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How do you find viral hashtags?

How do you find viral hashtags?

Hashtags have become an extremely popular way for people to discover content on social media. Using the right hashtags can help get your content seen by more people. However, with so many hashtags being used, how do you determine which hashtags are most likely to go viral and help spread your content? Here are some tips on finding the top trending hashtags.

Track Trending Hashtags

The first step is to identify hashtags that are currently trending. Platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok all have sections where you can see the top trending hashtags over the past day, week or even month. Make a list of the top trending hashtags over different time spans. This will give you an idea of what topics and conversations are hot right now. Stay up-to-date by checking for trending hashtags daily or weekly. Keep an eye out for any new hashtags popping up or sudden spikes in use for a hashtag.

Use Hashtag Tracking Tools

Rather than manually tracking, you can use social media tools to identify trending hashtags for you. Tools like RiteTag, Trendogate, and Keyhole can analyze hashtags across social platforms and provide data on which are being used the most. They track the number of posts, engagement, reach and more. These tools make it easy to quickly see the highest momentum hashtags in your niche. Look for hashtags that are steadily climbing in use rather than flash-in-the-pan viral hashtags that will quickly fade.

Analyze Competitors and Influencers

Study what hashtags your competitors and industry influencers are using. Look at their recent posts and take note of the hashtags they use most frequently. Chances are the hashtags their content performs well with will also work for your brand. You can also look through the comments on their posts to see what hashtags their followers are using and engaging with. The right influencer partnerships can help introduce you to viral hashtags in your niche.

Research Trending Keywords

Hashtags are closely related to keywords. Look at keyword research tools like Google Trends and SEMrush to see what keywords are rising in searches. Turn these into hashtags for your content. Tools like Quora and BuzzSumo can also provide insight into what people are engaging with and searching for right now. Use this to brainstorm relevant hashtags to incorporate.

Look at Location-Based Hashtags

Certain hashtags go viral within specific locations or around certain events. Look for trending hashtags based on locations like cities, states or countries. Event-specific hashtags like conferences, concerts or holidays can also provide a targeted way to tap into viral hashtags. Use tools like Trendsmap to easily identify location-based trends.

Research Competitions and Challenges

Viral hashtag challenges and competitions frequently arise on social media. Monitoring for these can allow you to jump on trends as they emerge. These could be tied to new songs, dances, memes or other cultural moments that inspire challenging others. Keep an eye on trending challenges and find a way to authentically take part for your brand.

Leverage Pop Culture and Current Events

Pop culture events like new movies, TV shows, celebrity news or meme trends often inspire related hashtags. Stay up-to-date on pop culture through news and entertainment sites. Figure out ways to tie your content into the latest crazes. Current news events and holidays also regularly lead to trending hashtags you can use.

Analyze Trending Platform Features

New features launched by social platforms can spark viral hashtags as people explore them. When Instagram launched Reels, #reels and #reelit became hugely popular. Keep an eye out for new sticks, filters and features being tested. Figure out how to creatively use them before saturation hits.

Use AI and Machine Learning

AI and machine learning tools are getting incredibly sophisticated at predicting viral trends ahead of time. Tools like Octoparse, Talkwalker, and Sprout Social tap into data and artificial intelligence to identify rising hashtags early. They can analyze millions of data points across platforms to provide robust predictions.

Research Trending Topics in Your Industry

Certain topics, formats and angles tend to resonate most across different industries. Study trending topics and hashtag types within your industry to identify formats that tend to go viral. For example, list posts like “10 Ways to…” perform extremely well for blogging. Recipes, life hacks and challenges also tend to spread rapidly for lifestyle brands. Analyze competitors during trending moments to understand what works.

A/B Test Hashtags

There’s no substitute for first-hand experience of what performs best for your audience. A/B test different hashtags to see which ones deliver the highest engagement and reach. Try out various formats like questions, humor, emojis, puns and more. You can quickly get a feel for what resonates most with your followers. Adapt and refine over time.

Follow Trendsetters and Micro-Influencers

Follow micro-influencers and trendsetters in your niche. Observe what hashtags they use when a post takes off for them. Take note of their viral hashtag formula and imitate it with your own spin. Reach out to them to ask what hashtags they recommend. Most micro-influencers are happy to provide tips to fellow creators.

Leverage Trending Memes

Memes frequently inspire hashtags when they go massively viral. Stay on top of the latest meme trends and find ways to authentically incorporate them into branded content. The #DistractedBoyfriend meme provided a great branding opportunity for clever companies. Brainstorm funny yet on-brand ways to use trending meme formats.

Piggyback off of Trending Hashtag Challenges

When a major viral hashtag challenge takes off, piggybacking off of it can provide exposure for your brand. For example, Oreo used the viral #stackthatcheese challenge to showcase cookies stacked high. This helps you tap into an existing trend. Just make sure your take offers a unique spin rather than copying.


Viral hashtags thrive on momentum. Use data from multiple sources to identify rising hashtags early and jump on them. Track locations, events, influencers and trendsetters in your niche. Refresh your hashtags constantly to incorporate what’s new. With some strategic research and testing, you’ll be able to determine the best viral hashtags to expand your reach and engagement.

Platform Tools to Find Trending Hashtags
Twitter Trendsmap, Keyhole, RiteTag, Trendogate
Instagram Keyhole, Ingramer, Trendogate
TikTok TikTok Trends, Trendogate, Keyhole
Type Examples
Pop Culture #StrangerThings, #StarWars, #Beyonce
Trending Topics #Sustainability, #Feminism, #MentalHealth
Current Events #Election2020, #Coronavirus
Holidays #Thanksgiving, #NewYearsEve
Memes #DistractedBoyfriend, #ChangeMyMind
Challenges #IceBucketChallenge, #MannequinChallenge

Tips for Using Viral Hashtags

Ride the Momentum

Jump on a trending hashtag quickly while it’s on the rise. The faster you leverage the momentum, the farther your content will spread.

Add Your Own Twist

Don’t just copy a hashtag. Add your own unique, branded take on it.

Use Top Hashtags Sparingly

Avoid overloading posts with too many popular hashtags. Stick to 1-2 per post.

Mix Trending and Niche Tags

Combine widely trending hashtags with niche ones relevant to your brand.

Monitor Performance

Analyze engagement and reach data to see which hashtags perform best.

Refresh Frequently

Stay on top of the latest trends and update hashtags accordingly.