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How do you bold and italicize on Facebook posts?

How do you bold and italicize on Facebook posts?

There are a few different ways to make text bold or italic on Facebook posts and comments. The most straightforward way is to use HTML tags to format the text. To make text bold, surround it with the tags like this: bold text. For italics, use the tags: italicized text. You can also combine the two to have text that is both bold and italic: bold italic text.

Using Markdown Formatting

In addition to HTML tags, Facebook also supports some basic Markdown formatting. To make text bold with Markdown, add two asterisks or underscores before and after the text like this: **bold text** or __bold text__. For italics, use one asterisk or underscore: *italicized text* or _italicized text_.

Markdown can be easier to type quickly than HTML tags, but is a bit more limited. For example, you can’t combine bold and italics in the same text with basic Markdown. But for simple formatting in short posts and comments, it can be very handy.

Copy and Paste Formatting

If you have text that’s already formatted as bold or italics in a text document or another app, you can simply copy and paste it into Facebook and the formatting will carry over. This can be the quickest way to transfer over formatted text. Just be sure the original text is formatted properly before pasting.

Use the Formatting Bar

When writing a post or comment on Facebook, there is a formatting bar that appears above the text box where you can click buttons to bold, italicize, underline, and otherwise style text. Just select the text you want to style and click the appropriate button such as “B” for bold or “I” for italics. This will apply the HTML styling tags needed.

Use Keyboard Shortcuts

Similar to desktop apps and websites, Facebook has some keyboard shortcuts that can help format text quickly:

  • On Windows/ChromeOS: Ctrl + B for bold, Ctrl + I for italics
  • On Mac: Command + B for bold, Command + I for italics

Highlight the text you want to style and use the appropriate shortcut to add bold or italic formatting.

Install Browser Extensions

There are browser extensions like Facebook Text Formatting available for Chrome and Firefox that add a pop-up toolbar to Facebook for easy text styling. These tools provide buttons for bold, italics, lists, links, and more. The formatting will be applied using the proper HTML tags.

Use Rich Text Apps

You can compose posts in word processing or rich text apps that support bold/italics formatting. Then copy and paste the text into Facebook and the styling should come through. Popular options include Microsoft Word, Google Docs, Apple Pages, and more. This allows you to work in a more robust text editor and then move your content over to Facebook when ready to post.


The main options for bold and italics on Facebook come down to either typing the appropriate HTML tags directly (bold, italics), using Markdown syntax if you prefer (**bold**, *italics*), utilizing the formatting toolbar if available, or pasting over pre-formatted text. Browser extensions and keyboard shortcuts can speed up applying formatting as well. Choose the option that works best for your posting style and needs.

Examples of Formatted Facebook Posts

Here are some examples of Facebook posts and comments with text properly formatted as bold or italics:

Status Update Post

Italicized text can be used for emphasis within a regular status update post. You can also make things bold to make them stand out. Remember to use the HTML tags.

Comment Reply

Replying to friends in the comments? You can use italics or bold here too. Markdown like *italics* and **bold** also works in comments.

Shared Link Post

When sharing a link on Facebook, you may want to format the descriptive text differently. Maybe make the title of the link bold or put the description in italics to differentiate it. You can style them separately.

Shared Image Post

Image captions and descriptions can also be formatted. You may want the name of the location in bold for example, or put the photographer details in italics. This helps add visual interest.

Tips for Using Bold and Italics Styling

Here are some useful tips when using bold and italics text formatting in Facebook posts:

  • Use them sparingly. Too much styled text can look cluttered.
  • Bold draws attention and highlights key points. Use it for primary focus points.
  • Italics add emphasis on certain details. Use them to subtly call out secondary info.
  • Don’t overdo combinations. Bold + italics can be overpowering.
  • Add line breaks around styled text to make it stand out more.
  • Experiment to see what looks best for different situations.

Troubleshooting Issues

Here are some common issues that may come up when trying to use bold and italics on Facebook, along with troubleshooting tips:

Styled Text Not Showing Up

If your text looks normal instead of bold/italicized, make sure you are using the formatting tags properly. The tags need to open and close around the text you want styled. A missing tag can prevent it from working.

Losing Formatting When Pasting Text

If styled text loses formatting when pasting into Facebook, the original text may not have the HTML styling tags applied. Try selecting just the plain text and applying styling after pasting instead.

Can’t Get Bold and Italics Together

With HTML you can combine bold and italics tags like . But Markdown formatting only allows one style at a time. Stick to HTML tags if you need text that is both bold AND italicized.

Formatting Toolbar Not Appearing

The text formatting toolbar may fail to load if using an outdated or incompatible browser. Try updating your browser or switch to a supported option like Chrome or Firefox.

Keyboard Shortcuts Not Working

If CTRL/Command + B or CTRL/Command + I shortcuts don’t work, make sure you are not inside a text input field with its own shortcuts. The Facebook shortcuts generally only work in the post text fields specifically.

Formatting Gets Messed Up When Editing

If your text formatting gets all messed up when editing a post, try highlighting everything and reapplying the HTML tags again. This should fix any formatting issues caused by editing.

Other Facebook Text Formatting Options

In addition to bold and italics, here are some other text formatting options available on Facebook:

  • Underline – Add HTML tag underlined text
  • Strikethrough – Use strikethrough tag
  • Paragraphs – Use

    tags to create paragraphs

  • Line Breaks – Add
    for line breaks
  • Lists – Use
      tags for bullet/numbered lists
  • Hyperlinks – Link text with linked text
  • Quotes – Use

    for quoted text blocks

So Facebook gives you plenty of ways to format text beyond just bold and italics. Learn which styling options work best depending on the type of content you are posting.

Advanced Facebook Text Formatting

Facebook supports a few more advanced text formatting features, though they may not be available in all posts/comments:

  • Superscript – Use superscripted text tag
  • Subscript – Tag subscripted text instead
  • Markdown Tables – Format ASCII style tables
  • Code Blocks – Display code snippets with tags
  • Headings – Add


    heading tags

These additional formatting options allow for more complex styling needs. But they tend to be more niche usage scenarios, while bold and italics meet most general Facebook posting needs.

Formatting Considerations for Accessibility

When using text formatting like bold and italics, it’s important to keep accessibility in mind for users with disabilities:

  • Don’t rely solely on styling to convey meaning. Plain text should still make sense.
  • Use headings and lists for structure. Don’t just bold random text.
  • Italics are generally easier to read than bold.
  • Add alt text descriptions of formatting for screen readers if needed.
  • Increase text/background color contrast if styling reduces it.
  • Limit use of CAPS, which are harder to read.

By being mindful of how formatting choices affect accessibility, you can help ensure your Facebook posts can be read by the widest audience possible.

Tools and Apps for Formatting Help

Here are some tools and apps that can make it quick and easy to add bold, italics, and other text formatting when needed on Facebook:

Facebook Text Formatting Browser Extensions

As mentioned earlier, browser extensions like Facebook Text Formatting provide handy toolbars for easy styling. Works across posts, comments and more.

Rich Text Editors

Composing posts in rich text word processors makes bold, italics, etc available with just a click or keyboard shortcut.

Markdown Editors

Markdown-focused apps let you bold/italicize with easy syntax. Then paste into Facebook formatted.

Keyboard Remapping Tools

Remap caps lock to ctrl/command for easier keyboard shortcuts access. Or use text expanders.

Formatting Reference Guides

Printable HTML and Markdown cheat sheets can be handy references for tags and syntax.

Facebook’s Evolving Formatting Features

Facebook’s text formatting capabilities continue to grow over time:

  • 2006 – Basic formatting like bold, italics, links introduced.
  • 2013 – Added support for Markdown syntax.
  • 2017 – Expanded Markdown formatting options.
  • 2020 – Support for headings, lists, and other HTML tags.

We will likely see more formatting features added to Facebook in the future. The options available now provide a variety of ways to style text as desired for most use cases. But Facebook may look to bring more advanced formatting like text boxes, font changes, or text wrap in upcoming updates.


Facebook offers many ways to format text for emphasis, clarity, and visual appeal in posts and comments. The most straightforward options are using HTML tags like and for basic bold and italics. But you can also use Markdown syntax, the formatting toolbar, copy/paste, keyboard shortcuts, browser extensions, rich text apps, and more. Just remember to use styling judiciously and keep accessibility in mind. With all the formatting tools available, you can make your Facebook content stand out.