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How do you edit a shared memory on Facebook?

How do you edit a shared memory on Facebook?

Facebook’s “On This Day” feature allows you to look back and reminisce on memories you’ve shared over the years. Sometimes you may want to edit the details of a memory you’ve previously shared. Maybe there’s a typo you want to fix, or you want to add or remove people tagged in the memory. Whatever the reason, editing a shared Facebook memory is easy to do.

Why Would You Want to Edit a Shared Memory?

There are a few common reasons you may want to edit a shared memory on Facebook:

  • Fix typos or other inaccuracies in the original post
  • Add or remove people tagged in the memory
  • Change the privacy settings of the memory
  • Update the location tag
  • Modify the date if you posted the memory on the wrong day
  • Change the text caption for the memory
  • Swap out the photos or videos attached to the memory

Making small tweaks to a memory post allows you to ensure the details are accurate. You may also want to adjust the privacy settings on an old post so that a wider or smaller audience can now view it.

How to Edit a Shared Memory Post

Editing a shared Facebook memory is a simple process:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile and click on the “Memories” tab in the left sidebar
  2. Find the memory post you want to edit in your timeline
  3. Click on the three dots “…” icon in the top right corner of the memory post
  4. Select “Edit Post” from the dropdown menu
  5. Make any desired changes to the post
  6. Click “Save” at the bottom when you’re finished

The memory post will now be updated with your edits. The original timestamp will remain the same, but the content of the memory will reflect any changes you made.

Editing Text, Tags, and Media

When you select “Edit Post,” you’ll be able to change the text caption, edit tags, swap out photos and videos, and make other updates.

  • To edit the text, simply click inside the text box and change, add, or delete text as needed.
  • To edit tags, click on the “With [names]” link below the text box. This will open a list of tagged people that you can add or remove.
  • To change the date, click on the date above the text box and select a new date.
  • To swap the media, click on the existing photos/videos and select “Change Photo/Video” to pick new files from your computer.

Once you finish editing, the memory will update for you and anyone else who you’ve allowed to view the post.

Adjusting Privacy Settings

In addition to editing the content, you can adjust the privacy settings on a memory post when you select “Edit Post.” The privacy dropdown menu is in the top right corner.

  • Public – Anyone will be able to see the memory
  • Friends – Only your friends will see the memory
  • Friends except acquaintances – Friends will see it except those you set as acquaintances
  • Specific friends – You select individual friends who can view it
  • Only me – Only you will be able to view the memory

Changing the audience helps control who interacts with memories from your past. You may want to limit very old posts to “Only me” that no longer represent who you are today.

Tips for Editing Shared Memories

Here are some tips and best practices for editing shared memories:

  • Proofread for typos and inaccuracies before sharing a new post – this will prevent you from having to edit it later.
  • Test tags before posting to ensure you tagged the right friends.
  • If completely modifying the content, consider deleting the old post and sharing a new one instead.
  • Avoid editing memories in ways that alter the original meaning or mislead viewers.
  • Add an edit note at the end explaining what was changed (e.g., “Edited on [date] to update location tag”).
  • Remember your audience and only make edits you’re comfortable sharing publicly.

With great power comes great responsibility. Use your editing powers wisely when making changes to shared Facebook memories.

Limitations of Editing

While you have the ability to edit memories, there are some limitations:

  • You can only edit your own posts, not posts and memories shared by others in your network.
  • Edits apply retroactively, so you can’t selectively show the original version to some people and edited version to others.
  • Deleted tags may still appear in memories resurfaced for the tagged person’s own Timeline.
  • Deleted or changed photos/videos may still be visible if others shared or saved the original media.
  • You can only edit the post itself – likes, comments, and other interactions on the post cannot be edited or deleted.

In essence, you have control over the content you post yourself, but not full control over how others interacted with your memories. There is often a digital trail left behind even after editing.

Why Does Facebook Show Memories in the First Place?

Facebook’s “On This Day” memories feature was introduced in 2014 as a way for users to reminisce about meaningful moments they’ve shared on the platform over the years. Facebook likes to promote nostalgia, connection, and sentimentality through reminders of users’ personal highlights.

But why does Facebook show you memories on a nearly daily basis? There are a few reasons:

  • To keep you engrossed in the app visiting your memories.
  • To show you how long you’ve had an active Facebook account.
  • To resurface old connections and encourage you to interact with them again.
  • To prompt you to share new life updates after viewing memories.
  • To mine data about how you react to reminders from the past.

Essentially, Facebook stands to gain increased engagement and data collection by showing you your digital memories on a regular basis. The feature provides utility for users, but ultimately is designed to benefit Facebook as a company.

Engagement Benefits for Facebook

When you spend time reacting to memories, Facebook gains:

  • Increased time-on-site metrics when you browse memories.
  • Added content when you post new updates related to memories.
  • Interaction data they analyze to improve their algorithms.

Facebook can show which memories prompt you to engage most. They want to resurface the nostalgia that keeps you coming back.

Data Mining Benefits for Facebook

In addition to engagement perks, looking at your memories provides Facebook valuable user data including:

  • How far back your active history goes.
  • Who you interact with frequently vs rarely.
  • What types of content you prefer to share.
  • How frequently you post life updates.

This data fuels Facebook’s profiling of your preferences and interests to inform ads, recommendations, and more. Nothing is random – your memories are calculated to maximize Facebook’s knowledge of you.

The Takeaway: You Have Editing Power

Facebook’s “On This Day” memories are focused on optimal engagement and data collection for the company itself. But the feature does provide genuine utility for looking back fondly on impactful life moments. Just be aware that Facebook shows you your memories for their benefit, not just yours.

If you see memories you’re no longer comfortable with, exercise your right to edit or delete them. You have control over your digital footprint. Facebook may keep finding ways to resurface memories, but you decide how you want to curate and shape what’s shown among those reminders.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions about editing Facebook memories:

How soon after posting can I edit a memory?

You can edit a Facebook memory post at any time after initial posting. There is no time limit or waiting period.

Can I delete a memory post entirely?

Yes, deleting a memory post is an option when you select “Edit Post.” The other option is to change the audience to “Only me” if you still want access to view it.

Do all of my Facebook friends see my edited memories?

Any friends with access to the original memory will see the edited version. The change is retroactive.

Will editing a memory change its original timestamp?

No, the original date and time the memory was posted will remain the same even after editing. Only the content of the post itself is altered.

Can I see a history of edits made to my own memories?

Unfortunately Facebook does not have an edit history or versioning system for posts. So there’s no way to view a complete audit trail of changes.

If I delete a tag, will the memory disappear from that friend’s Timeline?

No, memories you’re tagged in may still appear in your Timeline even if untagged. Removing a tag only impacts visibility of that memory post from your own profile.


Editing shared memories on Facebook is a straightforward process – just navigate to the memory post, click the three-dot menu, select “Edit Post”, adjust any text, tags, media, or settings, and save your changes. It provides a way to curate your digital presence and posthumous stories.

But recognize the dual purpose behind Facebook resurfacing your memories so frequently. Use your power judiciously when editing memories, and be mindful of how much power you hand the platform itself in accumulating your digital memories over time. You may want to regularly download your Facebook data for safekeeping outside their walled garden.

Your memories and identity belong to you. Even in the digital realm, ensure your self-narrative is your own – don’t let an algorithm tell your story.