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How do you ask a question on a Facebook post?

How do you ask a question on a Facebook post?

Asking questions on Facebook is a great way to interact with friends, family, brands, and pages you follow. Whether you want to ask for advice, get more information, or just start a conversation, questions allow you to engage with the Facebook community.

Types of Questions You Can Ask on Facebook

There are many different types of questions you can ask on Facebook posts. Here are some of the most common:

  • Asking for recommendations – e.g. “Does anyone have a good plumber they can recommend?”
  • Seeking advice – e.g. “I’m looking to get a new cell phone, any advice on the best plan/carrier?”
  • Asking for opinions – e.g. “What did everyone think of the season finale last night?”
  • Requesting information – e.g. “Does anyone know the hours for the mall during the holidays?”
  • Polling friends – e.g. “Chocolate or vanilla – which do you prefer?”

Questions are a great way to get the conversation started and prompt responses from your connections on Facebook.

How to Ask a Question on a Facebook Post

When you want to ask a question on someone’s post, there are a couple of options:

Comment Directly on the Post

The easiest way is to simply write your question in a comment on the original post. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the post where you want to ask your question.
  2. In the comment box below the post, type your question.
  3. You can tag the person you’re asking if you want to notify them.
  4. Click “Comment” or hit enter to post it.

Your question will now display in the comments thread on that post.

Reply to Another Comment

You can also ask a question by replying directly to someone else’s comment:

  1. Click “Reply” on the comment you want to respond to.
  2. Type your question in the reply box.
  3. You can tag the person if replying to a specific user.
  4. Click “Reply” or press enter to post it.

Replying to a comment allows you to ask a follow-up question and continue the conversation.

Tips for Asking Questions on Facebook

Here are some tips to ensure you ask great questions and get helpful responses:

  • Be clear and concise – Ask your question in a short, specific way for best results.
  • Check existing comments first – See if your question has already been asked and answered.
  • Tag friends when relevant – If you have a specific friend in mind to answer, tag them in the question.
  • Follow up and say thanks – Follow up with a thank you to people who take time to answer your question.
  • Ask open-ended questions – Questions that require more than a Yes/No response prompt better discussion.
  • Make questions positive and friendly – Avoid controversial questions and keep things upbeat.

What You Can Ask in a Facebook Post Question

Pretty much any topic is fair game for questions on Facebook posts. Here are some examples of things you can ask:

Category Sample Questions
Recommendations “What’s the best place to get coffee around here?”
Opinions “Which song is your favorite on the new album?”
Advice “Any tips for getting through the workday when you’re tired?”
Information “What time does the concert start tonight?”
Poll “Are you Team Edward or Team Jacob?”
Troubleshooting “Why does my phone keep freezing like this?”

As you can see, all sorts of topics can be formatted as questions for Facebook posts. Use your judgment and avoid sensitive subjects that could start arguments.

Questions to Avoid on Facebook

While you can ask just about anything, there are some question types you’ll want to avoid on Facebook:

  • Controversial issues – Politics, religion, racism, etc.
  • Insensitive or offensive questions
  • Violating someone’s privacy
  • Anything inappropriate, unethical or illegal
  • Straightforward factual questions that are better Googled

Stick to friendly, positive questions that add value for your connections and engage the Facebook community. Don’t use questions to troll, spread negativity or put people on the spot in a public setting.

Benefits of Asking Questions on Facebook

Posting questions on Facebook has many advantages, including:

  • Get recommendations – Your friends can suggest businesses, restaurants, etc. based on personal experience.
  • Obtain information – Connect directly with brands/orgs to get details like shop hours.
  • Receive troubleshooting help – Crowdsource tech issues, advice on problems, etc.
  • Spark conversation – Draw users into an engaging discussion on any topic.
  • Engage your audience – Increase likes, comments and shares on your posts.
  • Connect with friends – Shows you care what they think and builds relationships.

Overall, asking good questions leads to more interaction and helps build community, so don’t be shy about posting them often!


Asking questions on Facebook posts is easy and a great way to engage your friends, get answers fast and spur interesting conversations. Simply write your question in a comment or reply on the post where you want answers. You can ask about recommendations, advice, opinions, information and more. Avoid controversial topics and be thoughtful in your questions. With some practice, you’ll get helpful responses and enjoy more lively discussion on Facebook.