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How do you create a quiz on Facebook?

How do you create a quiz on Facebook?

Creating quizzes on Facebook is a great way to engage your audience and get more visibility for your Facebook page or group. Quizzes are interactive and fun, which helps drive more comments, shares, and overall engagement.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about creating a quiz on Facebook. We’ll cover:

  • The benefits of creating a Facebook quiz
  • The different types of quizzes you can make
  • How to use Facebook apps to make your quiz
  • Tips for creating an effective and engaging quiz
  • How to promote your quiz on Facebook

So whether you manage a Facebook page for your business, brand, or organization, or you just want to make a fun quiz for your friends, this article will teach you how to get started. Let’s dive in!

Benefits of Creating a Facebook Quiz

There are quite a few advantages to creating and sharing a quiz on Facebook:

  • Build engagement and connections with your audience
  • Get more comments, reactions, and shares to expand your reach
  • Drive more traffic to your Facebook page or website
  • Collect lead generation opt-ins by offering quiz results
  • Entertain your audience with fun, interactive content
  • Educate your audience by testing their knowledge
  • Change up your content format to break up plain text posts

In particular, quizzes are highly shareable content. If your quiz goes viral within your audience, it can expose your brand or organization to a ton of new people organically.

For example, Buzzfeed is well known for creating viral quizzes and surveys that get shared like crazy. Their lighthearted quizzes alone have driven massive growth for their brand.

So if you can come up with a compelling quiz topic that resonates with your target audience, you have a chance at creating some viral content that puts your Facebook page on the map.

Types of Facebook Quizzes

The great thing about Facebook quizzes is that they can focus on pretty much any topic imaginable. And you can format them in different ways depending on what you want to achieve.

Here are some of the most popular types of quizzes to consider:

Trivia Quizzes

These quizzes test your audience’s knowledge about a particular topic. Trivia quiz questions can cover facts about:

  • Pop culture
  • History
  • Science
  • Books
  • Movies & TV shows
  • Music & bands
  • Sports
  • Geography

The trick is choosing a topic that you know your audience is passionate about. Movie trivia for a cinema fan page. Baseball trivia for a sports team page. Harry Potter trivia for a book club. And so on.

Trivia quizzes challenge people and tap into their competitive sides. If they perform well, they’ll be eager to share their results.

Personality Quizzes

These quizzes aim to reveal something about the quiz-taker’s personality, abilities, or skills. They may uncover attributes like:

  • Personality types (e.g. introvert vs extrovert)
  • Strengths and weaknesses
  • Compatibility with others
  • What their habits say about them
  • What kind of fictional character/historical figure they are most like

Personality quizzes feed people’s desire to learn more about themselves. If your results resonate strongly, you’ll definitely want to share the quiz with friends to see what types they get.

Listicles/Ratings Quizzes

These quizzes present users with items to rate, rank, choose between, or select favorites from. For example:

  • Rank chocolate bars from your favorite to least favorite
  • Build your dream dinner by picking one appetizer, entree, side dish, dessert, and drink
  • Select your top 5 favorite movies of all time
  • Choose which activities you’d rather do on a weekend getaway

This style taps into people’s opinions and preferences. It also shows what items/topics resonate most with your overall audience.

Outcome or Result Quizzes

With these quizzes, the questions lead to a particular result or “diagnosis” at the end. For example:

  • What kind of career should you have based on your skills?
  • What tattoo style best fits your personality?
  • What’s your perfect vacation based on how you answered?
  • What new hobby should you pick up this year?

The outcome is often tailored around your business or services. For instance, a restaurant can do “What dish should you try based on your taste preferences?”

This style builds anticipation as people are guided towards a customized end result.

Which Type Should You Create?

As you can see, there are lots of options to suit different goals. Here are some factors to consider when deciding which quiz type is best for your Facebook page:

  • Your audience’s interests – Select a topic they’ll be enthusiastic about
  • Your business/organization – Tailor the theme around what you do (if applicable)
  • Goal of the quiz – Engagement? Lead generation? Get feedback?
  • Level of interactivity – Do you want lots of multimedia like videos and images?
  • Length – Quick 5-question Buzzfeed-style or longer 10+ question quiz
  • Knowledge level – Test their expertise or keep it lighthearted?

Think about what your audience would enjoy most and what you want to accomplish. With the right strategic approach, your quiz can become a viral hit while educating people about your brand.

How to Make a Quiz on Facebook

Now let’s get into the practical steps for actually creating your quiz. You have a few options for building and publishing your quiz on Facebook.

Option 1: Facebook Polls

The easiest way is to use Facebook’s native polling feature. It lets you create simple quizzes without any third-party apps.

To create a poll quiz:

  1. Go to your Facebook page
  2. Click “Photo/Video” to make a new post
  3. Select “Poll” from the formatting options
  4. Type your question
  5. Add 2 or more answer choices
  6. Customize additional options like images, who can see it, scheduling, etc.
  7. Click “Post”

This method works well for shorter quizzes with just a few multiple choice questions. However, it lacks customization and analysis compared to third-party quiz apps.

Option 2: Quiz Apps on Facebook

For more advanced quizzes, use a dedicated Facebook quiz application. Here are some top apps to consider:


Woobox offers tons of templates and customization for Facebook quizzes and surveys. Features include:

  • Detailed analytics on participation and results
  • Ability to gate quiz with lead capture form
  • Randomized question order
  • Multi-page quizzes
  • Hands-off publishing & promotion

They have a free plan with limited features as well as paid plans for $15-49/month with more options.

Poll Maker

Poll Maker lets you create both polls and quizzes for Facebook and other social platforms. Features include:

  • Drag & drop builder
  • Custom design themes
  • Collect lead details with quiz / poll result
  • Schedule and autopost quizzes
  • Open-ended and multiple choice questions
  • Poll results downloadable as CSV file

Pricing starts at $12/month for the Starter plan up to $49/month for the Pro plan.


SurveyMonkey is a popular online survey and quiz builder. Their Facebook-specific features include:

  • Target demographics, locations, interests etc.
  • Custom quiz themes
  • Gate lead capture forms
  • Facebook admin page to monitor results
  • Auto publish to your Facebook page

Plans range from free to $35/month for advanced options.

Wishpond Quiz Builder

Wishpond offers landing page and quiz tools with Facebook integration. Quiz features include:

  • Lead scoring based on responses
  • Personality assessments
  • Result gating & lead capture
  • Customized end of quiz messaging
  • Mobile responsive design

Paid plans start at $49/month.

Choosing a Quiz App

When evaluating quiz apps, look for:

  • Your preferred price range
  • Needed features and capabilities
  • Design customization options
  • Available integrations with other tools
  • Reporting and analytics
  • Reviews and reputation

Test out free trials before purchasing a subscription. Make sure their templates and workflows align with the types of quizzes you want to produce.

Tips for Creating Effective Facebook Quizzes

Once you’ve selected the right quiz app, it’s time to start creating! Use these tips to develop compelling quizzes that will resonate with your audience and get engagement:

Pick an Intriguing Topic

As discussed earlier, your topic needs to excite your audience’s curiosity. Make it fun or tap into their love for something specific.

For example, “What friends character are you?” or “What’s your Game of Thrones IQ?”

Write Clear and Concise Questions

Don’t make questions or answers too verbose. Be as clear and succinct as possible.

Limit Response Options

For multiple choice questions, aim for 2-5 choices max. Too many options overwhelms people.

Mix Up Question Styles

Include a variety – multiple choice, open-ended, choose all that apply, rank/rate, etc. This adds diversity.

Include Multimedia

Photos, GIFs, and videos make your quiz more engaging, Especially for intro/outro sections.

Brand and Customize the Design

Add your logo, color scheme, fonts, etc. so it’s on-brand. Custom images also look more professional.

Gate With a Lead Capture

For a long quiz, require an email address before showing results. This can generate leads.

Share Results at the End

Let people easily share their results on Facebook. Optionally, show aggregated results from all quiz takers too.

Promote Lead Magnets After the Quiz

Use the end screen to promote related offers, content, events, etc. Send visitors somewhere next.

How to Promote Your Facebook Quiz

Creating a awesome quiz is only half the battle. You also need to promote your quiz to generate a high volume of participants.

Here are proven strategies for spreading the word about your Facebook quiz:

Share Quiz Links in Related Facebook Groups

Post your quiz link in Facebook Groups centered around the quiz topic. For instance, share a TV show quiz in groups for that show’s fans.

Run a Contest or Giveaway

Encourage shares by offering a prize for top quiz participants or picking a random winner.

Boost Quiz Post as an Ad

Create a Facebook Ad to promote your quiz post. Target specific interests/demographics.

Invite Friends and Followers to Take the Quiz

Leverage your existing social reach by inviting people to participate.

Share on Additional Channels

Post quiz links on other platforms like Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

Send Email Invites

Email subscribers and customers directly with a call-to-action to take the quiz.

Promote on Your Website

Add a banner, pop-up, or sidebar element to advertise your quiz to site visitors.

Run Retargeting Ads

Remarket the quiz to people who already engaged with your page or content.

Share Results and Encourage Retakes

When people take the quiz once, nudge them to retake and share again to beat their score.


Launching a quiz on Facebook is a highly effective tactic to engage your existing audience while expanding your reach at the same time.

With the right compelling topic and promotion strategy, you can create a viral quiz that gets insane amounts of participation.

Use this guide to start brainstorming and developing the perfect quiz for your Facebook audience to enjoy.

The potential growth you can unlock for your brand, product, or organization is immense.

So tap into the viral power of quizzes and see the outstanding response you can drive. Just don’t make your questions too hard or no one will want to finish and share it!

Quiz Type Best For Example Topic
Trivia Quiz Testing knowledge Disney trivia
Personality Quiz Uncovering attributes What kind of dog are you?
Listicles/Ratings Opinions and preferences Rate ice cream flavors
Outcome Quiz Customized results What vacation destination should you visit?