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How do you get invited for reels bonus?

Getting invited to receive the Instagram Reels bonus is a goal for many content creators and influencers on the platform. The key to getting access to the Reels bonus program is consistently creating engaging and high-quality Reels that perform well. If your Reels start getting millions or even hundreds of thousands of views, likes, comments and shares regularly, Instagram will take notice and likely invite you to start earning bonuses through the program.

What is the Instagram Reels Bonus program?

The Instagram Reels bonus program is an incentive system introduced by Instagram to encourage users to create more Reels. It allows eligible creators and influencers to earn monetary bonuses for videos on Reels that perform very well.

Instagram sets certain benchmarks for views, likes, comments, etc. If your Reels surpass those benchmarks, you qualify for bonus payouts up to $10,000 per Reel. The exact bonus amounts are variable and based on performance. The bonuses are paid out monthly through direct deposit.

Who is eligible for the Reels bonus?

The Reels bonus is invite-only. You cannot simply sign up for it or apply. Instagram hand selects creators and influencers who have repeatedly created Reels that generate a high level of engagement. Essentially, they look for accounts that have mastered the Reels format and regularly create content that resonates with the Instagram audience.

Some tips to increase your eligibility:

  • Post Reels frequently and consistently
  • Experiment with different video formats and effects
  • Pay attention to trends and challenges
  • Optimize your captions and hashtags
  • Engage with your audience in comments

How do you get invited to the Reels bonus program?

There is no exact formula for getting invited to the Reels bonus. Instagram does not share the specific criteria. However, these tips can boost your chances of catching their attention:

  • Create viral Reels: Regularly posting Reels that get hundreds of thousands or millions of views greatly increases your odds of getting an invite.
  • Have a large audience: Accounts with millions of followers tend to get invited more quickly, as their Reels have wider reach.
  • Get consistent engagement: Instagram looks for accounts whose Reels routinely get high view counts, likes, comments and shares.
  • Post daily: Accounts that post high-quality Reels on a very frequent basis seem to get bonus invites faster.
  • Use trends and challenges: Lean into popular Reels formats, songs, memes and hashtags to create content that taps into what’s resonating with the Instagram audience.
  • Have a niche focus: Accounts with a specific niche or focus (fashion, comedy, travel, etc) tend to succeed well in Reels.
  • Collaborate: Partnering with other influencers can help cross-promote your Reels and boost engagement.

How much money can you make from the Reels bonus?

The exact Reels bonus amounts are not disclosed by Instagram. However, based on reports from creators who have access, here are some guidelines:

  • Reels with hundreds of thousands of views may earn a few hundred dollars.
  • Reels in the multi-millions of views can earn thousands of dollars.
  • Top-performing viral Reels can earn up to $10,000.
  • Bonuses vary based on views, likes, comments, shares and overall engagement.
  • Accounts with larger followings tend to earn higher bonus amounts.
  • Bonus payments are issued monthly if you’ve met the minimum earning thresholds.

While individual Reels can earn up to $10,000, most accounts likely earn a few hundred dollars per month from bonuses initially. However, as you build your audience and skills creating viral Reels, your monthly earnings can scale accordingly.

Tips for creating Reels that earn bonuses

Once invited, the key is continuing to publish Reels that resonate with the Instagram audience to keep earning bonuses. Here are some proven strategies:

  • Keep up with trends: Always stay up-to-date on the latest viral songs, memes, effects and challenges that are hot on Reels.
  • Engage with your niche: Really understand your niche audience and create content specifically tailored for them.
  • Experiment with different formats: Try out different video styles like tutorials, skits, POV, outfit changes, etc. See what performs best.
  • Collaborate with other creators: Work with complementary influencers in your niche to cross-promote Reels.
  • Optimize your captions: Use relevant hashtags, captions and geotags that make it easy to find and share your Reels.
  • Post consistently: Stay active by posting at least 1-2 new Reels per day to keep earning bonuses.
  • Check your Instagram analytics: Use the data to identify your best-performing Reels and types of content.
  • Promote on other channels: Share your Reels across Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, etc to maximize views.
  • Provide value: Create Reels that entertain, educate, inspire or help your audience in some way.

Reels bonus program eligibility requirements

Instagram has not published official eligibility requirements for the Reels bonus. However, based on observation of accounts that get invited, these criteria appear important:

  • Have at least 100,000 Instagram followers
  • Post at least 5 new Reels per week
  • Regularly achieve over 500,000 views per Reel
  • Maintain strong engagement rate on Reels
  • Have an authentic, active audience that engages with your content
  • Post vertical video content optimized for mobile
  • Have a business or creator account in good standing
  • Consistently use trends, hashtags and music relevant to your niche
  • Have a primary focus on Reels versus photos or IGTV

Essentially, Instagram wants to see you have an audience, consistently publish engaging Reels optimized for their platform, and achieve viral viewership. While not official rules, hitting these benchmarks appears to get you on Instagram’s radar.

Mistakes to avoid when trying to qualify for bonuses

There are some common mistakes creators make that can hinder your chances of getting invited. Be sure to avoid:

  • Paying for fake views or engagement on Reels
  • Using bots or services to inflate your metrics
  • Buying followers or artificially inflating your audience
  • Reposting others’ content excessively
  • Posting recycled, low-quality content
  • Violating Instagram’s community guidelines or terms of use
  • Commenting on irrelevant posts solely to promote your Reels

Basically, anything that seems inauthentic or fraudulent will not impress Instagram. They want to see genuine, original content that drives real engagement. Focus on that rather than shortcuts.

Reels bonus invite timeframes

There is no set timeline for when Instagram sends Reels bonus invites. Some accounts may meet the unofficial benchmarks above within a few months, while for others it can take 6 months to a year to build up to that level. Be patient and keep focusing on quality and engagement. Once your Reels start consistently hitting hundreds of thousands or millions of views per Reel, an invite should follow before long.

Appealing if you don’t receive an invite

There is no formal appeals process if you do not receive an invite to the Reels bonus program. Instagram chooses who is invited at their sole discretion. The only option is to keep improving your content and aim to increase your views and engagement to a point where they take notice. You can also look for any policy violations that may have led to you not being considered, and ensure your account is in good standing going forward.

Eligibility for other Instagram monetization programs

Even if you have not yet qualified for the Reels bonus, you may be eligible for other Instagram monetization such as Instagram Shopping, branded content, Instagram Subscriptions and more. Be sure to enroll in these to start monetizing your account while you continue working towards the bonuses.


Getting invited to Instagram’s Reels bonus program requires consistently creating viral, high-quality Reels that resonate with the Instagram audience. Focus on trends, engagement, collaborations, and analytics while avoiding artificial inflation. By posting top-notch Reels that get you hundreds of thousands or millions of views per video, you can get on Instagram’s radar and start earning lucrative bonuses for your top-performing content.