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How do you get followers on FB reels?

How do you get followers on FB reels?

Facebook Reels are short, entertaining videos that can help you gain a large following quickly if utilized correctly. Reels are displayed prominently in the Facebook feed and can be shared to Stories or to your profile. This increased exposure gives Reels huge potential for going viral. If your Reels gain traction, you can rapidly grow your follower count. But how exactly do you get more followers from Facebook Reels? Here are some proven tips and strategies.

Optimize Your Reels For Discovery

Facebook wants Reels to succeed, so they are giving them prime placement in the app. Reels auto-play with sound on as users scroll through their feeds. This makes it important to create Reels that immediately catch attention.

Hook viewers in the first 5 seconds

You need to make a strong first impression. Use the opening moments of your Reel to showcase something surprising, funny, informative or visually appealing. This could be showing off an interesting skill, using humor, presenting a fact/statistic, or featuring cute animals. You only have a few seconds to grab attention before viewers scroll past.

Use eye-catching visuals and text

Bright colors, moving graphics, and big, bold text make a Reel stand out in the feed. Avoid static images and rely more on video clips and effects. Overlay engaging animations, graphics, captions, and stickers to create visual interest. Make key words bigger or use contrasting colors to highlight them.

Leverage trends and hashtags

Latch onto viral trends, songs, challenges, and hashtags. This taps into what’s already resonating with audiences. People who like that trend are more likely to watch and share your relevant Reel. Including popular hashtags also helps surface your content.

Engage Your Existing Audience

While you want your Reels to reach new viewers, don’t neglect marketing to your current audience. These loyal followers are most invested in your brand and content.

Cross-promote on other channels

Let your current social media and email subscribers know you now have a Reels presence. Share Reel links on your other accounts to drive fans to your new content. Offer teasers and exclusives just for them.

Make Reels based on audience requests

See what types of content your audience responds to best. Then create Reels that specifically answer their requests and fill needs. This shows you listen to feedback.

Reply to comments

Comments can help Reels perform better algorithmically. But more importantly, replying builds relationships with viewers. Thank them for watching, answer questions, and show you care.

Strategically Use Features

Facebook provides a variety of options and tools when making Reels. Use these thoughtfully to enhance your content.

Incorporate stickers, effects, and captions

Stickers, text effects, filters, and captions allow you to spice up Reels in creative ways. But don’t overdo it. Use effects and text that fit the vibe organically. Too many flashy elements can be distracting.

Make the audio work for you

Reels play with sound on, so strategic audio selection is key. Use music, dialogue, or sound effects that elicit an emotional response. Trending songs can give a boost. But lesser known tracks help you avoid competing against other major Reels.

Find the optimal length

Facebook suggests Reels be at least 30 seconds long. But keep in mind shorter content can be more effective. Analyze metrics to see which lengths perform best for your niche. In general, condensed Reels around 15-45 seconds tend to get more engagement. Avoid an overly long Reel that loses viewer interest.

Collaborate With Others

Partnering with relevant creators and brands allows you to tap into new audiences organically. This mutually beneficial promotion exposes your Reels to engaged followers you haven’t reached yet.

Do cross-promotion

Work out deals where you reshare each other’s Reels and content. This instantly puts your Reels in front of a wider pool of viewers. Just make sure you collaborate with accounts that truly align with your brand.

Guest post

See if popular partners will feature you as a guest contributor on their Reels channel. This gives you access to their existing audience. In return, offer to make them a guest on your Reels.

Organize co-branded campaigns

Coordinate with complementary brands to co-create content showcasing both your products/services. Or sponsor each other’s giveaways and contests. This provides value for both audiences.

Advertise Your Reels

Organic reach can only go so far. To maximize growth, you need to put some Facebook ad dollars behind Reels. This gives you full control over targeting and budget.

Promote successful organic Reels

See which Reels perform well without paid support. Then boost high-performing organic content with ads. The time and money invested will pay off since you know that Reel already resonates.

Target competitors’ followers

Research who engages with competitor Reels and profiles. Tailor your ads to reach this lucrative audience likely interested in your niche. Bid only enough to outrank competitors for their own followers.

Retarget website visitors

Create lookalike audiences of people who visited your website. Retarget them with Reels ads featuring website promotions, new products, or exclusive deals.

Analyze Performance

You can’t improve what you don’t measure. That’s why in-depth analytics are critical for optimizing your Reels strategy.

Watch viewer drop-off rates

This shows how many people clicked away rather than watching your Reel to the end. High drop-off indicates a problem grabbing attention quickly or keeping it throughout.

Check audience retention graphs

These graphs display when viewership peaked or dipped during your Reel. Use this insight to make adjustments to boost retention at certain timestamps.

See where traffic is coming from

This reveals if your Reel is getting views from Hashtag Challenge feeds, Reels recommendations, follower feeds or ads. Determine which areas have untapped potential.

Consistency Is Key

Gaining a sizable, loyal following doesn’t happen overnight. You need to continually release engaging Reels as part of a broader social media strategy.

Post multiple times per week

Regularly publishing fresh Reels trains audiences to expect your content. This builds anticipation and incentive to follow you. Aim for at least 2-3 posts per week as a starting point.

Maintain on-brand themes and quality

While testing different content styles, stay recognizable. Have some consistency in your Reels’ visual branding, tone, and subject matter. Production value matters too. Don’t let standards slip.

Keep long-term goals in mind

Don’t get distracted chasing temporary fads or abandoning proven strategies. Maintain focus on your core objectives. Sustainable growth requires playing the long game.


Gaining a large, engaged following on Facebook Reels is very achievable with the right approach. Optimize your Reels for discovery, engage your current audience, use built-in features strategically, collaborate with others, promote your content, analyze performance, and above all, remain consistent. Leveraging these tips can help you build an audience of loyal fans hungry for your next Reel. Just remember that meaningful growth takes time and effort. With smart, sustained effort, your follower count and brand impact will steadily rise.

Tip Description
Optimize For Discovery Make the first 5 seconds catchy. Use eye-catching visuals and text. Latch onto viral trends.
Engage Your Audience Cross-promote Reels. Make content based on requests. Reply to comments.
Strategically Use Features Incorporate creative effects and captions. Select engaging audio. Find the right length.
Collaborate With Others Do cross-promotion and guest posts. Organize co-branded campaigns.
Advertise Your Reels Boost successful organic Reels. Target competitors’ followers. Retarget site visitors.
Analyze Performance Check viewer drop-off and retention. See traffic sources.
Consistency Is Key Post frequently. Maintain branding and quality. Keep long-term goals in mind.

Facebook Reels offer immense potential for increasing your follower count and reach. But success requires thoughtful content creation, promotion, analysis, and persistence. Use these proven tips to help your Reels stand out, engage viewers, and fuel sustainable growth. With time and effort, your brand presence will thrive on Facebook.