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How do you get paid from a class action lawsuit on Facebook?

How do you get paid from a class action lawsuit on Facebook?

Getting paid from a class action lawsuit against Facebook requires meeting the eligibility criteria, submitting a claim form during the claim period, and following the payment process. Facebook has faced multiple class action lawsuits in recent years over issues like privacy violations, data breaches, and advertising practices. If you were impacted by one of these issues, you may be entitled to compensation through a class action settlement fund. This article provides answers to common questions on how to get paid from a Facebook class action lawsuit.

What are the requirements to get paid from a Facebook class action lawsuit?

The main requirements to receive payment from a Facebook class action settlement include:

  • You must be a member of the class – The class is defined in the lawsuit and settlement terms, and typically includes Facebook users impacted by the issue in the case. Class eligibility requirements vary by case.
  • You must submit a claim – After the court approves a settlement, there is a claims filing period where class members must submit claims to receive payment. This usually involves filling out and submitting a claim form.
  • You must meet claim criteria – Claim forms require you to provide information and documentation showing you are eligible for payment under the terms of the settlement. For Facebook lawsuits, this often includes proof you had an account during the relevant period.
  • You must provide payment details – When submitting a claim, you need to provide details like your name, mailing address, and either bank account information or PayPal email to receive payment.

Meeting these requirements does not guarantee payment, but is necessary for your claim to be considered. Settlement administrators will review all claims to determine validity.

How do I know if I’m eligible to submit a claim in a Facebook class action settlement?

To determine if you are eligible to submit a claim, you first need to identify which specific class action settlement you may be involved in. Some major recent lawsuits against Facebook include:

  • Cambridge Analytica data scandal
  • Facebook facial recognition biometric data
  • Facebook video metrics inflating
  • Facebook Ads gender discrimination in pricing

Once you know the specific case, you can check the settlement website or claim form for details on eligibility requirements for that lawsuit. Requirements may include:

  • Having a Facebook account during the time period covered by the lawsuit
  • Location/country of your Facebook account
  • Settings you had configured in your Facebook account
  • Type of content or information impacted (i.e. shared birthday for facial recognition lawsuit)

The claims administrator may also require documentation to validate your eligibility. Having an active Facebook account during the relevant time is typically the key factor, though added criteria may apply for certain cases. Checking the case specifics is crucial to determining if you meet the class definition.

How do I file a claim in a Facebook class action settlement?

Here are the key steps to file a claim for payment in a Facebook class action settlement:

  1. Obtain the claim form – Once a settlement is reached, administrators set up a website where you can access and download the claim form. Often it can be submitted online or by mail.
  2. Review requirements – Read through the form carefully to understand the eligibility conditions, required documentation, deadlines, and attestations required to certify your claim.
  3. Fill out claim form – Provide all details requested, such as your name and contact information. You will need to provide your Facebook account info and any other data required to establish your status as a class member.
  4. Gather supporting documents – This may include copies of government IDs, Facebook account records, payment details and other information identified in the claim form.
  5. Sign and submit – Electronically sign the claim form attesting the information is accurate to the best of your knowledge. Submit by the deadline stated.

Maintain records of your claim and supporting documents. The claims administrator may follow up for additional information to verify your eligibility. Failing to respond by deadlines may result in denial of your claim.

What information do I need to provide to file a claim in a Facebook class action settlement?

While specific claim form requirements vary by case, here are some key pieces of information commonly required when submitting a claim in Facebook class action settlements:

  • Personal details – Full legal name, mailing address, phone, email, date of birth
  • Facebook account details – Email/phone number on your Facebook account, dates you had an active account
  • Records to support eligibility – Account statements, screenshots or documentation showing relevant account settings or information impacted
  • Class membership attestation – Statement verifying you meet the eligibility requirements of the class definition
  • Signature – Electronic signature certifying the information you provided is accurate
  • Payment details – Bank account and routing number, or PayPal information to receive funds electronically
  • Identification – Copy of government photo ID like a driver’s license or passport to confirm identity

Having an active Facebook account during the class period covered by the lawsuit is the key eligibility factor. Provide as much detail and documentation as possible to substantiate your claim.

When is the deadline to file a claim for a Facebook class action settlement?

The claims filing deadline is different for each Facebook class action settlement. Typically, you will have between 60 to 150 days from the date the claims period opens to submit your claim form and supporting documents.

Exact claim deadlines are strictly enforced. Some examples of past Facebook class action claim deadlines include:

  • Cambridge Analytica Data Scandal – January 22, 2020
  • Facebook Video Metrics – October 30, 2019
  • Facebook Ads Gender Discrimination – September 23, 2019
  • Facebook Facial Recognition – November 23, 2019

To determine the specific claim filing deadline for the Facebook class action you are involved in, check the settlement website and claim form instructions. Claims submitted even one day after the published deadline may be denied or invalidated. Mark your calendar and submit your complete claim form well in advance of the cutoff date.

How are payment amounts determined for Facebook class action settlements?

If the class action lawsuit against Facebook reaches a settlement, the settlement agreement will outline how payments to class members will be calculated. In most cases, a tiered framework is used based on the type and degree of harm.

Some key factors that influence payment amounts in Facebook class actions include:

  • Type of violation – Privacy breaches, security lapses, or advertising issues
  • Extent of activity or data involved – More active accounts get higher payments
  • Degree of harm – Evidence and extent your account was misused or hacked
  • Number of valid claims – The settlement fund is divided among all approved claims

For example, in the Facebook facial recognition class action, class members received $200-$400 based on the number of photos tagged using the face recognition feature.

In other cases, it may be a flat rate payment such as $15-$25 for all class members who meet the eligibility criteria. Each case and settlement terms will differ.

How and when do I get paid after submitting a claim in a Facebook class action settlement?

If your claim is approved, you will be notified by email and payment will be distributed from the settlement administrator. Here is what you can expect after submitting a valid claim:

  • Claim review – Administrators will review and validate your claim, which may take 60-120 days after submission
  • Approval notice – You will receive an email notification that your claim is approved
  • Funding – The claims administrator must receive sufficient funds from Facebook per the settlement terms before issuing payments
  • Distribution – Once funded, payments are electronically issued to the PayPal or bank account you provided within 1-2 weeks
  • Follow up – If there are any issues with rejected electronic payments, you will be contacted to provide updated account information

The entire claims review and payment distribution process typically takes at least 3-6 months after the claims filing deadline. Be patient as the administrators work to validate all claims and calculate settlement payments. Having a valid email address on file is key to receiving status updates.

Can I get payment if I’m not in the US?

Many Facebook class action settlements cover users worldwide, but some may be limited just to those with accounts registered in the United States. The geographic scope of the class will be defined in the settlement terms.

Typically, Facebook’s U.S. entity (Facebook, Inc.) is the defendant in these suits, so claims may be limited. However, lawsuits related to Cambridge Analytica affected Facebook users across the globe.

To receive payment, you must have an account that matches the country parameters set forth in the settlement class definition. Have your account registration details on hand when submitting your claim. Settlement administrators will verify eligible locations.

What happens if my claim gets rejected?

If the claims administrator denies your claim for a Facebook class action settlement, you will receive an email notification explaining why it was rejected.

Common reasons for rejection include:

  • Missing the claims filing deadline
  • Incomplete claim form – missing required details
  • Insufficient documentation to validate eligibility
  • Not meeting geographic parameters of the class definition
  • Claim form errors or inaccurate information
  • Duplicate claims submitted for the same class member

If you receive a rejection notice, read through carefully for the reasons provided. You may have the opportunity to fix errors or provide additional details within a specified time frame to have your claim reconsidered. Act promptly to avoid losing your chance for settlement payment.

However, if your claim is denied due to failure to meet the stated class action requirements, there are limited options for further recourse. Hire a consumer rights attorney if you need assistance understanding settlement eligibility or claim requirements.

Can I opt-out of a Facebook class action settlement?

It is possible to opt-out of a class action settlement and retain your right to file an individual lawsuit against Facebook. The opt-out process involves submitting a formal legal request to be excluded from the class definition within the stated opt-out period.

Here are key considerations on opting out:

  • You will receive no payment or benefits from the settlement
  • You keep your ability to file a separate lawsuit against Facebook
  • Meeting the opt-out deadline is essential – this can be as short as 30-60 days from the settlement notice date
  • Consult an attorney before deciding to opt-out of a class
  • Individual lawsuits are challenging, costly, and outcomes are uncertain

Class action settlements typically deliver compensation faster, easier, and with lower burdens of proof. Weigh your options carefully and understand the tradeoffs before deciding to opt-out.

Can I file a claim years after a Facebook class action settlement?

No, there are strict deadlines in the claims process. Claims can only be filed during the defined claims period – typically 60 to 150 days from the date the settlement is approved and notices are issued.

For all prior Facebook class action settlements, the claims filing window has already closed. Unless you submitted a claim within the designated timeframe, you are no longer eligible for payment.

Specific settlement webpages are deactivated once the claims period ends. Any emails or communications related to new claims years later would be unable to be completed or processed. Class action settlements have firm cut-off dates that cannot be extended or altered after the fact.

How can I get help filing a claim for a Facebook class action settlement?

If you need assistance understanding eligibility or navigating the claims process for a Facebook class action, here are some options:

  • Settlement website – FAQs, claim forms, and notices provide detailed information on requirements and procedures.
  • Claims administrator – Many settlements have a toll-free number you can call to ask questions and get help with claims.
  • Consumer rights attorney – Consult a lawyer experienced in class actions for individual guidance on your claim.
  • Facebook account support – Reach out to Facebook Help Center to access records from your account if needed for documentation.

Be proactive about gathering information related to your account, activity, and potential eligibility for the class. Record-keeping and organization will facilitate the claims filing process. Seek assistance sooner rather than later to avoid missing deadlines.

Can Facebook retaliate if I file a class action claim?

Facebook cannot legally retaliate against you for participating in a class action lawsuit settlement. As a class member, you are exercising your civil legal rights.

Under Section 215 of the Fair Labor Standards Act, it is unlawful for Facebook to fire, demote, harass, or discriminate against you for filing a claim. Any threats or adverse action taken against your account in response to your class action claim would be considered illegal retaliation.

In addition, specific court orders and settlement agreements prohibit Facebook from taking any negative action against claimants. Document any concerning incidents and immediately seek legal counsel if you feel you are being penalized in any way for your part in the class action.

What should I do if I’m contacted about a Facebook class action I think is a scam?

Unfortunately, scams and fraudulent claims operations sometimes emerge around legitimate class action lawsuits. Here are tips to identify and avoid Facebook class action settlement scams:

  • Be wary of unsolicited calls, texts, or emails related to settlements
  • Never pay any upfront fees – legitimate administrators won’t ask for money
  • Look up the case on reputable legal sites to confirm it exists
  • Check that email addresses match official settlement domains
  • Contact claims administrators directly via official channels
  • Obtain claimant IDs and only share personal data as required for the claim
  • Consult a consumer attorney if you have any concerns about the validity of a notice

Scrutinize any settlement communications you receive unexpectedly. Go directly to official channels rather than trusting third-party referrals. Proceed with caution if contacted about cases you can’t verify independently.


Participating in Facebook class action settlements takes diligence – meeting eligibility criteria, filing detailed claims, and waiting patiently through the review process. But it offers the chance for compensation if your rights were violated by Facebook’s actions. Protect yourself from scams, document your claim fully, and submit materials well ahead of deadlines. With attention to detail, you can successfully navigate the legal process and get paid your entitled settlement funds.