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How do you get a Facebook group to require questions for joining?

How do you get a Facebook group to require questions for joining?

Requiring new members to answer screening questions before joining a Facebook group can be a useful way to vet potential members and ensure only serious, engaged users are allowed to participate. Here are some tips on how to set up and manage screening questions for a Facebook group:

Why Use Screening Questions

Some key reasons group admins may want to use screening questions include:

  • Weed out spam accounts or bots
  • Prevent trolls or abusive members from joining
  • Get a sense of new members’ intentions and interests
  • Confirm that new members read the group rules/description
  • Tailor questions to fit the group’s specific focus

Asking a couple targeted questions can help determine if a new member is genuinely interested in the group and prevent poor quality participation.

How to Enable Screening Questions

To set up screening questions for a Facebook group:

  1. Go to your group’s Admin Panel > Membership Requests
  2. Click “Edit” next to “Membership Questions”
  3. Select “Require members to answer questions before they can join”

Once enabled, you can add up to 10 questions new members must answer when submitting a request to join.

Setting Effective Questions

When deciding on screening questions, consider:

  • Asking 1-3 short answer or multiple choice questions
  • Making the first question about reading the group description/rules
  • Asking about relevance to the group topic and what they hope to gain
  • Inquiring about knowledge level or interests in specifics
  • Avoiding overly personal questions

You want questions that give insight into a requester’s intentions while not being too cumbersome or invasive. Strike a balance between gathering useful info and keeping the joining process simple.

Managing Join Requests

Once screening questions are enabled:

  • Membership requests will include the requester’s answers
  • Compare answers to your target member profile
  • Approve well-matched requests, deny clearly irrelevant ones
  • Follow up with any questionable applicants before approving

Set expectations by noting in your group rules that all requests are reviewed and may be denied if answers don’t match the group’s goals.

Key Benefits of Requiring Screening Questions

Using carefully constructed screening questions can provide several advantages:

Improves Group Relevance

Members who take the time to provide thoughtful answers are more likely to participate in a way that aligns with the group’s intended topic and rules. This leads to more relevant discussions.

Reduces Spam and Abuse

Bots and abusive users are less likely to fill out in-depth questions, allowing you to deny their access. This helps maintain a positive environment.

Builds More Engaged Membership

Requiring mini applications shows who is really committed to contributing valuable insights and content. Their engagement is likely to be higher quality.

Provides Useful Member Data

Applicant answers give you insights you wouldn’t normally have to better understand new members. You can use this info to improve the group.

Sets Clear Expectations

The joining process sets the tone that members should be prepared to actively participate according to group guidelines.

Best Practices for Require Screening Questions

To maximize the impact of screening questions:

Be Selective in Question Choice

Ask only the most necessary questions to vet new members. 1-3 thoughtful questions are ideal. Don’t overwhelm with too many.

Adapt Questions to Your Goals

Tailor questions specifically to provide the info you need to evaluate new members for that particular group.

Set Clear Guidelines Around Approval

Establish transparent rules for your criteria in approving membership requests based on screening answers.

Limit Personal or Sensitive Topics

Avoid very personal questions and stick to relevant interests and intentions related to the group. Don’t ask for anything you wouldn’t need.

Allow Final Follow Up if Unsure

Have an open line of communication if you need any clarification from an applicant before approving them.

Automate If Possible

For very large groups, consider using bots or automation tools to screen responses to high volume requests faster.

Remain Flexible

Be open to tweaking your questions over time if you find better ways to qualify members. Keep refining for optimal results.

Sample Screening Questions

Here are some example screening questions to consider for various Facebook group types:

For Professional Groups:

– What is your role in the industry this group focuses on?
– What knowledge or experience can you contribute to discussions?
– How will you engage with other members in a professional manner?

For Hobby or Interest Groups:

– How did you first get involved with this hobby/interest?
– What aspect interests you the most?
– What content would you like to see more of in this group?

For Regional Groups:

– How long have you lived in the area this group covers?
– What local topics or issues are you most interested in?
– What local knowledge or experiences can you share with the group?

For Support Groups:

– What personal experience do you have related to this group’s focus?
– What type of support or information are you looking for?
– How will you provide compassion and support to others members?

For Fan Groups:

– How long have you been a fan of [interest]?
– Who is your favorite [character, team player, etc] and why?
– What content would you like to see that isn’t already shared here?


Adding thoughtful screening questions when users request to join a private Facebook group can improve the quality of members and discussions when done right. Tailor questions specific to your goals, limit length and personal details, and set clear approval criteria. With some trial and error, questions can become a useful gating mechanism for your ideal members. Just be sure not to make the joining process too cumbersome, find the right balance for your needs.