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How do you become a VIP on Facebook?

How do you become a VIP on Facebook?

Facebook is one of the largest and most influential social media platforms in the world, with over 2 billion monthly active users. Many people use Facebook to connect with friends and family, share photos and life updates, promote their businesses, and more.

With so many users, Facebook has developed different tiers of users, with the top tier being “Very Important People” or VIPs. Becoming a Facebook VIP gives you access to special features, support, and visibility on the platform. While Facebook doesn’t share specifics on who qualifies for VIP status or how to become a VIP, there are some key things you can do to boost your chances of becoming one.

Have a large following and be influential

The main criteria Facebook likely uses to determine VIP status is having a very large following and sphere of influence. Most Facebook VIPs are celebrities, politicians, business leaders, and other public figures with hundreds of thousands or millions of followers.

If you’re an influencer, thought leader, or public figure with a sizable following on Facebook and other major social platforms, you have a good chance of being considered a VIP by Facebook. The more followers you have, the more reach and impact you’ll have, making you valuable to Facebook.

Some ways to build a large, engaged following on Facebook include:

– Consistently creating compelling content that resonates with your target audience. Useful, entertaining, or inspiring posts will attract followers.

– Optimizing your profile with keywords and links to help people find you through search.

– Engaging with your followers by responding to comments, questions, and messages. Be authentic in your interactions.

– Posting regularly so you stay top of mind. At least once a day is ideal.

– Leveraging Facebook ads to get more followers by promoting your page.

– Cross-promoting your Facebook page on your other social media accounts.

– Collaborating with other influencers to tap into each other’s audiences.

– Joining and contributing to Facebook Groups related to your niche to gain more exposure.

If you can build your follower count into the millions with high engagement, you’ll get Facebook’s attention and have a strong case for VIP status.

Run Facebook ads and spend a lot of money on ads

Facebook is a business, and a major way they generate revenue is through advertisements. One of the surest ways to become a Facebook VIP is to spend large amounts of money on Facebook ads.

Brands and public figures who dedicate sizable advertising budgets to Facebook, especially $100,000 or more per year, are prime candidates for VIP perks. You’ll get noticed quickly if you’re funneling that much money through Facebook’s ad platform.

Some tips for using Facebook ads to boost your VIP chances include:

  • Set up a Facebook business account if you don’t already have one.
  • Allocate a strong monthly ad budget you can comfortably afford, ideally $5,000 or more.
  • Use Facebook’s detailed targeting options to ensure your ads are reaching your target demographic.
  • Design high quality, eye-catching ads with engaging copy and dynamic visuals.
  • Test different types of ads including photo ads, video ads, carousel ads, collection ads, etc.
  • Track your ad performance with Facebook Analytics to optimize your campaigns.
  • Focus on generating conversions through your ads, not just reach or impressions.
  • Create advertising funnels that lead users from awareness to consideration to conversion.
  • Develop retargeting campaigns for people who have already engaged with your content.

The more strategic you can be with running large, well-targeted ad campaigns on Facebook, the more likely you’ll gain VIP status and support.

Partner closely with Facebook

If you can develop an exclusive professional partnership directly with Facebook, this will also boost your chances at becoming a VIP.

Ways to partner with Facebook include:

  • Speaking at or sponsoring official Facebook marketing events and conferences.
  • Getting certified through the Facebook Blueprint e-learning platform.
  • Participating in exclusive Facebook programs like the Facebook Community Boost program.
  • Collaborating with Facebook on original research, events, or product testing.
  • Featuring Facebook prominently in your marketing campaigns and initiatives.
  • Developing a Facebook-focused product or service.
  • Joining the Facebook Small Business Council.

The more integrated you can be in Facebook’s ecosystem as a partner, the more likely you’ll gain VIP status and privileges. Look for opportunities to strengthen your relationship with Facebook beyond just having an account.

Get verified on Facebook

Facebook’s verified badge is a blue checkmark shown next to your name that signifies Facebook has confirmed your authentic identity as a public figure, celebrity, or brand.

Getting verified can help boost your visibility and credibility on Facebook, since users will see you’re the legitimate person behind your account. Verification is also a prerequisite for accessing certain Facebook VIP features.

You can request verification through your Facebook profile settings. To qualify, you must:

  • Represent a well-known, highly searched for person, brand or entity.
  • Have an authentic, completely filled out Facebook profile.
  • Have a profile with a large number of followers.
  • Not have a compromised or duplicate profile elsewhere on Facebook.

Facebook will review your request and determine if you meet their criteria for verification. Having a complete, authentic profile and strong following will boost your approval odds.

Network and interact with existing VIPs

Developing relationships and interacting with current Facebook VIPs can help give you a boost in becoming one yourself. These connections allow you to learn from VIPs, get introduced to Facebook staff, and ride their coattails to grow your own following and activities on Facebook.

Ways to connect with current Facebook VIP users include:

  • Following their Facebook pages and reacting to their content.
  • Commenting on their public posts and live videos.
  • Sharing their content with your own followers to help expand their reach.
  • @ mentioning VIPs you have an existing connection with.
  • Messaging VIPs you know to brainstorm potential collaborations.
  • Joining Facebook Groups where VIPs are members.
  • Attending live events hosted by Facebook VIPs.
  • Developing partnerships with VIPs to cross-promote.

Avoid spamming VIPs or interacting solely to get something from them. Focus on developing authentic, mutually beneficial relationships. With the help of existing VIPs, you can unlock more opportunities on Facebook.

Leverage other platforms like Instagram too

Remember that Facebook looks at your influence and brand presence across multiple platforms, not just Facebook alone. To become a Facebook VIP, you should also have strong followings on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and other social platforms.

The more you can demonstrate high visibility, authority, and impact across the social web, the greater your appeal will be to Facebook as a VIP-level partner.

Some tips for building your brand across other platforms include:

  • Maintaining consistent branding and messaging across all your profiles.
  • Cross-promoting content across your different accounts.
  • Crafting content optimized for the unique formats of each platform.
  • Engaging in conversations and communities on each platform.
  • Running ads on platforms like Instagram and Twitter in addition to Facebook.
  • Publishing content and going live at strategic times based on each platform’s algorithm.
  • Analyzing your key performance analytics on each site.

Having millions of engaged followers across leading platforms makes you highly influential in the social world. That’s what Facebook looks for in potential VIPs.

Consider paid VIP membership programs

Some exclusive clubs and communities offer paid VIP Facebook packages that provide training, resources, and consulting to help experienced marketers gain more visibility and connections on Facebook.

For example, Social Efflux offers a 1-on-1 Facebook VIP program starting at $25,000 per year. They provide tailored coaching to help you optimize your Facebook presence, run effective ad campaigns, connect with influencers, and potentially meet Facebook staff.

Other sites like Wishpond, Social Secrets, and Social Blast also offer concierge Facebook VIP services starting in the low thousands per month. These could be worthwhile investments if you have the budget available.

Just be sure to vet any Facebook VIP training program thoroughly before paying to ensure it’s legitimate and effective. Results will vary.

Promote Facebook PR opportunities and news

Actively promoting Facebook in the press elevates your public affiliation with the platform. Landing media features related to Facebook updates, announcements, campaigns or other news items helps get Facebook’s attention.

PR opportunities related to Facebook might include:

  • Securing press coverage for your Facebook video series, events or original content.
  • Commenting for news stories related to Facebook updates, trends and announcements.
  • Promoting Facebook advertising or commerce options through media interviews.
  • Expert contributor articles with tips and advice for Facebook marketing.
  • Quotes related to your success on Facebook and partnership with the platform.
  • Live television segments highlighting how you leverage Facebook in your business or campaigns.

Pitching these types of Facebook-focused stories to targeted press outlets builds your authority around Facebook and its ecosystem. Just ensure your outreach is professional, interesting and relevant.


Becoming a Facebook VIP gives you access to special perks and privileges on the world’s largest social platform. While Facebook keeps its VIP criteria private, focusing on building a massive, engaged following, running paid advertising, partnering directly with Facebook, interacting with current VIPs, building your multi-platform influence, investing in concierge services, and securing Facebook-related press are proven ways to boost your chances. Work strategically within Facebook’s ecosystem and demonstrate your value in multiple ways over the long-term. With persistence and high visibility, you can gain elite VIP status.