim name:

  • It is recommended to name the child on the seventh day after birth, although it is permissible to do so earlier.
  • A naming ceremony known as Aqiqah is typically held where the child’s head is shaved and the weight of the removed hair in silver is donated to charity.
  • The father or grandfather of the child typically chooses the name, which is then announced to family and friends.
  • It is sunnah to name a child after consulting with the child’s mother, as Khadija was consulted by Prophet Muhammad before naming their children.
  • Two names are often picked – one long name, and a shorter nickname used more regularly.

However, these traditions may vary across communities and cultures. The main requirement is to pick a name that carries a good meaning.

What are common Muslim names for boys?

Some of the most popular Muslim names for boys are:

  • Muhammad – The name of the final prophet. It means “praiseworthy”.
  • Ali – The name of Prophet Muhammad’s son-in-law. It means “exalted, noble”.
  • Yusuf – The Quranic name for the prophet Joseph. It means “God gives”.
  • Yasin – A chapter of the Quran. It means “ease, affluence”.
  • Ibrahim – The Quranic name for the prophet Abraham. It means “father of multitudes”.
  • Ahmad – One of Prophet Muhammad’s names. It means “most praiseworthy”.
  • Ayyub – The Quranic name for the prophet Job. It means “repentant”.
  • Dawood – The Quranic name for the prophet David. It means “beloved”.
  • Harun – The Quranic name for the prophet Aaron. It means “mountaineer”.
  • Musa – The Quranic name for the prophet Moses. It means “drawn from water”.

These are traditional names with Quranic significance that have retained their popularity across generations.

What are common Muslim names for girls?

Some beautiful and common Muslim names for girls are:

  • Fatima – Daughter of Prophet Muhammad. It means “abstainer”.
  • Aisha – Wife of Prophet Muhammad. It means “alive, well-living”.
  • Maryam – The Quranic name for Mary, mother of Jesus. It means “servant of God”.
  • Aaliyah – It means “high, exalted”.
  • Hana – It means “bliss, happiness”.
  • Leila/Laila – It means “night”.
  • Yasmin – Derived from jasmine flower. It means “gift from God”.
  • Hawa – The Islamic name for Eve. It means “life”.
  • Iman – It means “faith, belief”.
  • Amina – It means “honest, trustworthy”.

Like boy names, common girl names often have links to key Islamic personalities or draw upon positive Arabic vocabulary.

Are there any naming restrictions in Islam?

Islam does not prohibit any particular names, but there are some naming practices that are discouraged:

  • Names that imply servitude to anything other than God – so Abdul (servant of) anyone other than Allah is not permitted.
  • Insulting, vulgar or obscene names.
  • Names that disregard cultural and societal sensitivities – for example Popstar, Baby etc.
  • Names of gods or deities other than Allah.
  • Names that have a blasphemous or negative connotation.

Scholars advise sticking to names that have an honorable meaning and significance in Islamic tradition and history. Names should also fit within the cultural context.

Can you change an inappropriate given name?

According to Islamic teachings, it is permissible and recommended to change a name if it has an inappropriate or bad meaning. Reasons warranting a name change include:

  • The name has a derogatory, insulting or blasphemous meaning.
  • The name reflects servitude to someone other than Allah.
  • The person bearing the name experiences distress and difficulty due to it.
  • The name does not conform to community and cultural norms.

In such cases, scholars advise renaming with something more suitable. The new name should follow Islamic guidelines – having a good meaning and significance. The renaming process varies across communities but usually involves publicly announcing and officializing the new name.

What is the meaning behind common name prefixes/suffixes?

Many Muslim names include recurring prefixes and suffixes that have specific meanings:

Name Prefix/Suffix Meaning Examples
Abd / Abdullah Servant or slave of Allah Abdul Rahman, Abdullah
Abdur Servant of the… Abdur Rasheed (servant of the rightly guided)
-Uddin / -Eddine Faith, religion Noureddine (light of religion)
-ul Of the… Rasul (messenger of…)

These common components allow Muslim names to take on deeper meanings related to spirituality and faith.

How do you choose a meaningful name for a Muslim child?

Here are some tips for choosing a meaningful Muslim name for your child:

  • Research name meanings and select something praising of Allah or positive attributes.
  • Look to Quranic names of prophets and holy figures as they have special significance.
  • Consider names of your ancestors or important people in your family history.
  • Incorporate rhyming elements or wordplay for a poetic touch.
  • Make sure it follows cultural naming conventions and is easy to pronounce.
  • Get input from your spouse as they will also use the name frequently.
  • Say the name aloud and imagine calling your child by this name through life.

An ideal Muslim name resonates beautifully, carries profound meaning and honors your faith’s traditions – so take your time and choose wisely!

How do you select culturally appropriate Muslim names?

Choosing a name suited to your cultural context is important in Islam. Here are some tips:

  • Research common names in your ethnic background and community.
  • Understand name meanings and connotations in your native language.
  • Get input from elders, family and friends on suitable name options.
  • Avoid names that are difficult for your community to understand or pronounce.
  • Consider generational naming conventions and family customs.
  • Think about nicknames and whether the long form suits your region.
  • Be open-minded – some non-Arabic names also have good meanings.

Keeping culture in mind allows you to pick something fitting your society while retaining Islamic significance. Think globally but act locally when selecting your child’s special name!


Naming a child is an important Islamic practice as the name acquires spiritual meaning and influence. Muslim parents often look to Quranic scripture, prophets and Arabic vocabulary in choosing beautiful names for their children. Although customs vary across different regions and cultures, the core aim is selecting a meaningful name that brings blessings to the child’s life. With the right intention and research, Muslim parents can find the perfect fitting name for their little one.