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How do you get good at Facebook Live?

How do you get good at Facebook Live?

Facebook Live is a great way to connect with your audience in real time. Going live on Facebook can help you boost engagement, increase reach, drive traffic to your website, and more. However, getting good at live video takes some practice and preparation. Here are some tips on how to improve your Facebook Live skills.

Choose the right equipment

Having the proper equipment will make a big difference in the quality of your Facebook Live videos. Here are some equipment recommendations:

  • Use a smartphone tripod – This will keep your phone steady and help frame the shot properly.
  • External microphone – The mic in your phone is OK, but an external mic will improve audio quality.
  • Lighting – Proper lighting eliminates shadows and makes you visible. Consider getting a ring light.
  • Selfie stick – Allows you to hold your phone and be in the shot at the correct angle.

You don’t need fancy equipment when you’re starting out, but having proper lighting and crisp audio will make your videos look and sound more professional.

Find the right location

Where you broadcast from can affect the quality and engagement of your live videos. Here are some tips for choosing a good location:

  • Outdoors can provide an interesting, eye-catching background. But wind noise might be an issue.
  • Avoid places with loud noises or music in the background.
  • Make sure you have strong WiFi or cellular connection.
  • Front-facing natural lighting generally looks best.
  • A clean, distraction-free background helps keep focus on you.

Test out different spots at home, the office, or outside to see which locations get the best results.

Promote your live video

To get more viewers for your Facebook Live, you need to promote your upcoming broadcast on Facebook and other channels.

  • Create a Facebook event for your live video.
  • Post on your profile, page, and groups informing people of the time you’ll be live.
  • Tweet about your broadcast and invite people to tune in.
  • Mention it in an email newsletter or blog post.
  • Run Facebook ads targeting fans and potential new viewers.

Promoting your live video beforehand gives people time to adjust their schedule so they can watch and engage with your content.

Have a plan for your broadcast

Going live on Facebook without a plan often leads to rambling, boring video. That’s why it’s important to have an outline of what you’ll talk about. Here are some tips for planning:

  • Decide on 3 or 4 main talking points to focus on.
  • Write down stories and examples you’ll share to illustrate points.
  • Prepare any visuals, graphics, products you’ll show on camera.
  • Script out your opening and closing to have a strong start and finish.
  • Time out the segments so you fill your allotted broadcast time.

Having an outline keeps your live video focused, interesting and professional.

Interact with viewers

One of the big benefits of live video is being able to have a real time conversation with your audience. Here are tips for viewer interaction:

  • Greet people by name as they join the broadcast.
  • Answer questions from the comments.
  • Ask viewers questions and poll them for opinions.
  • Invite people to like, comment, and share the video.

The more you engage with your viewers, the more likely they’ll stay tuned in and have a positive experience.

Practice regularly

Like any skill, the best way to improve at live broadcasting is to do it often. Here are some suggestions:

  • Aim to go live consistently on a set schedule, like Tuesdays at 1pm.
  • Commit to a certain number of broadcasts per week, even starting with just 1 or 2.
  • Rehearse and time your dress rehearsals to get comfortable on camera.
  • Watch playbacks of your video to analyze what you can improve.

Regular practice helps you quickly gain confidence and skill as a broadcaster.

Learn from data and feedback

Look at the analytics and comments on your past live videos to gain insights on how to improve. Some things to analyze:

  • Watch duration – This indicates how long people stayed tuned in.
  • Engagement stats – Analyze comments, reactions, shares.
  • Traffic sources – See how viewers are finding your content.
  • What topics and content performed best?
  • What do viewers respond positively/negatively too?

Let this data guide you on what content, style, and promotion works best for driving views and engagement.


Becoming skilled at live broadcasting takes time and effort. But following these tips will help you continuously improve and get the most out of Facebook Live. With regular practice and promotion, you can build a large engaged audience for your live videos.