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How do you create content for beginners?

How do you create content for beginners?

Creating content for beginners requires understanding your audience and meeting them where they are. As a writer, your goal is to clearly explain concepts, provide actionable advice, and inspire confidence in your readers. While crafting beginner content can be challenging, following some key best practices can set you on the right path.

Know your audience

The first step is getting to know your target beginner audience. Ask yourself some key questions:

  • What is their current skill level? Are they complete novices or do they have some base knowledge?
  • What are their goals and motivations for learning this new skill or topic?
  • What background knowledge can you safely assume they have?
  • What jargon or technical terms might they be unfamiliar with?

Understanding the baseline experience of your readers will allow you to tailor the content accordingly. If there are terms or concepts you need to introduce, you can build that educational foundation into your article.

Start with the basics

Don’t assume any prior knowledge from your readers. Begin with simple definitions, explain core concepts, and provide context before diving into more advanced material. Introduce topics gradually and build on each idea.

For example, if you’re writing a “Beginner’s Guide to Programming,” start by clearly defining what programming is before detailing different programming languages. Take the time to ensure readers have a grasp on the fundamentals before moving forward.

Use simple, straightforward language

Writing for beginners means using simple words and sentences. Avoid complex jargon that could confuse readers. Be concise and clear in your language.

For example, say “start by opening the software program” rather than “commence by initializing the application.” Simpler is better.

Include examples and illustrations

Examples are invaluable teaching tools for beginner audiences. Nothing explains a concept better than concrete illustrations. Consider incorporating:

  • Screenshots demonstrating steps
  • Videos walking through processes
  • Info-graphics and visual aids
  • Text examples and sample scenarios
  • Excerpts from case studies and interviews

Choose examples tailored to beginners. A coding tutorial for novices may include sample “Hello World” programs rather than complex applications.

Emphasize actionable takeaways

Beginners want to walk away knowing what to do next. Focus on providing clear, actionable advice. Include step-by-step instructions for readers to follow along. Emphasize the most critical takeaways they need to remember.

For instance, a cooking article could end with a simple recipe, key equipment to buy, and safety tips. Give readers concrete next steps.

Act as a trusted guide

The tone you establish is important. Position yourself as a trusted guide, not an expert talking down to beginners. Be supportive and encouraging when explaining concepts. Let readers know it’s okay to make mistakes.

Phrase advice as suggestions rather than rigid rules. Use inclusive language like “we” and “us” to create a collaborative learning experience. You are there to guide and empower beginners, not lecture them.

Provide additional resources

Point beginners toward helpful reference materials, website links, glossaries, and other resources. Providing next steps encourages further learning. For example:

  • Include a “Beginner’s Glossary” defining key terms
  • Link out to tutorial videos and online courses
  • Compile a list of helpful books and blogs
  • Provide comparison charts of software, equipment, or products

Helping readers continue their education builds trust and positions you as a valued reference source.

Topic Helpful Resources for Beginners
  • Codecademy – Free coding classes
  • freeCodeCamp – Coding tutorials and practice projects
  • Head First Programming by Paul Deitel – Beginner book
  • Digital Photography School – Tutorials
  • Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson – Beginner book
  • r/photography – Reddit community

Anticipate questions and concerns

Put yourself in the mindset of a beginner approaching this topic for the first time. What questions or concerns might they have? How can you proactively address any fears or hesitations?

For instance, a common beginner worry with coding is, “I’m not good at math/logic. Can I still program?” Anticipating doubts like this allows you to reassuringly tackle them upfront.

Add visual elements

Pictures, charts, icons, and other visuals can enhance learning, especially for visual learners. Images break up dense text and can quickly communicate concepts that would take many words to describe. Some effective visual elements to incorporate include:

  • Photos – Illustrate processes, highlight key tools/items, add some flair
  • Flowcharts – Demonstrate workflows and logic
  • Diagrams – Provide overviews of systems, relationships, hierarchies
  • Icons – Draw attention to important warnings, tips, and key takeaways

Just be sure visuals are clean, relevant, and placed near the corresponding descriptions. Provide alt text for screen reader accessibility.

Structure content effectively

Logical information structure and formatting make content more beginner-friendly. Some tips:

  • Use numbered lists for step-by-step processes
  • Break sections into short paragraphs focused on single ideas
  • Use white space between paragraphs and sections
  • Use bold or italics to emphasize key terms and phrases
  • Include descriptive headers and subheaders

These techniques make long blocks of content easier to digest. Structure content in the order readers need to learn it, starting with simpler concepts building toward more advanced.

Review and test your work

Before publishing beginner content, always review it with a critical eye. Does it achieve the following goals?

  • Explains basics concepts clearly and completely
  • Provides relevant examples and illustrations
  • Uses simple, beginner-friendly language
  • Offers concrete action steps for readers
  • Strikes an encouraging, empowering tone
  • Is well-structured and easy to navigate

It can also help to test beginner content with actual beginners and gather their feedback through surveys or interviews. Identify any gaps or areas of confusion you can improve for the next iteration.

Start simple and evolve

Don’t worry about covering everything there is to know about a topic. Start with core beginner fundamentals, and leave room to build on those over time. Once you have published beginner content, look for opportunities to create more advanced follow-up content when appropriate.

For example, after a “Beginner’s Guide to Coding in Python,” you could create “Intermediate Python: Taking Your Skills to the Next Level” and “Advanced Python: Complex Program Design.” Meet beginners where they are, and provide a path for them to grow.


Writing for beginners requires empathy, patience, and a methodical approach. Follow these best practices to create content that educates, empowers, and engages new learners:

  • Get to know your target audience and their needs
  • Start with the most basic concepts first
  • Use simple, beginner-friendly language
  • Incorporate plenty of relevant examples and illustrations
  • Provide actionable takeaways and next steps
  • Use visual elements to enhance learning
  • Organize information logically and effectively
  • Review content thoroughly before publishing
  • Lay the foundation, then build upon it over time

The more you experiment with and refine your approach, the better you will get at tailoring content for beginner audiences. Just stay focused on their learning needs every step of the way.