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How do you allow remix reels?

How do you allow remix reels?

Remix reels have become an incredibly popular way for creators to put their own spin on viral sounds and trends on Instagram Reels. If you have a public Instagram account, other users can remix your reels by default. However, as the original creator, you have the option to disable remixing if you prefer. In this guide, I’ll walk through how remixing works on Instagram Reels and the steps you need to take to allow or disable remixes of your content.

What are Instagram Reels remixes?

Instagram Reels remixes allow other users to create their own reel using audio from one of your existing reels. It’s similar to TikTok’s “Duets” feature.

When someone remixes your reel, your original audio will play first, followed by their new video clip synced to the same sound. This allows them to put their own creative spin on your viral audio.

Remixes can help expand the reach of your reels as others are inspired to create their own versions. However, as the original creator, you have full control over whether you want to allow remixes or not.

Are Instagram Reels remixes allowed by default?

Yes, remixing is enabled by default for public Instagram accounts. This means anyone can freely remix the audio from your public reels to create their own versions.

You don’t need to manually approve each remix. If your account is public, other users can automatically remix your reels without your permission.

The only way to disable remixing is to manually turn the option off in your settings. This will prevent all other users from being able to remix your reels.

How to allow remixing for your Instagram Reels

Since remixing is enabled by default, you don’t need to do anything to allow your reels to be remixed. As long as your account is public, anyone can use your audio to create reel remixes.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

– Double check your account is set to public to permit remixes. Your profile must be public – private accounts block remixes.

– Use viral or popular audio tracks to increase your odds of being remixed. Trending sounds get more engagement.

– Engage with your remixes by commenting, liking, and sharing. This helps spread awareness.

– Check the “Remix this audio” sticker on your reels to invite others to remix your content.

As the original reel creator, you’ll be tagged and credited whenever someone remixes your audio. This can help you gain more visibility and followers.

How to disable remixing for your Instagram Reels

If you don’t want others remixing your reels, you can turn off the option:

1. Open the Instagram app and go to your profile.

2. Tap the 3 lines menu in the top right corner.

3. Go to Settings > Account > Original Audio.

4. Toggle the “Allow Remixing” option off.

This will prevent anyone else from being able to remix the audio from your reels. The setting can be turned on or off at any time.

Disabling remixes means you won’t get any added exposure when others remix your content. But it does allow you to retain full control over your audio.

Things to note about disabling Instagram Reels remixes

– It applies to all of your future reels, not existing ones.

– Others can still use your reel audio if it’s recorded separately from the original.

– Any existing remixes of your reels will remain on Instagram after you disable the setting.

– You can’t selectively pick and choose which reels can be remixed – it’s all or nothing.

What happens when someone remixes your reel?

When another user remixes your reel, here’s what happens:

– Your original reel audio will play first in the new remix reel.

– The other user’s new video clip will follow, synced to your original sound.

– You will receive a notification when someone remixes your reel.

– The new remix will showcase your username and profile photo.

– If the remix does well, it can give your original reel more visibility and engagement.

– You have the option to share, comment on, or react to any remixes of your content.

Remixes are a great way to expand the creativity of your sounds on Instagram. Leveraging them can help increase your reach and collabs. Just be sure to provide credit to the original creator.

Do you need permission to remix an Instagram Reel?

In most cases, you do not need direct permission from the original creator to remix their public reel. Instagram’s default setting allows remixes for public accounts.

However, here are a few cases when you should obtain permission beforehand:

– If their account has disabled remixing in their settings, you cannot legally remix their reel audio without consent. Their profile would indicate “Remixes off”.

– If you plan to remix audio from someone with a private account, you need them to grant permission first. Private accounts automatically opt-out of remixes.

– If you want to use a substantial portion of the original video, not just the audio, it’s best to ask their permission first.

– If your remix includes their visual likeness, you may need a release to use their image and voice.

– If you plan to monetize or commercially benefit from the remix, get their written approval to avoid legal issues.

When in doubt, take the safe route and ask for permission. Most creators are happy to collaborate – just be sure to credit them!

Best practices for remixing Reels

Here are some top tips for creating great Reels remixes while also respecting the original creator:

– Only use audio from public accounts allowing remixes. Don’t remix private accounts or those with remixing disabled.

– Keep your video clip different than the original. Add a unique spin or perspective.

– Credit the original creator prominently in your caption and tag their profile.

– Have fun and get creative! Add visuals that enhance the sound in a new way.

– Ask permission if you want to substantially use the original video or someone’s likeness.

– Seek written approval for any commercial use of remixes.

– Be respectful and ask creators if they want to collaborate on co-marketing.

– Comment on the original reel to let them know you’ve created a remix and tag them.

Following best practices helps build a collaborative, creative community. Be sure to give credit where it’s due.

Why is my remix reaching more people than the original reel?

There are a few possible reasons why your Instagram Reels remix may get more visibility than the original:

Better Timing

– You likely posted at a time when more people were active on the app. Instagram rewards this with better reach.

Unique Visuals

– Your engaging video clip may resonate more than the original visuals. Interesting footage can boost views.

Increased Following

– If you have a larger follower count, Instagram shares your content more widely. Your existing audience fuels new views.

Effective Promotion

– Did you promote your remix through Stories, tags, or off-platform marketing? Added visibility boosts discovery.

Trending Sounds

– Some audio tracks become mega-popular. Capitalizing on viral sounds can take remixes further.

Algorithm Preference

– For whatever reason, the algorithm picked your remix to share wider. Luck is always a factor on Instagram.

In the end, if a remix really takes off, it’s likely thanks to some combination of great timing, creativity, promotion, and luck in getting boosted by Instagram’s AI.

Can you delete a remix of your Instagram Reel?

No, the original reel creator does not have the ability to directly delete or remove a remix of their Instagram Reel that was created by someone else.

Here are the only options available:

Report the Remix

– You can report the remix reel to Instagram if you believe it violates their community guidelines or your copyrights. Instagram may remove it after review.

Ask the Creator to Delete

– Contact the remix creator directly and request that they voluntarily delete it. Most will oblige if you have valid concerns.

Disable Remixing

– Turn off the “Allow Remixing” option in your Instagram account settings. This will prevent any new remixes from being made of your reels.

Existing Remixes Stay Up

– Any remixes created before you disabled the option will still remain on Instagram. There is no way to retroactively take these down.

For better or worse, once someone has remixed your reel, it’s largely out of your hands. Proactively disabling remixes is the only surefire way to avoid unwanted versions.

Can you remix private Instagram accounts?

No, you cannot legally remix the audio from private Instagram accounts without direct consent from the creator.

When an account is set to private, it automatically opts out of allowing remixes. Instagram protects private accounts by blocking other users from repurposing their content without permission.

If you want to remix a private account’s reel, you have two options:

1. Request permission by DMing the creator and asking if they will approve the remix. Most will be willing to collaborate if approached respectfully.

2. Wait and see if the creator makes the reel public at any point. Once public, remixing would be enabled by default unless they actively turn it off.

Any unauthorized remixing of private content would be flagged by Instagram and could potentially lead to your account being disabled for violation of their policies.

The safest approach is to only create reel remixes based on public accounts. If you really want to use audio from a private profile, get written confirmation that they approve prior to remixing.


Remixing public Instagram Reels is an awesome way to collaborate with fellow creators and breathe new life into engaging sounds. While remixing empowers creativity, it’s also vital to respect original creators by seeking permission when appropriate and always giving proper credit.

Remember, you can disable remixing at any time if you prefer to have full control over how your audio is used. With the “allow remixes” setting on or off, take advantage of Instagram’s tools to connect with others through shared audio experiences.