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How do you get the rainbow react on Facebook?

How do you get the rainbow react on Facebook?

The rainbow react is a special reaction that Facebook rolled out in celebration of Pride month in June 2021. When reacting to a post with the rainbow, it shows a rainbow emoji rather than the usual thumbs up, heart, laugh, sad, or angry emojis.

What is the rainbow react?

The rainbow react is a special reaction emoji that shows a rainbow when reacting to a Facebook post or comment. It was introduced by Facebook in June 2021 for Pride month, as a way to show support for the LGBTQ+ community on the platform.

When you use the rainbow reaction, a rainbow emoji will display next to your name, rather than the usual thumbs up, heart, laugh, sad or angry emoji reactions. It helps users easily show Pride, support for the LGBTQ+ community, and celebrate love during Pride month.

When is the rainbow react available on Facebook?

The rainbow reaction is only available on Facebook during the month of June, to coincide with LGBTQ+ Pride month celebrations around the world.

Facebook first introduced it in June 2021, and brought it back again for Pride month in June 2022. It is expected to return each June for Pride month moving forward.

Outside of June, the rainbow reaction is not available. The usual reactions remain the same – thumbs up, heart, laugh, sad and angry.

How do you use the rainbow reaction on Facebook?

Using the rainbow reaction is simple when it is available during Pride month in June. Just follow these steps:

  1. Click on the ‘Reactions’ icon below a post or comment.
  2. Select the rainbow reaction from the list of available reactions.
  3. The rainbow emoji will now display next to your name, showing you have reacted with Pride.

The rainbow reaction functions just like the standard reactions on Facebook. You can use it to react to posts, comments, photos, videos and more.

Your rainbow reaction will be visible to anyone who can see the post you reacted to. It’s a public show of support.

Who can see your rainbow reaction?

When you react with a rainbow emoji, it is publicly visible to anyone who can view the post or comment you reacted to. This includes:

  • The author of the post/comment
  • Their Facebook friends/followers
  • Anyone else who can see the post based on its privacy settings

So your rainbow reaction is a public show of support – just like a standard thumbs up or heart react. Keep this in mind when deciding what to rainbow react to.

Can you rainbow react to your own posts?

Yes, you can rainbow react to your own Facebook posts and comments during Pride month. This lets you show Pride in what you have posted.

When you react to your own post with a rainbow, it functions the same as another user reacting. The rainbow emoji will display next to your name for all to see.

Rainbow reacting your own content is a great way to celebrate Pride if you have shared LGBTQ+ related posts, photos from Pride events, or transgender coming out announcements.

What happens when Pride month ends?

The rainbow reaction is only available during the month of June for Pride. After June 30, the rainbow reaction will no longer display as an option when reacting to Facebook posts and comments.

Any rainbow reactions used during Pride month will remain visible on posts, but users will no longer be able to rainbow react to new content. The usual reaction emojis – thumbs up, heart, laugh, sad and angry – will return.

Essentially the rainbow reaction disappears until the following June, when Facebook brings it back to celebrate Pride month again. Any rainbows used previously will still show.

Can pages use the rainbow reaction?

Yes! Facebook pages can join in celebrating Pride month by reacting with rainbows.

When reacting from a Facebook page, the rainbow reaction works the same as reacting from a personal profile. The rainbow emoji will display next to the page’s name when they react.

Pages can rainbow react to show their LGBTQ+ Pride and support too. Many leading brands and companies now do this across their social channels for Pride month.

Does the rainbow reaction show up on Facebook apps?

The rainbow reaction is available across the Facebook ecosystem when it is enabled in June, including:

  • Facebook web browser interface on desktop/laptop
  • Facebook mobile app on Android and iOS
  • Facebook Lite app

So if you are accessing Facebook via the website, official app or Facebook Lite app, you’ll be able to use and see the rainbow reaction during Pride month.

It also displays across all platforms, like on tablets and Facebook on mobile browsers. Facebook wants to provide a consistent experience with the rainbow reaction across their platform.

Is there a character limit for rainbow reactions?

No, there is no character limit for using the rainbow reaction on Facebook posts or comments. You can use it as many times as you want.

Some key things to note:

  • You are unable to react multiple times with a rainbow to the same piece of content. Only one rainbow react per user per post/comment.
  • Excessively spamming the rainbow reaction on unrelated posts could be seen as abusive by Facebook.
  • Pages may be limited on how frequently they can post and react, based on Facebook’s algorithms.

But for general genuine use, reacting with multiple rainbows to different posts, comments and your own content is perfectly fine. There are no hard limits or restrictions.

Does the number of rainbow reactions matter?

The number of rainbow reactions a post receives does not directly impact how Facebook’s algorithm treats the post. Facebook has not stated it gives any preference based on high rainbow reaction counts.

However, a high number of rainbow reactions can potentially:

  • Indicate the post resonates with the LGBTQ+ community and allies.
  • Show people support the social cause behind the post.
  • Drive further reactions, comments and shares as people notice the existing rainbows.

So while they may not influence the algorithm directly, more rainbows can sometimes help a post gain more overall engagement. But they do not guarantee increased reach on their own.

Can you search for rainbow reacted posts?

Unfortunately there is currently no way to easily search for or filter Facebook posts that have been reacted to with rainbows.

Facebook does not provide any tools to search, browse or filter rainbow reacted content. The rainbows are only visible on posts you already have access to.

Some potential ways to find rainbow reacted posts include:

  • Looking through posts from LGBTQ+ friends, family, pages and groups
  • Checking recent posts you have already reacted with a rainbow to
  • Browsing hashtags like #Pride, #PrideMonth and #RainbowReact

But there is no specific rainbow reaction search function. You need to find the posts organically or already be engaging with them.

Who can add the rainbow reaction?

Any active Facebook user can react using the rainbow emoji during Pride month, regardless of gender, interests or any other factor.

Adding the rainbow reaction is not restricted. All users who can actively react and comment on Facebook posts can choose the rainbow option when it is available in June.

The rainbow reaction also displays universally across all platforms – desktop, mobile and apps. So anyone on Facebook can join in showing their Pride support.

Can Pages rainbow react on behalf of users?

No – Facebook Page accounts can’t react with a rainbow on behalf of individual users. They can only rainbow react from their branded Page identity.

Here are the specifics on how Pages can and can’t use the rainbow reaction:

  • Pages can react from their own Page account – this shows a rainbow by the Page name.
  • Pages cannot react as the personal accounts of their individual admins/editors/creators.
  • Pages cannot react on behalf of followers who have granted posting access.

Reacting from a Page only ever shows the reaction under the Page name, no matter who is posting. Facebook designed it this way to prevent impersonation and misrepresentation.

Can you get banned for misusing rainbow reacts?

It’s unlikely you would get banned purely for misusing rainbow reactions, but it is discouraged by Facebook.

Here are some misuse cases that could potentially prompt warnings or bans:

  • Spamming rainbow reacts on many unrelated posts, to troll or annoy users.
  • Using rainbow reacts to harass targeted users across many of their posts.
  • Rainbow reacting on posts/pages that actively oppose LGBTQ+ rights, to troll.
  • Creating fake accounts purely to blanket rainbow react to many posts in bulk.

As a general rule, use the rainbow appropriately and sincerely. It’s meant to show genuine Pride, not antagonize. Avoid spamming it excessively. Bans typically require reported and verified misuse.

Is there a rainbow for Facebook groups?

Currently the rainbow reaction on Facebook only applies to posts and comments – it does not extend to group content.

There is no specific rainbow join button or reactions for groups themselves. However, group members can still use the rainbow reaction within their group, on posts, comments and images shared to the group.

Group admins also cannot customize join reactions. Facebook has not yet provided rainbow options for groups themselves. Using the reaction within group content is still a way to show Pride.


The rainbow reaction on Facebook provides a special way for users to show their Pride, support for the LGBTQ+ community, and celebrate love during Pride month each June. It temporarily replaces the usual reactions with a colorful rainbow.

To use it, simply update Facebook in June and tap the rainbow reaction just like any other. Remember it’s public and temporary. Use it to spread joy and good vibes, not antagonize. And look for it across posts from friends, family, brands and more.

The rainbow react promotes inclusion, diversity and human connection. It brings vibrancy to the platform and reminds us we all have more in common than we realize. Look forward to unlocking yours next Pride month!

Platform Availability
Facebook Web Yes
Facebook Mobile App Yes
Facebook Lite Yes
Messenger No
Instagram No
Type Who can react Visibility
Personal Profiles All Users Public
Pages Admins/Editors Public
Groups Members Within Group Only

When is the rainbow reaction available?

  • June – For Pride Month
  • Not available rest of year
  • Returns each June

Who can see your rainbow reaction?

  • Author of Post/Comment
  • Author’s Friends/Followers
  • Anyone Post is Visible To
  • Public Like Standard Reactions

Rainbow Reaction FAQs

Can I search for rainbow reacted posts?

No search or filter tools available currently. Need to find organically.

Do more rainbows help a post’s reach?

No direct algorithm impact but can drive engagement.

Can Pages rainbow react for users?

No, only from the Page name itself.

Can you get banned for misusing it?

Possible with excessive spam or clear trolling.