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How do you get paid for likes on Facebook?

How do you get paid for likes on Facebook?

Getting paid for likes on Facebook is possible, but not through Facebook directly. While Facebook does not share ad revenue with users who like Pages or posts, there are some alternative methods people use to try to profit from Facebook likes.

Can You Get Paid for Likes by Facebook?

Facebook does not directly pay users for likes. Likes are engagement metrics that help Facebook determine how to rank content in News Feeds. More likes generally signal that content is popular and should be shown to more users. This helps Facebook’s ad system, as more visibility on News Feeds leads to more ad views. But none of this ad revenue goes directly to users who like Pages or posts.

Some people wonder why Facebook doesn’t share revenue with users who help create engagement. Facebook likely avoids this to prevent abuse and fake accounts that like content just for money. Paying for likes could undermine the authenticity of Facebook’s engagement metrics.

Selling Likes Prohibited by Facebook

Not only does Facebook avoid paying for likes, but they prohibit users from selling likes and other engagement metrics. Their terms of service ban artificially increasing engagement, including through third-party services that sell likes. Accounts caught buying or selling likes may be permanently disabled.

The reason is again to protect authenticity. Facebook wants likes to genuinely represent interest and engagement from real people. Artificially inflating likes with paid or fake accounts damages the accuracy of the metrics that advertisers rely on.

How Some Try to Profit from Facebook Likes

While Facebook bans the practice, some people still try to make money from Facebook likes. This is often done indirectly or under the radar to avoid detection. Some methods people attempt include:

  • Sell secondary services that gain likes as a side effect – For example, selling social media consulting or optimization services to clients with the goal of increasing likes on their Facebook Pages organically.
  • Build audience on Facebook and monetize off platform – Gaining a large following on Facebook that you can then leverage to make money on other sites or services.
  • Sell related skills or knowledge – Providing courses, ebooks, or consulting related to gaining Facebook likes, engagement, and growth.

These approaches aim to profit from Facebook likes indirectly. However, they still violate Facebook’s terms in most cases since likes are being deliberately farmed or manipulated for financial gain.

Is Selling Facebook Likes Worth the Risk?

Trying to profit from Facebook likes is risky and often ineffective. The potential downsides include:

  • Account deletion – Facebook aggressively targets abusive behavior that violates their terms, including buying and selling likes. Offenders often get banned.
  • Wasted money – Paid likes rarely convert to real business value. Fake likes from bots, click farms, and disinterested people do little for your brand.
  • Distrust from followers – Audiences often detect when someone has bought fake likes and may lose trust.
  • Poor reach – Facebook’s algorithm prevents posts with inflated artificial likes from reaching real audiences.

These pitfalls typically undermine any potential profit from gaming Facebook’s system. The minimal short-term gains are not worth jeopardizing an account you’ve worked hard to build.

Legitimate Ways to Monetize a Facebook Presence

While you should avoid directly selling or artificially inflating likes, having an engaged Facebook audience can be monetized legitimately. Some better approaches include:

  • Facebook advertising – Promote your own products, services, or brand through Facebook Ads to your existing audience.
  • Affiliate marketing – Earn commissions promoting relevant products from other brands to your Facebook followers.
  • Selling merchandise – Design custom apparel, accessories, or gifts showcasing your brand name or page artwork.
  • Patreon – Offer exclusive content or experiences to Facebook fans who become paying patrons.
  • Consulting – Use your expertise and success on Facebook to advise others on social media marketing.

Each of these monetization methods provides real value and aligns with Facebook’s terms when done ethically. Focus on serving your Facebook audience rather than exploiting likes for quick cash.


While you can’t earn money directly from Facebook for liking content, some users try more subtle tactics to profit from likes. However, these approaches often violate Facebook’s terms and may get accounts banned. They also fail to provide meaningful value. The risks outweigh potential rewards.

If you want to make money from a Facebook presence, focus on authentic engagement and legitimate monetization methods like ads, affiliates, and merchandising. Avoid anything that artificially inflates likes or undermines the user experience just for financial gain.

With creativity and commitment to your audience, you can monetize a Facebook presence ethically. Just don’t expect to earn cash directly from Facebook for your likes.