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How do you delete all FB messages in one click?

How do you delete all FB messages in one click?

Facebook Messenger allows users to communicate with friends and family through text, audio, video and photos. Over time, message threads can become quite long and contain content you may wish to delete for privacy or storage reasons. Unfortunately, Facebook does not offer a simple “delete all messages” option. While it may seem daunting to manually delete thousands of messages, there are a few methods to expedite the process and clear your message inbox with minimal clicks.

Why You May Want to Delete Facebook Messages

Here are some common reasons for deleting Facebook messages:

  • Improve privacy by removing conversations you no longer need
  • Free up storage space taken up by large attachments and media files
  • Remove messages from a particular contact or group thread
  • Start fresh with a clean inbox

Clearing your old Facebook messages helps protect your privacy, frees up storage, and declutters your inbox.

How to Delete All Facebook Messages in Bulk

Unfortunately there is no built-in Facebook option to mass delete messages. However, you can use the following methods to delete Facebook messages in bulk:

Use a Third Party Facebook Message Cleaner App or Extension

This is the fastest way to delete all Facebook messages at once. Third party apps like Social Book Post Manager can delete messages in bulk rather than one thread at a time. The free Social Book Post Manager Chrome extension allows you to:

  • Select all threads
  • Click “Delete” to wipe your entire inbox

Other Facebook cleaner apps like Facy offer a one-click inbox purge for a small fee. While not free, they provide the simplest solution for bulk Facebook message deletion.

Use Facebook’s Download Your Information Tool

Facebook allows you to download a copy of your account information, including your messages. You can then use the data file to wipe your Facebook message history in two steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Your Facebook Information > Download Your Information and request a copy of your Facebook data
  2. Once the download is ready, go to Settings > Your Facebook Information > Delete Your Information and delete your message history

This will wipe your Facebook message inbox completely clean in two clicks – one to download your data, and one to delete it.

Use a Script or Code to Automate Message Deletion

For tech savvy users, it is possible to write scripts or code to automate the deletion of Facebook messages. This involves using the Facebook API or a Selenium browser automation tool to programmatically select and delete all message threads. However, this requires JavaScript, Python or other coding knowledge.

Browser Extensions to Select All and Delete

Some browsers like Chrome allow you to install extensions that add useful buttons to Facebook. For example, an extension like Select All Friends adds a “Select All” button that lets you select every message thread on your page in one click. You can then click delete to remove them all at once. Look for similar add-ons that streamline bulk selection and deletion.

How to Delete Large Parts of Your Facebook Message History

If you don’t want to delete your entire inbox, but want to mass delete portions of it, you have a few options:

Search and Delete by Contact Name

Use the Facebook Messenger search bar to search for a specific contact name. This will pull up all threads you’ve had with that person. Click the upper left selection box to select the entire thread, then delete. Repeat this for any other contacts you want to remove.

Search and Delete by Date Range

If you want to delete messages from a certain time period, search for date ranges like “messages from October 2019”. Select and delete all messages that appear from that period. Narrow the date range and repeat as needed to delete big chunks of older messages.

Search and Delete by Keyword

Search your message inbox for broad keywords like “cat videos” or “recipes” to pull up related conversations. Mass select and delete those messages to remove certain topics all at once without having to go thread by thread.

Delete Large Group or Event Threads

Your Facebook events and groups can generate huge conversation threads. Go to each event or group and select the option to mute or leave the conversation. This will delete the entire thread in one click.

How to Delete Thousands of Facebook Messages Quickly

Manually deleting thousands of Facebook messages one by one would take hours or days of tedious work. Use these time-saving tips to wipe thousands of messages quickly:

  • Use a third party app to automate deletion in a couple clicks
  • Download and delete your information to purge your inbox instantly
  • Search broad terms and delete all matching threads at once
  • Filter by date ranges to mass select and delete big date ranges
  • Leave large group/event threads to remove huge conversations in one click

Combining these bulk deletion methods lets you wipe even thousands of Facebook messages in just a few minutes versus the hours it would take to hand delete thread by thread.

How to Delete Facebook Messages on Mobile

You can also delete Facebook messages in bulk from your mobile device:

Mobile Message Manager Apps

Apps like Thread Manager for Facebook make it easy to delete all messages or chose date ranges. Simply connect your account, choose what to delete, and hit “Execute”.

Facebook Mobile App

Use the tips above like searching, filtering and selecting all in a group thread directly in the Facebook mobile app. While more tedious on mobile, the delete process is the same.

Mobile Website

Visit Facebook in your mobile web browser, then use the same search and selection tips outlined for the desktop website above. The mobile site has the same capabilities, just on a smaller screen.

Important Things to Know When Deleting Facebook Messages

Keep the following key points in mind when deleting Facebook messages:

  • Deleted messages cannot be recovered. Download any messages you may want to keep first.
  • Deleting a message only deletes your copy of the thread. Recipients may still have the conversation.
  • Messages may persist in your email inbox if you have it linked to your Facebook account.
  • You can only delete your own messages, not messages sent to you by other people.
  • Deleted Facebook messages may still exist in backups, archives or cached versions even after being deleted.

Overall, it’s important to be aware that deleting Facebook messages does not necessarily guarantee they are erased permanently or from other accounts. Proceed with caution when permanently deleting any social media or communications content.


While Facebook does not have a built-in “delete all messages” tool, you can still clear your message inbox in bulk fairly easily. Use a third party app, download and delete your information, search and filter strategically, or leave large group threads to delete hundreds or thousands of Facebook messages in just a few clicks. Just be careful, as deleted messages can not be recovered. With a little work, you can enjoy a clean messaging inbox without having to manually remove each thread one by one.