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How do you compliment someone on Facebook Dating?

How do you compliment someone on Facebook Dating?

Facebook Dating is a new way to find love through Facebook. It allows you to match with people who are also looking for relationships. Once you match with someone, you can start a conversation with them and get to know them better. One of the best ways to break the ice and make a good first impression is by complimenting the other person. A sincere and thoughtful compliment shows that you’re interested in them as an individual. It makes them feel appreciated and can help start the conversation off on a positive note. Here are some tips on how to best compliment someone on Facebook Dating.

Be Specific

When giving a compliment, it’s important to be specific and point out something unique about the person. Generic compliments like “you’re cute” or “you’re pretty” are nice but don’t stand out. It’s better to comment on a specific feature or trait you find attractive. For example, if the person has an interesting hobby or passion mentioned in their profile, compliment that. Say something like “I love that you’re so into photography. That sunset shot you took is beautiful.” This shows you paid attention to their profile and are interested in who they are as an individual.

Compliment Their Personality

While looks are often the first thing we notice about someone, personality is much more important in the long run. Instead of just complimenting someone’s physical appearance, look for personality traits, humor, or values that you appreciate or have in common. For example, “You seem like a really positive person. I love your outlook on life.” Or “You have a great sense of humor. Your profile made me laugh out loud.” Complimenting shared values like philanthropy, family, creativity, etc. can also help establish common ground.

Keep It Appropriate

It’s important to keep compliments on Facebook Dating appropriate to avoid making the other person uncomfortable. Going overboard with physical compliments or anything with overtly sexual overtones is a bad idea, especially when first connecting with someone. Keep the focus on traits, shared interests, values, or personality quirks you genuinely admire about the person. And of course, if the conversation ever becomes inappropriate, unmatch the person.

Ask Questions

Compliments are a great conversation starter but shouldn’t be the entirety of the conversation. Follow up your compliment with an open-ended question to show interest in learning more about the person. Ask about their hobbies, work, travel experiences, favorite books, etc. This gives them an opening to talk more about themselves while also keeping the conversation going.

Don’t Go Overboard

While thoughtful compliments make a great first impression, take care not to go overboard. Complimenting someone too much, too soon can come across as insincere or make the other person uncomfortable. Stick to just 1 or 2 sincere compliments in initial messages, and focus more on asking questions and getting to know the other person better. As the conversation progresses, more compliments can be sprinkled in naturally as you learn new things about each other.

Respond Positively to Their Profile

Look for clues in the person’s profile to give you inspiration for compliments. Did they just run a marathon? Compliment their athleticism and dedication. Are they wearing a shirt from their favorite band? Compliment their music taste. People’s profiles offer a wealth of unique information that you can reference to make meaningful compliments.

Keep Trying

If someone doesn’t respond to your message, don’t take it personally! Each person has different preferences when it comes to compliments and conversation style. Keep trying with matches who seem compatible. Being patient and persistent is key to finding the right connection. And remember, a few messages are not enough to get to know someone well, so give it time to see if you click.

Be Yourself

While it’s good to be thoughtful about your compliments, don’t overthink it too much. Bring your authentic self to the conversation, and give compliments that feel natural for you. If you relax and be yourself, the right compliments will follow.


Complimenting someone on Facebook Dating is a great way to break the ice and start building a connection. Thoughtful, appropriate compliments show you are genuinely interested in learning more about them. Keep compliments specific, focus on personality as well as appearance, and follow up with open-ended questions. Don’t go overboard, and be patient if they don’t respond right away. By being yourself and looking for profile clues about their interests and values, you can come up with meaningful compliments. With the right balance of compliments and questions, you’ll be on your way to Facebook Dating success!

Tips for Complimenting Someone on Facebook Dating

Do Don’t
Be specific and unique Use generic compliments
Compliment personality and values Focus only on physical appearance
Keep it appropriate Be overly sexual or flirtatious
Ask follow up questions Make the compliment the whole conversation
Spread compliments out Overcompliment right away
Respond to profile information Ignore profile content
Be patient Take lack of response personally
Bring your authentic self Overthink it and be fake

Example Compliments

  • “You seem really driven – I really admire your work ethic!”
  • “Your passion for helping others is so inspiring.”
  • “You have amazing taste in books/music/movies – I love that genre too!”
  • “I love your sense of adventure – it’s awesome you backpacked across Europe last year.”
  • “The photos from your humanitarian trip are so moving. You’re making the world a better place.”
  • “You seem like a really caring pet owner. Your dog is so cute!”
  • “I really admire your dedication to eating healthy and staying active.”
  • “You seem really family-oriented. It’s so nice how devoted you are to your loved ones.”
  • “I love your sense of humor! Your profile gave me a good laugh.”
  • “You’re so talented – your artwork/poetry/baking skills are amazing!”

Responding to Compliments

Getting a nice compliment from a match on Facebook Dating is flattering. But how should you respond? Here are some tips:

Say Thank You

Start by simply saying “thank you” or “that’s so nice of you to say!” This lets them know you appreciate the kind words.

Return the Compliment

If you also see something you admire about them, pay a compliment back! This keeps the positive vibes flowing.

Expand on the Topic

Rather than just saying thanks, expand on the topic of the compliment. For example, if they compliment your musical taste, respond by naming a few of your favorite bands and asking about their music preferences.

Ask a Question

Change the focus to learning more about them by asking an open-ended question. Compliments can lead to deeper conversations.

Be Modest

It can feel awkward to just say “thank you” over and over. Downplay the compliment a bit by being modest about your strengths. But don’t reject sincere praise either.

Use Humor

A little humor or self-deprecating joke can take the edge off an intense compliment. Just don’t undermine their sincerity or make it all about you.

The key is to respond positively while reciprocrating interest in them. This deepens the connection and conversation.

How Many Compliments to Give

When connecting with a match on Facebook Dating, how many compliments should you give? Here are some tips on the ideal number:

1-2 Compliments to Start

In your very first message, stick to just 1 or 2 sincere compliments. You don’t want to overwhelm someone right off the bat. Focus more on asking them questions and sparking conversation.

Spread Them Throughout the Conversation

Complimenting should not be the main focus of your conversations. Sprinkle in appropriate compliments here and there as you get to know each other better. Find natural opportunities to praise their values, personality traits, talents, accomplishments, etc.

Increase Over Time

As your connection grows, you can increase compliments a bit. But keep them varied, sincere, and thoughtful. Don’t just spam endless generic praise, which comes across as insincere.

1-2 Per Date

If you progress to dating in person, aim for 1-2 well-timed, sincere compliments per date. Praise their outfit, laugh, smile, or an achievement they tell you about. But spend more time connecting through questions and sharing.

Varies by Person

Everyone has different comfort levels when it comes to compliments. Gauge the other person’s reactions to adjust as needed. Some people love abundant praise while others prefer just a few heartfelt compliments.

Use the 80/20 Rule

Stick to about an 80/20 ratio where 80% of the conversation is questions and getting to know each other, and 20% thoughtful praise and compliments. This balances building comfort with showing appreciation.

In Conclusion

Complimenting someone thoughtfully when first connecting on Facebook Dating makes a great impression and helps interactions feel more positive. Sincere compliments show you appreciate who they are as an individual. Make compliments specific, focus on personal qualities and values, and keep them appropriate. Respond to profile information to make compliments more meaningful and unique. Sprinkle in praise throughout conversations, increasing appropriately over time as comfort levels grow. Respond positively when you receive compliments as well. With the right balance of praise and reciprocal interest, compliments can blossom into meaningful conversations and connections.