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How do you change the username on a Facebook page?

How do you change the username on a Facebook page?

Changing the username on a Facebook page is a simple process that can be done directly through the Facebook interface. The username, also known as the vanity name, is the text that comes after in your page’s URL. Changing this can help make your page URL more recognizable, memorable, and relevant to your brand. Here is a step-by-step guide to changing your Facebook page username.

Why Would You Want to Change Your Facebook Page Username?

Here are some of the main reasons you may want to change your Facebook page username:

  • To make it more relevant to your brand name or business name
  • To make it easier to remember and share
  • To create consistency with other social media platform usernames
  • Your current username is outdated
  • Your business name has changed

Having a customized, memorable username can make your Facebook page seem more professional and on-brand. It also makes it easier for people to find and share your page. So if your current vanity URL seems random or out-of-date, changing it can be beneficial.

Things to Know Before Changing Your Username

Here are some important things to keep in mind before changing your Facebook page username:

  • You can only change your username twice within a 60 day period
  • Your old page URL will redirect to the new URL, so you won’t lose any Likes or followers
  • However, changing the URL may temporarily disrupt any incoming links or bookmarks
  • You’ll need to update your username anywhere it’s been shared online, like on your website or other social media profiles
  • Facebook will check for username availability and may append numbers if your desired name is taken
  • The new username must follow Facebook’s policies – it can only contain alphanumeric characters or periods and can’t use generic terms like “free” or “games”

Overall the process is relatively seamless, but keep these limitations in mind before choosing your new custom username.

Step 1: Navigate to Your Facebook Page

First, log into your Facebook account and navigate to your page. This can be done in two ways:

  • Go to and click on “Pages” in the left menu. Click on your page.
  • OR – Go directly to your Facebook page URL by typing it into your browser (e.g.

You need to access your page while logged into the account that is the admin of the page. Pages you simply like or follow will not give you the option to change the username.

Step 2: Click on the Username

From your page, click on the username shown just below your page’s profile photo and name. This will open a pop-up window allowing you to edit it.

Step 3: Enter the New Username

In the pop-up window, delete the current username and type your new desired page name. Keep the following in mind:

  • Don’t include spaces, special characters, or punctuation
  • You can use underscores _ periods . or dashes – to separate words
  • There is a 50 character limit
  • Capitalization does not matter

Double check that the new username follows Facebook’s policies and is available. Then click the blue “Change Username” button.

Step 4: Confirm the Change

Read the confirmation message carefully. It will show the change from your old page URL to the new one. If everything looks correct, click “Confirm” to complete changing your Facebook page username.

Updating Your New Username

Once you’ve successfully changed your Facebook page URL, there are a few places you should update it:

  • Update your page username in your Facebook ad account if you run Facebook ads
  • Change the link on your website and anywhere else you have shared your page URL like email signatures or marketing materials
  • Update your page username reference on any other social media profiles

This will ensure consistency and prevent any broken links or confusion. You’ll want to get the word out far and wide about your new customized Facebook vanity URL!

Mistakes to Avoid When Changing Your Username

Here are some common mistakes people make when changing their Facebook page username that you’ll want to avoid:

  • Using a very generic name like “marketing” that makes your page difficult to search for
  • Selecting a name that doesn’t relate to your brand or business
  • Forgetting to update your new username across all platforms where you’ve shared it
  • Changing your username too frequently, which can confuse your audience
  • Trying to impersonate or copy another business’ name
  • Using trademarked terms you don’t have rights to

Think carefully about the new username you select and do your research to ensure it aligns with Facebook’s policies and your brand voice. Promote the change properly so customers can find your page at the new vanity URL.

Troubleshooting Problems Changing Your Username

In some cases, you may run into problems when trying to change your Facebook page username. Here are some common issues and how to troubleshoot them:

Username Already Taken

If someone else is already using the username you want, Facebook will append a number to make it unique, like “yourname147”. Try adding other keywords or abbreviations or misspellings to find an available option.

Username Doesn’t Follow Policies

If your desired name goes against Facebook’s username policies, you’ll get an error when trying to change it. Double check the Facebook Pages Policy and choose something compliant.

Too Many Recent Changes

If you’ve already changed your username twice in the last 60 days, you may be temporarily blocked from changing it again. Wait until the 60 day window has passed.

Page Admin Issues

Only official admins of a Facebook page can change the username. Make sure you’re logged into an admin account. If you’re still having issues, try logging out and having another admin try changing the name.

With some troubleshooting, you should be able to resolve any problems that pop up when modifying your Facebook page vanity URL. Don’t hesitate to contact Facebook support if you have any other questions.


Changing your Facebook page username to a custom vanity URL is easy to do right from your page’s settings. Come up with a new name that accurately represents your brand and is catchy and memorable. A good username makes it simple for both existing and new audiences to find, mention, and share your page.

Just be sure to follow Facebook’s guidelines, check username availability, and properly spread the word about your new URL anywhere you reference your page. With a thoughtful new username, you can establish your brand and connect with more customers on Facebook.

Here is a summary of the key steps:

Step Action
1 Navigate to your Facebook page while logged into the admin account
2 Click on the current username below your profile picture
3 Type your new desired username and click “Change Username”
4 Confirm the change and go through with updating your page URL

With this new knowledge, you should feel equipped to easily modify your Facebook page username and take your brand presence to the next level. Just remember to follow best practices like keeping it consistent, descriptive, and in-line with Facebook’s policies. A well-chosen vanity URL can give your page a huge boost!

Here are some additional tips to amplify the impact of your new Facebook page username:

  • Cross-promote the change on other social media accounts like Instagram or Twitter
  • Send an email out to current subscribers announcing the change
  • Update your email signatures, outreach templates, and marketing materials
  • Create an announcement post on your page revealing the change
  • Run a contest encouraging users to share your new page URL for a prize

With the proper promotion, this small change can have a big ripple effect on the growth of your Facebook presence. Measure the impact by looking for increases in page followers, engagement rate, and overall reach. A more polished, professional vanity URL acts like a magnet helping attract your ideal audience.

Facebook page usernames are powerful but often overlooked marketing tools. Don’t underestimate the value of a customized, brand-relevant URL when it comes to growing your business on social media. Take the time to optimize this tiny piece of digital real estate and enjoy the benefits!