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How do you delete a page you created on Facebook on Iphone?

How do you delete a page you created on Facebook on Iphone?

Deleting a Facebook page you created can be done right from the Facebook app on your iPhone. It’s a relatively straightforward process that involves accessing the page settings and selecting the option to delete the page.

In most cases, once you delete a Facebook page you created, it cannot be recovered. So before deleting it, you’ll want to be sure you really want to get rid of that page permanently.

Below are step-by-step instructions on how to delete a Facebook page you created from your iPhone, as well as additional information about things to consider before deleting a page.

Requirements for Deleting a Facebook Page

In order to delete a Facebook page you created, there are a few requirements:

  • You must be an admin of the page you want to delete.
  • If there are other admins for the page, you need to remove their admin access first before deleting the page.
  • You’ll need to access the page settings from the Facebook app on your iPhone.
  • The page must have no activity for a period of time before it can be deleted.

Facebook wants to ensure pages are not deleted accidentally or maliciously. So if there has been recent activity on the page, you may have to wait a while before being able to delete it.

Step-by-Step Guide to Deleting a Facebook Page on iPhone

Here are the step-by-step instructions for permanently deleting a Facebook page you created using the Facebook app for iPhone:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your iPhone.
  2. Go to your Facebook page that you want to delete by tapping on it from your home screen or searching for it.
  3. Tap the three horizontal line menu icon in the top right corner.
  4. Select “Settings” from the menu.
  5. Scroll down and tap on “Delete [Page Name]”.
  6. Tap on “Permanently delete [Page Name]” to confirm.

Once you confirm the deletion, the page will be permanently removed. There is no way to undo this or recover the page.

Removing Other Admins First

If there are other admins on the page you want to delete, you’ll need to remove their admin access before deleting the page. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the page settings.
  2. Select “Page Roles” from the menu.
  3. Tap the “X” icon next to any other admins to remove their access.

Once all other admins are removed, you can proceed with deleting the page through the steps outlined above.

What Happens When a Facebook Page is Deleted

Here’s what happens when you permanently delete a Facebook page you created:

  • The page will no longer show up on Facebook.
  • Anyone who visited the page will see that the content is no longer available.
  • The page name/URL can be used again by someone else to create a new page.
  • All content posted to that page will be deleted and cannot be recovered.
  • No trace of the page will remain in Facebook search results.
  • You can create a new page in the future with the same name if desired.

In effect, permanently deleting a page erases its existence on Facebook. So you’ll want to download any important information or content before removing a page.

What to Do Before Deleting a Facebook Page

Since deleting a Facebook page removes it forever, here are some things you may want to do before deleting your page:

  • Download your page content – You can download all posts, photos, videos, and other content from your page through Facebook’s Archive feature in the General Account Settings. This lets you save the content before deleting the page.
  • Save any analytics data – Download data like page followers, post reach, and insights for your own records.
  • Let page followers know – Give fans of the page some notice that you’ll be deleting it soon and encourage them to follow any new pages you create.
  • Create a new page – If you want to maintain the branding but change the page for some reason, create a brand new page first before deleting the old one.
  • Remove admins – Delete any other admins on the page so that only you have access to delete the page.

Taking these steps allows you to preserve any important data and smooth the transition for your audience before you delete your Facebook page.

Why You May Want to Delete Your Facebook Page

Here are some common reasons you may want to delete a Facebook page you are administering:

  • You no longer need the page for your brand, business, organization, etc.
  • You want to start fresh with a brand new page.
  • The page has been inactive for a long time.
  • You are consolidating pages and no longer need multiple pages.
  • You don’t want the responsibility of managing the page anymore.
  • The page was created in error or is a duplicate.
  • You are concerned about brand reputation and outdated content.

Essentially, if the Facebook page no longer serves a purpose and provides value, deleting it can be beneficial for streamlining your online presence.

Mistakes to Avoid When Deleting a Facebook Page

Be sure to avoid these common mistakes when deleting your Facebook page:

  • Not downloading your page content – Don’t forget to save any important info before deletion.
  • Deleting abruptly without notice – Give your audience time to find your new pages if any.
  • Forgetting to remove other admins – Be sure only you can delete the page when the time comes.
  • Deleting the wrong page – Double check you have the right page selected before confirming deletion.
  • Deleting because of temporary issues – Try resolving problems like hacked accounts before choosing to delete permanently.

Following best practices when removing pages can prevent regrets down the road.

Steps to Take After Deleting a Facebook Page

Once you’ve deleted your Facebook page, here are some next steps to take:

  • Let former fans know where to find you now through other channels.
  • Create a new page if desired and redirect fans there.
  • Remove any links or references to the old page from your website, other social media, etc.
  • Consider creating website pages or posts to provide info that was available on the old Facebook page.
  • Monitor for people searching for the deleted page and inform them it is no longer available.

Being proactive about replacing the value provided by the old page or redirecting your audience ensures minimal disruption after deletion.

Troubleshooting Problems Deleting a Facebook Page

If you try deleting your Facebook page but run into issues, here are some troubleshooting tips:

Problem: “Delete Permanently” option not showing up

  • Ensure you are an admin of the page. Only admins can delete pages.
  • Check you are allowing enough time for inactivity on the page before deleting. Facebook requires a cooldown period.
  • Try logging out of Facebook and back in again before attempting to delete the page.

Problem: Being told “Couldn’t delete page”

  • Make sure there are no other admins on the page. Remove them first.
  • Confirm there has been no activity on the page for an extended period.
  • Wait a full day and try again if recently active. The cooldown period may need more time.

Problem: Page keeps restoring after deletion

  • This is likely because another admin readded the page. Remove all other admin access.
  • If page restoration continues, contact Facebook support for help resolving the issue.

Problem: Can’t locate the Facebook Page to delete

  • Search thoroughly through your Facebook account using the page name and your role as the admin.
  • Check under expired/archived pages in case it is located there.
  • Use the direct URL of the page to access deletion options.

If no troubleshooting tips resolve your ability to delete the page, reach out to Facebook’s help center for additional support.


Deleting a Facebook page you created removes it permanently, so be sure you really want to get rid of it before taking action. But when you are ready, simply access the page settings on your iPhone app and select “Permanently Delete” to remove a page you are administering.

Be sure to remove other admins first, download page content, and let followers know before the deletion. With proper planning and precautions, you can smoothly delete a Facebook page that is no longer needed. Just be absolutely certain, as there is no way to recover the page once permanently removed!