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How do you get the author badge on Facebook comments?

How do you get the author badge on Facebook comments?

Getting the author badge on Facebook comments indicates that you are the original creator of a post. The blue author badge helps distinguish your comments from others and shows your authority on the content.

What is the Facebook author badge?

The Facebook author badge is a small blue icon that appears next to your name when you comment on your own post. The badge helps identify you as the original author of the content.

When you create a post on Facebook, whether it’s a status update, shared link, photo, or video, you will get the author badge when commenting on that post. The badge does not appear when you comment on posts created by others.

Identifying original posters

The author badge makes it easy to identify who originally created a post when there are many comments. It shows other users that you have authority on the content since you were the one who posted it.

This helps prevent confusion in comment threads, especially on viral posts that receive thousands of comments from various users. The author badge quickly shows who the real original poster (OP) is.

Building credibility

Having the author badge on your comments can help build your credibility. It shows you are the source of the content and an expert on the topic.

Other users will see your author badge in comments and associate you with creating high-quality, engaging posts. This can build your reputation over time.

Who can get the Facebook author badge?

The Facebook author badge automatically appears for the original poster of content. However, there are some rules on who can get the author badge and when it will show up.

Page owners and editors

For Facebook Pages, the badge appears for page owners and editors when they comment on posts published by their Page. This shows their official status representing that Page.

The badge does not appear for other users who manage or moderate the Page but are not owners/editors. The badge is reserved for official representatives only.

Group admins and moderators

For Groups, the author badge can appear for administrators and moderators when they comment on their own posts.

However, sometimes the badge does not show up automatically. Group admins and mods need to manually enable the badge on their comments if it does not appear.

Personal profiles

For regular personal profiles, the author badge only shows up for the original poster on their own content. Other users do not get the badge when commenting on posts created by a personal profile, even if they manage that profile.

Shared content

If you share someone else’s post on your profile or Page, you do not get the author badge when commenting. The badge only shows up for whoever originally created the content.

The badge remains with the original author no matter how many times the content gets shared by others.

How to get the author badge on personal posts

Getting the author badge on your own posts from your personal Facebook profile is simple:

Create an original post

First, create a new post on your timeline. This could be a status update, shared link, video, photo, or any other content.

As the original poster, your name will automatically have the author badge when you comment on this post later.

Comment on your post

Once you have published your original post, comment on the post. This could be replying to another user’s comment or simply adding your own thoughts.

The author badge should now appear next to your name automatically without you having to do anything else.

Badge always displays

Once enabled, the author badge will automatically show up every time you comment on that post in the future. You maintain the badge as the OP even if the post goes viral.

How to get the badge on Page posts

Page owners, editors, and certain managers can get the author badge on posts from their Facebook Pages:

Post as the Page

First, create a post while logged in and posting as your Page. Make sure you are in the Page’s identity, not your personal profile.

You can post status updates, links, videos, photos, or any other content just like on a personal profile.

Comment as the Page

After publishing the post, go back and comment on it while still in the Page’s identity. This will trigger the author badge to appear next to the Page name.

Switching identities

Be sure to distinguish when you are commenting as the Page versus as your personal profile. Switch between identities by using the account selector in the top right.

The badge will only show up when commenting specifically as the Page on its own post.

How to get the badge in Groups

Getting the author badge in Facebook Groups involves a couple extra steps for Group admins and moderators:

Post in the Group

First, create a new post within the Group as usual. Make sure you are posting in the Group, not on your personal timeline.

As the original poster, you can get the author badge when commenting.

Enable the badge

Unlike on personal profiles and Pages, the badge does NOT appear automatically in Groups. As an admin or moderator, you have to manually enable it.

When commenting on your post, click the “…” icon and select “Turn on Author Badge” in the dropdown menu.

Repeat for other posts

You have to enable the author badge each time you comment on your new posts in the Group. It does not stay enabled permanently like on other parts of Facebook.

When does the badge NOT appear?

While the author badge shows up in most cases, there are some exceptions where it does not appear even if you are the original poster:

Shared posts

If you reshare someone else’s post on your profile, you do not get the author badge. The badge remains with the original content creator.

This applies even if you add your own text or comments when sharing the post.

Posts in closed Groups

In closed Facebook Groups that require approval to join, mods and admins do not get the author badge. Only members see the badge for their own posts and comments in closed Groups.

Linked third-party apps

If you link a third-party app to your Facebook account and post through that, the author badge may not show up. For example, posting via Spotify or Instagram.

The badge only appears when posting directly through Facebook itself, not connected apps.

Facebook Live videos

If you go live on Facebook and your video is shared to your timeline, commenting on that video will not give you the author badge. The badge only works on standard posts.

Posts older than 5 years

On rare occasions, the badge may not appear on very old posts. If the original post is over 5 years old, Facebook’s system may not recognize you as the OP.

Why is my badge not showing up?

In some cases, the Facebook author badge may fail to appear when you expect it to. Here are some potential reasons:

Not the original author

Double check that you are indeed the one who first posted the content. The badge will not show up if you are commenting on a post created by someone else.

Wrong account or identity

Ensure you are commenting as the same profile or Page that published the post in the first place. Switching to a different identity will prevent the badge from appearing.

Leaving then rejoining a Group

If you leave a Group then rejoin later, you may lose the author badge on your old posts from when you were previously part of that Group.

Facebook glitch

Sometimes a minor technical glitch prevents the badge from loading. Try refreshing the page or posting a follow-up comment. Usually the badge will appear on subsequent comments.

Badge never enabled

In Groups, make sure you manually enabled the author badge on comments in the “…” menu. Unlike other areas of Facebook, it does not enable automatically.

Restricted by post privacy

If your original post is set to Friends Only or a limited audience, your badge may not appear to other users who cannot view the post. Make sure the post is Public.

What about Verified and Featured badges?

In addition to the author badge, Facebook has a couple other badges that may appear:

Verified badge

A blue checkmark next to your name means your profile is officially verified by Facebook as a public figure, celebrity, brand or business. This is different than the author badge.

Featured commenter badge

If the original poster highlights your comment, a “Featured” badge can temporarily appear next to your name. This shows your comment was called out but does not indicate you created the post.


The Facebook author badge helps identify who originally created a post and their authority over the content. It appears next to your name automatically when you comment on posts from your personal profile, Page, or Group as the original poster. Make sure to comment using the same account that published the post in order to get the badge. It builds credibility and reflects your role as the authoritative source of the content.