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How do you delete social media when someone dies?

How do you delete social media when someone dies?

Losing a loved one is incredibly difficult. In the midst of grief, dealing with their social media accounts may be the last thing on your mind. However, taking appropriate steps to memorialize or delete their accounts can provide closure and prevent issues down the road.

Should you delete or memorialize the deceased person’s social media accounts?

When someone passes away, you have a few options for handling their social media accounts:

  • Delete the account entirely
  • Memorialize the account
  • Leave the account active

There are pros and cons to each approach:

Option Pros Cons
Delete the account
  • Removes content that may be upsetting for some
  • Prevents account hacks or misuse
  • Permanently erases posts, photos, messages
  • Can be distressing for loved ones
Memorialize the account
  • Preserves account as a legacy
  • Allows loved ones to access content
  • Account may show up in painful reminders
  • Requires managing account settings
Leave account active
  • Maintains normal profile presence
  • Avoids making sudden changes
  • Account could be hacked or misused
  • Upsetting content may still be posted

There is no one “right” choice. Evaluate the pros and cons for the situation and decide what will be healthiest for you and other loved ones.

How to delete social media accounts after someone dies

If you decide deleting the account is best, here are steps to fully deactivate accounts on major platforms:


  1. Click the account menu in the top right and select “Settings & Privacy”
  2. Click “Memorialization Settings”
  3. Click “Request that account be deleted”
  4. Enter the requested info and click “Submit”

Facebook may take a few days to process the request. The account will not appear in any spaces where it existed previously.


  1. Go to the user’s profile and click the “…” menu
  2. Select “Report Account”
  3. Choose “My friend passed away” and click “Report”

You’ll be asked to confirm info like your relationship. Once submitted, the account will enter memorialized status.


  1. Start a support request at
  2. Select “The account holder is deceased”
  3. Enter the account info and your relationship
  4. Confirm whether you want the account deactivated

Twitter will review the request and delete the account if it meets their criteria.


  1. Go to the account’s profile
  2. Click “More” next to “Report/Block”
  3. Select “They’re deceased”
  4. Follow prompts to confirm identity

LinkedIn will memorialize the profile so it remains visible but prevents interactions.

How to memorialize social media accounts

To memorialize an account:


  1. Start a support request at
  2. Select “Report a deceased person’s account”
  3. Follow prompts to verify identity and relationship
  4. Choose “Memorialize Account”

The memorialized account will have limited profile visibility.


  1. Go to user profile and click “…” menu
  2. Tap “Report Account”
  3. Select “My Friend Passed Away”
  4. Provide requested info to confirm

The account will become memorialized with “Remembering” shown next to the name.


  1. Start request at
  2. Choose ” commemorating a deceased Twitter account”
  3. Enter info to verify identity/consent
  4. Confirm “I want the account memorialized”

Twitter will hide certain sensitive account features after memorialization.


  1. Go to account profile
  2. Click “More” next to “Report/Block”
  3. Select “They’re deceased”
  4. Follow prompts to confirm

LinkedIn memorializes accounts by adding “Remembering” to the name and prevents interactivity.

Things to do when memorializing an account

When memorializing a social media account, you may also want to:

  • Update the profile/cover photo with an “In Memory” overlay or memorial image
  • Write a pinned post sharing memorial service details
  • Adjust visibility settings for tags, mentions, contacts, etc.
  • Remove login access to prevent unauthorized changes
  • Download important posts/photos/messages for memorial keepsakes

Think carefully before deleting or memorializing accounts – it can be a very personal decision based on individual situations.

Who can legally access a deceased person’s accounts?

Access to a deceased person’s social media accounts depends on platform policies and laws. Some general guidelines on legal access include:

  • Spouses/immediate family may request access with proof such as a death certificate.
  • Accounts may become part of digital assets in a person’s will or estate.
  • Companies have discretion in providing access to verified next-of-kin.
  • Accounts with financial assets require additional legal permissions.
  • Minors’ accounts typically revert to parents/guardians.

If handling accounts for someone who passed, consult with an attorney to understand rights and procedures for your specific situation.

Closing Thoughts

Losing a cherished friend or family member is painful enough without having to navigate their social media presence. With compassion and care, you can either preserve or remove accounts in a way that respects their legacy.

Give yourself grace as you determine the best path forward. While digital spaces may feel overwhelming right now, the love you carry for them in your heart is what matters most.