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How do you add contributors to Facebook Live?

How do you add contributors to Facebook Live?

Facebook Live allows you to stream live video to your Facebook followers. It can be a great way to connect with your audience in real time. One useful feature of Facebook Live is the ability to add contributors to your live video stream.

What is a contributor on Facebook Live?

A contributor on Facebook Live is someone who can join your live video and interact with you and your viewers. When you add someone as a contributor, they will receive a request to join your live video. If they accept, their video feed will show up alongside yours, creating a split-screen effect.

There are a few ways contributors can interact during a Facebook Live video:

  • They can talk with you and respond to viewer comments
  • Viewers will see their name and profile picture overlayed on their video feed
  • They can add comments and react to viewer posts

Having contributors makes your live videos more dynamic and conversational. It allows you to bring on guests, conduct interviews, and have compelling discussions.

Who can you add as a contributor?

You can add both Facebook friends and public figures as contributors to your Facebook Live videos. Here are the options:

  • Friends: You can add any of your Facebook friends as a contributor. They will receive a request to join your live video in Facebook Messenger.
  • Public figures: You can invite public figures to contribute even if you are not Facebook friends. They will receive the request via email rather than Messenger.

Keep in mind contributors must have their own Facebook account to join your live video. Their privacy settings also determine whether they can be added or not.

How to add contributors before going live

There are a couple ways to add contributors before you start broadcasting your Facebook Live video:

From the Live Producer dashboard

If you use the Live Producer dashboard to manage your live streams, you can add contributors in advance using these steps:

  1. Click the “Add Co-Host” button in Live Producer.
  2. Enter the name of the contributor you want to add.
  3. Select them from the list of suggested names.
  4. Click “Add” to send them the request.

Once added, their name will be visible on the Contributors list. They will have to accept the request before joining your stream.

From the Live control room

You can also add contributors from the control room before starting your stream:

  1. Click the “Share This Stream” button in the control room.
  2. Select “Add Contributors” and search for their name.
  3. Check the box next to each person you want to add.
  4. Click “Done” to send the request.

Again, they will need to confirm before being added to your live video.

How to add contributors during a live video

In addition to adding contributors before going live, you can also invite contributors after your Facebook Live video has started.

While broadcasting, follow these steps:

  1. Tap the screen to bring up the Live menu.
  2. Tap “Add Contributors” at the bottom.
  3. Search for the name of the person you want to add.
  4. Tap “Invite” next to their name when you find them.

A request will be immediately sent to the contributor to join your live video. This works the same for adding Facebook friends or public figures.

Tips for using Facebook Live contributors

Here are some tips to make the most of using contributors on your Facebook Live videos:

  • Brief contributors before going live so they know what to expect.
  • Have a plan for the conversation topics and flow with multiple contributors.
  • Interact with contributors by asking them questions and responding to their comments.
  • Let your contributors know when you are ready to wrap up the live video.
  • Keep invites focused on contributors who will resonate with your audience.
  • Use contributors that are knowledgeable and passionate about the topic.

Facebook Live contributor limits

Currently, you can have up to 4 contributors simultaneously on a Facebook Live video, including yourself as the broadcaster. So you can have a maximum of 4 video feeds appearing on-screen at once.

There is no limit to the number of contributors you can invite over the course of a complete live video. You can keep adding different contributors by removing existing ones.

Facebook may adjust these limits in the future, but for now up to 4 simultaneous contributors is the maximum.

Troubleshooting Facebook Live contributors

Here are some common issues and solutions for adding contributors:

Contributor can’t join request

If a contributor is having trouble accessing the request to join your live video, try these steps:

  • Make sure notifications are enabled for them in Messenger.
  • Ask them to refresh Messenger to see if the request appears.
  • Double check that you entered their name correctly.
  • Try rescinding the request and sending it again.

Request won’t send

If your request won’t send at all, some things to check are:

  • Confirm the contributor has their privacy settings enabled to allow requests.
  • Make sure you don’t already have the maximum 4 contributors.
  • Try force quitting and reopening the Facebook app.
  • Check that your internet connection is stable.

Contributor disconnects

If a contributor gets disconnected during the live video, you can try these steps:

  • Ask them to fully close the Facebook app and reopen it.
  • Tell them to check their internet connection and change locations if needed.
  • Restart the live video and re-invite the contributor.


Adding contributors to your Facebook Live videos can make them much more interactive and engaging. Use a mix of friends and public figures relevant to your audience for the best results.

Pre-add contributors whenever possible, but the option to invite during a live video is handy too. Keep the limits and troubleshooting tips in mind as you get started!