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How do you get rid of videos on watch on Facebook?

How do you get rid of videos on watch on Facebook?

Facebook Watch allows users to view videos posted by Pages and profiles they follow. Over time, the videos you watch can build up on your Watch feed. If your Watch feed is cluttered with videos you no longer want to see, you have a few options to get rid of them. This article will explain the different ways to remove videos from your Facebook Watch feed and stop videos from appearing again.

Why Remove Videos from Facebook Watch?

Here are some common reasons you may want to get rid of videos on your Facebook Watch feed:

  • Your feed is cluttered with old videos you’ve already watched or aren’t interested in anymore.
  • A video contains content you find offensive or inappropriate.
  • You’re no longer interested in videos from a particular person, Page or publisher.
  • You want to clean up your Watch history and preferences to improve video recommendations.
  • You don’t want certain videos showing up in your feed when others can view your screen.

Removing videos can give you a fresh start on Facebook Watch and help tailor your video feed to your current interests.

How to Remove an Individual Video from Facebook Watch

If there’s a specific video in your Watch feed you want to get rid of, here’s how to remove it:

  1. Go to the video post on your Watch feed.
  2. Click on the three-dot More menu in the upper right corner of the video.
  3. Select “Not Interested in this Video” from the menu.

This will immediately remove the video from your feed. Facebook uses your feedback to avoid showing you similar videos in the future.

You can also access this menu directly from your Watch feed without opening the video. Hover over a video and click the three-dot button that appears.

This is the quickest way to get rid of a single video you don’t want to see. Use it to prune your feed of one-off videos that don’t interest you.

Remove Videos from a Person, Page or Publisher

If you want to stop seeing videos from a particular person, Page or publisher, you can take these steps:

  1. Go to the person, Page or publisher’s profile.
  2. Click on the three-dot More menu in the cover photo.
  3. Choose “Unfollow.”

This stops videos from that person or Page appearing in your Watch feed. You’ll no longer see new video posts from their profile.

However, this doesn’t remove old videos you’ve already watched from them. To clear those out too, try the next option.

Clear Your Watch History

Facebook maintains a history of all the videos you’ve watched. Your Watch feed is influenced by this history in addition to your interests and follows.

To give your feed a fresh start, you can clear your Watch history:

  1. Go to the Menu (three line icon) > Settings & Privacy > Settings.
  2. Select “Videos” from the left sidebar.
  3. Click “Clear Watch History” at the bottom of the page.

This will wipe your Watch history clean. Videos you’ve seen before will no longer have an impact on your video recommendations.

You can also clear your search history on this page to remove influence from past video searches.

Clearing your history gives Facebook a clean slate to recommend videos based solely on your interests and follows. But it doesn’t permanently block any videos.

Block Videos from a Person, Page or Publisher

For a stronger way to stop seeing videos from a specific source in your feed, you can block them:

  1. Go to the person, Page or publisher’s profile.
  2. Click on the three-dot More menu in the cover photo.
  3. Select “Block Page” (for Pages) or “Block User” (for personal accounts).

This prevents videos from that person or Page appearing in your feed. It overrides your Watch history and preferences.

Blocking is permanent until you unblock the person or Page again. You won’t see any new video posts from a blocked source.

Use blocking when you definitely don’t want to see any more videos from a particular publisher, even if you’ve watched them in the past.

Adjust Video Preferences

You can gain finer control over the types of videos Facebook recommends in your Watch feed by managing your video preferences:

  1. Go to the Menu (three line icon) > Settings & Privacy > Settings.
  2. Select “Videos” from the left sidebar.
  3. Scroll down to “Preferences” and click “Edit Preferences.”

Here you can specify topics, people, Pages and publishers you’re interested in or not interested in. Adjust these settings to tailor your likes and dislikes.

For example, you can add a topic like “Cooking” to your interests. Or add a Page to your “Don’t Show Me Videos From These Pages” list.

Tweaking your preferences overrides your Watch history and controls the videos that show up in your feed. Set them up to filter out unwanted videos.

Temporarily Snooze Videos

If you want to remove videos from your Watch feed for just a short period, you can snooze them temporarily:

  1. Click the three-dot menu in the video post.
  2. Select “Snooze for 1 Day” or “Snooze for 7 Days.”

Snoozing prevents you from seeing the video for your chosen time period. Once the snooze is over, videos will appear in your feed again.

Use snoozing if you only need a temporary break from certain videos. It’s handy for avoiding spoilers to shows or movies you plan to watch later.


Facebook Watch makes it easy to discover lots of videos tailored to your interests. But over time, your feed may become cluttered with videos you want to remove.

To clean up your Watch feed, use these techniques:

  • Remove individual videos you’re not interested in
  • Unfollow or block people, Pages and publishers posting unwanted videos
  • Clear your Watch history for a fresh start
  • Customize your video preferences
  • Snooze videos temporarily

Combining these methods gives you full control over the videos that appear on your Watch feed. Keep your video recommendations relevant by frequently pruning your feed and managing your preferences.

A personalized Watch experience ensures Facebook shows you more of the videos you want to see. Follow these tips to tailor your feed and enjoy Facebook Watch even more.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I quickly get rid of a video on Facebook Watch?

To immediately remove a single video, click the three-dot menu on the video post and select “Not Interested in this Video.” This takes the video out of your feed right away.

Why do videos I’ve watched keep appearing on my Watch feed?

Facebook uses your Watch history to recommend videos. If you keep seeing videos you’ve already watched, go to Settings > Videos and click “Clear Watch History.” This gives your feed a fresh start.

How do I find and manage my video preferences?

You can customize your video preferences under Settings > Videos > Edit Preferences. Here you can specify topics, people, and Pages you want to see more or fewer videos from.

Can I remove videos without fully blocking someone?

Yes, you have options besides blocking. You can unfollow a person or Page which stops new video posts. Or use “Not Interested” and video preferences to filter videos without blocking.

What’s the difference between snoozing and removing a video?

Snoozing temporarily hides videos for 1 or 7 days. Removing deletes the video from your feed until you add it again. Snooze if you just need a short break from seeing a video.

Some Additional Tips

– Check your Watch feed regularly and remove old or irrelevant videos to keep it fresh.

– Use Facebook’s “Why am I seeing this?” feature to understand and control your video recommendations.

– Be choosy about who you follow and pages you like if you want to limit non-essential videos.

– Make good use of relevance signals like “Not Interested” and cleaned history to improve suggestions.

– Block sparingly, as excessive blocking can limit your ability to discover new videos.

– Report offensive, abusive, or spam videos if you want Facebook to review and remove them.

– The Facebook app and website may have slightly different options, but the same principles apply.

– You can access and manage Watch on the Facebook app, Facebook website, and Facebook Lite app.

I hope these tips help you take control of your Facebook Watch feed! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Table Summarizing Options

Option What it Does When to Use
Remove Video Deletes an individual video from your feed Get rid of one-off unwanted videos
Unfollow Person/Page Stops new videos from them showing up When you’ve lost interest in a source
Clear History Resets your feed and recommendations For a fresh start on your video feed
Block Person/Page Prevents all videos from a source in your feed To completely stop seeing a person/Page
Edit Preferences Customizes the types of videos recommended Tailor feed to your likes and dislikes
Snooze Video Hides a video temporarily for 1 or 7 days When you want a short break from a video


– Individual videos can be removed with “Not Interested”

– Unfollow, block or edit preferences to manage video sources

– Clear history to reset recommendations

– Snooze temporarily hides videos

– Customize your feed by regularly pruning and managing preferences


Facebook Watch makes it easy to watch entertaining and informative videos from people and Pages you follow. But over time, unwanted videos can accumulate in your feed. By removing videos you don’t want to see, unfollowing certain sources, and customizing your preferences, you can tailor Facebook Watch to showcase the videos you care about. Keep your Watch feed fresh and personalized to get the most out of Facebook’s video platform.