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How do you change your Facebook name even when it’s limit reached?

How do you change your Facebook name even when it’s limit reached?

Changing your Facebook name can be tricky when you’ve already reached the limit of times you can change it within a certain time period. Facebook only allows you to change your name a few times within 60 days to prevent abuse. Once you hit that limit, the platform prevents you from making further changes for a while. Don’t worry though – there are still a few legitimate ways to modify your name even after you’ve reached the limit.

Why Does Facebook Limit Name Changes?

Facebook limits the number of name changes you can make to promote authenticity and prevent abuse. Some bad actors change their names frequently to:

  • Impersonate or pretend to be someone else
  • Hide their identity for malicious purposes
  • Avoid detection for violating Facebook’s terms of service

By capping the amount of times you can change your name, Facebook reduces opportunities for abuse and falsified identities. This helps maintain the integrity of the Facebook community.

How Many Times Can You Change Your Name on Facebook?

The exact name change limit on Facebook depends on your history with the platform. In general, here are the limits:

  • If you’re new to Facebook, you may be able to change your name 5 times within 60 days.
  • If you’re an established user with no prior name change violations, you can change your name twice within 60 days.
  • If you have a history of abusing name changes, your limit may be as low as 1 change every 60 days.

These limits reset after 60 days have passed since your most recent name change. So even if you hit the maximum, you just have to wait a couple months and then you can modify your name again.

Why You Might Need to Change Your Name Again

There are many legitimate reasons why you might need to change your Facebook name more than the allotted amount of times. Here are some common situations where users reach the name change limit:

  • Major life events: Marriage, divorce, gender transition, etc. These often come with name changes.
  • Protecting privacy: Removing your last name or old identities for safety reasons.
  • Fixing errors: Typos, spelling mistakes, or undesired names.
  • Rebranding: Updating your professional image or brand.
  • Reconnecting: Using a maiden name to connect with old friends or family.

As you can see, many name change requests are perfectly reasonable and well-intentioned. So how do you modify your profile if you’ve already reached the limit?

How to Change Your Facebook Name After Reaching the Limit

Here are a few tips to change your name after you’ve reached the modification limit on Facebook:

  1. Wait for the 60 day cycle to reset

    The easiest option is to simply wait 60 days since your last change. Facebook will then reset the limit, allowing you to change your name again.

  2. Submit an appeal to Facebook

    If you can’t wait 60 days, submit an appeal to Facebook explaining why you need another name change before the limit reset. For instance, you can note a lawful name change certificate or safety reasons. Facebook may make an exception if circumstances warrant it.

  3. Create a new account

    As a last resort, you can create a new Facebook account with your desired name, then migrate over your friends/content. Note that this can seem suspicious to Facebook, so tread carefully.

  4. Use a professional or middle name

    If the issue is privacy related, you can simply use a middle name or professional name that protects your identity without requiring a full change.

Remember that Facebook will ask for legal documentation if you appeal for a name change exception. Also note that frequently creating new accounts to reset names is prohibited under Facebook’s terms.

Other Facebook Name Change Rules and Limits

Beyond the overall name change limit, Facebook has some other rules governing name modifications:

  • You can only change your name twice within a single day.
  • You must wait at least 60 days between approved name changes.
  • You can revert back to a prior name without counting as a new change.
  • Name changes are limited to 50 characters total.
  • Accounts with a history of violations may face tighter restrictions.

Facebook also prohibits using fake, impersonating, or misleading names. Your name should accurately reflect your real-world identity. Avoid changing your name in a way that deceives people or inaccurately represents you.

Tips for Changing Your Facebook Name

Keep these tips in mind when modifying your Facebook name:

  • Add your old name as an Other Name in your profile so friends can still find you.
  • Change your URL after changing your name so it matches.
  • Consider adding a professional or middle name instead of a full name change.
  • Be patient and wait for the 60 day limit to reset when possible.
  • Avoid frequently creating new accounts just to reset the name limit.

What Happens When You Change Your Facebook Name

Here’s an overview of what happens after you change your name on Facebook:

  • Your profile name, username/URL, and how people see you on Facebook will update.
  • You may have to confirm your identity if the name change seems unusual.
  • Your name on past posts, comments, photos, etc. will remain the same.
  • Friends may still tag you by your old name until they reconnect.
  • Pages/groups may still show your old name if you remain an admin.

So your existing content and history on Facebook will not retroactively change. But your current name/identity will update across the platform. People may still know you by an old name for some time until they learn about the change.

Maintaining Your Friends and Followers When Changing Names

The main downside to changing your Facebook name is that your friends and followers may have trouble finding you afterwards. Here are some ways to prevent losing touch with people when you modify your profile name:

  • Let close friends and family know about the change directly.
  • Post a status update explaining the new name.
  • Add your old name as an Other Name so people can find you.
  • Keep your username/URL consistent if possible.
  • Use a middle name or just modify your last name slightly.

Staying connected with your friends list should be your top priority. Make sure they are informed of or can easily discover your new name. That way, changing your profile name for legitimate reasons won’t come at the cost of losing your social connections.

In Conclusion

Exceeding the Facebook name change limit can be frustrating, but there are still options. Wait for the 60 day reset when possible, submit an appeal for special cases, or modify your name in minor ways without doing a full change. Avoid spamming new accounts or misleading names. With some patience and care, you can change your Facebook name more than the allowed amount of times for legitimate reasons.