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How do you get your story on ABC News?

How do you get your story on ABC News?

Getting your story featured on a major news network like ABC News can seem like a daunting task. As one of the “big three” national broadcast networks in the United States, ABC News reaches millions of viewers across the country and around the world. Having your story broadcast on ABC News can bring major exposure, credibility, and public attention to your cause or issue. However, with so many stories competing for limited airtime, it can be challenging to stand out and convince producers to cover your story. This article will provide tips, best practices, and insights into how to increase your chances of getting your story on ABC News.

Do Your Research

The first key is doing thorough research on ABC News, its programming, and the types of stories they cover. Be sure to:

  • Watch ABC News programs like Good Morning America, World News Tonight, 20/20, and Nightline to analyze the types of stories and reporting styles featured.
  • Read and watch ABC News digital content at to understand their approach to online news.
  • Follow ABC News social media accounts to get a sense of emerging stories they are covering.
  • Identify specific ABC News journalists and reporters that cover news topics relevant to your story.

This research will help you tailor your pitch and approach in a way that fits the focus and style of ABC News. It’s important to be targeted instead of taking a spray and pray approach.

Build Relationships with Journalists

Connecting directly with ABC News journalists and producers is key for getting your story on their radar. Some tips for developing these relationships include:

  • Identify journalists that cover topics aligned with your story and follow them on social media.
  • Comment on their social media posts and share their content to establish familiarity.
  • Send them occasional story suggestions or tips that would be good fits for their beat.
  • Meet them in person at industry networking events and conferences.
  • Let them know you are available as an expert source for future stories in your field.

Over time, they will become more familiar with you and more likely to engage. The personal touch goes a long way.

Craft a Compelling Pitch

When you have a specific story you want ABC News to cover, you need an attention-grabbing pitch. Some tips for creating a great pitch include:

  • Lead with a strong news hook explaining why the story matters now.
  • Summarize the most important details and information up front.
  • Include visuals like photos or videos that help bring the story to life.
  • Tailor the angle based on the specific journalist/program you are pitching.
  • Follow up with a phone call to further discuss and answer any questions.

The goal is to demonstrate news value and your reliability as a source. Make their job easier by doing a lot of the legwork for them.

Leverage News of the Day

Timing your pitch to coincide with breaking news or trending stories can increase your chances of coverage. If your story provides analysis, context, or a unique angle on topics dominating the current news cycle, producers will take more interest.

You can also look for upcoming events, anniversaries, or awareness days related to your story and use them as news pegs for your pitch. Aligning with what’s already capturing national attention gives you momentum.

Provide Local Connections

While ABC News is focused on national stories, offering strong local angles can help generate interest. Highlighting how your story impacts specific areas of the country or connects to regional issues and voices makes it more compelling.

For instance, featuring perspectives from ABC affiliates in strategic markets hit harder by your issue can capture their attention. Local stats, events, and visuals also strengthen your pitch.

Have a Broad Reach

ABC News will be more inclined to cover stories that have a broad national scope and resonance. Even if based locally, find ways to showcase how your story has much wider relevance and relates to broader trends or policy debates.

Back up claims about national importance with data and statistics demonstrating the large-scale impact across the U.S. The more you can prove a large viewership will connect with the story, the better.

Build a Grassroots Coalition

A show of broad, grassroots support for your cause or issue can help sway producers to cover your story. Building a coalition of partners including prominent organizations, influencers, policymakers, companies, and community leaders that endorse your efforts goes a long way.

Activating this group to directly reach out to ABC News simultaneously about your story and its importance creates more urgency and pressure to cover it. A coordinated social media campaign also amplifies your platform.

Persist and Follow Up

Securing news coverage often requires persistence over an extended period of time. If your initial pitch goes unanswered, find ways to revise the angle and continue following up. Developing new story pegs tied to current events or finding fresh data showing momentum are ways to demonstrate your story has legs.

Being politely persistent while also recognizing and respecting the realities of a hectic newsroom will serve you well. Consistency and professionalism pay off.


Earning a spot on a top news outlet like ABC requires research, relationship building, compelling pitches, and persistence. Focus on crafting stories anchored in timely news and national significance. Make yourself a reliable resource to journalists in your field. Target specific programs and reporters with personalized, focused pitches. Capitalize on related trending news and big events. Rally grassroots support to demonstrate widespread demand for your story.

With preparation and dedication over time, your story can capture the attention of major national news networks and gain influential exposure. Keep honing your approach and don’t get discouraged by initial rejections. The news cycle is always evolving so be ready to jump on the right opportunities when they emerge.

Step Action Item
1 Research ABC News programming and journalists
2 Build relationships with relevant journalists
3 Craft a compelling, targeted pitch
4 Time your pitch to news of the day
5 Highlight local connections
6 Emphasize broad national relevance
7 Mobilize a grassroots coalition
8 Persist and follow up over time

Getting a story covered on major national news like ABC News can significantly bolster the profile and impact of an issue. But it requires time, strategic planning, and persistence. Do your homework on their programming and talent. Build authentic relationships with journalists over time. Frame compelling pitches around newsworthy pegs. Demonstrate the broad relevance of your story. Mobilize partners to help create buzz. And don’t take initial rejections personally. Maintain friendly, polite outreach and be ready to adjust your approach. With concerted effort over an extended campaign, you can greatly improve your chances of success.

News producers at ABC News see hundreds of story pitches cross their desks each day. Breaking through takes creativity, thoughtfulness, and tenacity. Keep refining your skills at crafting targeted and timely pitches. Make yourself a trusted contact for reporters by providing them with helpful news tips and insights. And look for ways to integrate local connections and national significance into your stories. By becoming a valuable long-term resource for journalists, ABC News will be much more likely to turn to you the next time they are searching for compelling segments that engage their audience.

Major news outlets like ABC News provide unmatched platforms for increasing awareness, driving action, and elevating important stories. But earning substantial coverage requires diligence and dedication over an extended timeframe. Make pitches personalized and demonstrate direct relevance for specific journalists and programs. Offer unique angles anchored to breaking news and timely pegs. Showcase real-world impacts at both the local and national levels. Mobilize a diverse base of partners to amplify your message. Follow up persistently while also respecting busy newsrooms. And be ready to constantly refine your approach based on feedback and the ever-changing news landscape.

Securing impactful media coverage is a significant challenge that requires patience and persistence. But strategic planning, preparations and relationship building will help streamline your efforts. Start by thoroughly researching your target outlets and reporters to identify relevant beats and coverage tendencies. Make initial connections by engaging with them on social media and sharing relevant story tips. Maintain friendly contact over time without overdoing outreach. Monitor the news cycle closely for opportunities to pitch new developments and angles related to ongoing headline stories. Frame your pitches around timely news hooks that make the story feel relevant and urgent for today. And don’t take rejections personally or as the final verdict. Consider feedback, adjust your approach, and find fresh ways to reinvigorate their interest down the road. With dedication and creativity, you can get your issue in front of millions of viewers.

Media exposure on leading news outlets can be a game changer for promoting important causes. But weathering the fierce competition for airtime requires savvy strategy and unrelenting effort. Make yourself a trusted partner to journalists by providing story ideas, data, and sources relevant to their beat. Maintain friendly, mutually beneficial relationships over time. Understand which platforms and personalities align best with your issue. Monitor the news agenda closely to spot opportunities to pitch timely angles. Craft focused pitches framed around newsy pegs. Don’t take rejections personally; persist and continually refine your approach. Mobilize partners to demonstrate momentum and urgency. Success requires playing the long game, evolving tactics, and tenacity. With concerted outreach and valuable resources, you can greatly enhance your chances of impactful coverage.

In today’s saturated media landscape, it’s harder than ever to get your story picked up by major news outlets. But with persistence and a strategic approach, it can be done. The first step is thoroughly researching your target publication – get to know who covers what beats and how they like to receive pitches. Start building relationships with key journalists through social media engagement and providing helpful story suggestions. Monitor the news cycle closely for opportunities to offer timely angles and commentary related to trending stories. Prepare pitches highlighting the national significance, local angles and real-world impacts of your issue. And mobilize partners to demonstrate the importance and urgency of your story. Accept that rejection is likely but don’t get discouraged – persistently follow up with fresh pegs and perspectives. Success requires resilience, creativity and evolving your tactics over a sustained campaign. But with dedication, you can earn influential coverage that drives meaningful change.

Getting on the radar of influential news outlets is a persistent process that relies on relationship building, tenacity and showcasing newsworthiness. Thoroughly research your target publication’s content and audiences to tailor pitches accordingly. Start making connections with reporters through social media engagement and sharing relevant story ideas. Look for opportunities to provide analysis or commentary that ties into the news cycle. Frame compelling pitches that clearly demonstrate the broad relevance and local impacts of your story. Mobilize a diverse coalition of partners to help create buzz and urgency. Don’t be discouraged by rejections – persistently revise your angle and follow up. Be a patient, reliable resource by providing helpful information and sources. With time and continued effort, you can convince editors your story deserves coverage.

Pitches that stand out rely on compelling storytelling, fresh angles, and strategic timing. Understand the target publication’s editorial mix and priorities. Identify specific journalists covering issues related to your cause. Research insights into their interests and the types of pitches they respond to. Monitor trending topics in the news cycle for timely tie-ins. Localize the story through regional statistics, perspectives and events. Mobilize partners to demonstrate momentum. Frame the pitch around a persuasive news hook and prominent, newsy details up top. Follow up promptly to initial queries. Accept rejection gracefully and re-approach from new angles. Avoid frustration and be a persistent, friendly partner over time. With compelling hooks, tailored outreach and tenacity, you can earn influential coverage.

Securing coverage in national outlets is a challenging but achievable goal with consistent effort. The first steps are thoroughly researching the target publication and building relationships with key journalists. Monitor trending news topics to identify opportunities for timely commentary or analysis. Craft pitches focused on national relevance, local color and real-world impacts. Mobilize partners to demonstrate importance and urgency. Persist through rejections by pitching fresh angles. Provide helpful news tips to build rapport. Avoid mass-blasting impersonal pitches. Instead, personalize and tailor your approach to resonate with specific reporters. Sustained relationship building and evolving story angles are keys to success. With compelling hooks and tenacious follow-ups, you can eventually convince editors to share your story.

Earning media coverage takes time, but these tips can help streamline your efforts:

– Do your homework on the publication’s focus, voices and audience. Tailor pitches accordingly.

– Build authentic relationships with journalists over time. Follow them on social media, share relevant articles, provide helpful news tips.

– Monitor trending topics for opportunities to offer related commentary and analysis. Tie pitches to timely news hooks.

– Localize stories through regional statistics, events and viewpoints. Offer local color within the national context.

– Mobilize partners and influencers to demonstrate momentum and importance.

– Frame pitches around the most prominent details. Summarize key points up top.

– Follow up promptly to initial journalist queries. Provide additional details and sources.

– Persist through rejections with new angles tied to evolving current events.

– Avoid mass pitching. Personalize and target specific journalists.

– Be patient and don’t take rejections personally. Success takes sustained effort over time.

Major media coverage can significantly magnify your issue’s reach and impact. It’s a long game that requires strategy, persistence and evolving tactics. Do your homework on outlets’ priorities and audiences. Build rapport with journalists through helpful news tips and providing informed commentary. Monitor the news cycle for timely hooks. Localize your pitch where possible. Rally influencer support to demonstrate urgency. Refine your angle and follow up if initial pitches falter. Avoid mass outreach; personalize pitches to specific reporters’ interests. Persist politely through rejections. With compelling storytelling and tenacious relationship building, you can eventually convince editors to cover your cause.

News outlets receive a daily barrage of pitches vying for coverage. Breaking through takes preparation, relationship building and showcasing newsworthiness. Research the target publication’s focus, voices, and audience. Follow key journalists on social media and share relevant articles. Provide helpful news tips within their beat. Monitor trending topics for timely tie-ins and commentary opportunities. Localize pitches through regional angles and data. Frame compelling top-line details and summaries. Follow up promptly to queries. If rejected, persist with fresh angles tied to evolving current events. Avoid mass pitching and personalize outreach. Success is often a long game requiring sustained effort. With strategic pitching and partnerships over time, you can eventually convince editors to share your important story.

Securing coverage in top-tier news outlets is extremely competitive but possible with diligence. Begin by thoroughly researching your target publication – its focus, tone, journalists and audience. Start building relationships with reporters by engaging on social media, sharing relevant articles and providing helpful news tips. Closely track the news cycle for opportunities to pitch timely angles and analysis of trending stories. Localize your pitch with regional statistics, events and voices. Rally influential partners to help demonstrate the story’s importance. Carefully craft pitches highlighting the most prominent details up top. Follow up promptly to queries. Persist politely if initially rejected by pitching fresh angles over time. Avoid mass pitching and personalize outreach to specific journalists. Success often requires sustained effort and relationship building. But compelling storytelling paired with strategic pitching can eventually earn coverage.

Media exposure can be a powerful force for issues aspiring for national prominence. But major coverage must be earned through savvy strategy and relentless effort. The keys are researching news outlets’ priorities; building partnerships with influencers and advocates; monitoring the news cycle closely; localizing stories through on-the-ground perspectives; crafting focused, timely pitches; mobilizing coalitions to create urgency; and persisting politely through rejections by continually adjusting the angle. With compelling and evolving storytelling backed by grassroots momentum, you can eventually convince busy editors to amplify your cause. Stay resilient, creative and laser-focused on showcasing significance. In time, preparation and dedication will pay off with impactful coverage placing your issue on the national stage.