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How do you add an intro to your Facebook profile?

How do you add an intro to your Facebook profile?

Adding an intro section to your Facebook profile allows you to showcase more information about yourself when people visit your profile. Your intro appears right below your profile and cover photos and is one of the first things people will see when they land on your page. An intro provides an opportunity to make a good first impression and highlight details you want others to know. While Facebook profiles initially just included basic information like your name, photos, education, and work, intros allow you to get more creative in expressing who you are.

Some quick ways to add an intro to your Facebook profile include writing a short biography, listing your interests and hobbies, sharing a favorite quote, explaining what you do, and more. You have up to 200 characters for your intro section so you need to be concise. Consider what you want to convey about yourself and what details might interest those visiting your profile.

Why Add an Intro?

Here are some key reasons to take the time to add an intro to your Facebook profile:

– Provides more context about who you are – An intro gives people more insight into your personality, interests, and background beyond just your basic info and photos. This additional context helps people get to know you better.

– Makes your profile stand out – Most people don’t take the time to fill out the intro section so adding one makes your profile a bit more unique and memorable. It shows you put thought and care into your online presence.

– Allows you to control your narrative – You get to shape how people perceive you right from their first impression by highlighting the details you want them to know.

– Shows your creativity – The intro section allows you to get creative in how you present yourself beyond the standard profile fields. You can craft interesting or witty phrases that capture your essence.

– Provides an icebreaker for new connections – Gives people something to comment on or message you about when they land on your profile for the first time. This can spark meaningful conversations.

– Allows you to showcase your skills or expertise – If you are a professional or expert in a certain field, the intro is a place to highlight your accomplishments, credentials, and experience.

How to Add an Intro

Follow these simple steps to add an intro to your Facebook profile:

1. Go to your profile page and click on the About section.

2. Click on the pencil icon next to Intro. This will open up a text box.

3. Type in the intro you want to feature on your profile. You have up to 200 characters so be concise.

4. You can add emojis, tag people, or include hashtagged keywords by clicking on the symbols at the bottom of the text box. This can help make your intro more visual and engaging.

5. Once you have entered the intro text you want, click Save Changes.

Your new intro section will now appear directly underneath your profile and cover photos on your profile!

Here are some tips for crafting an effective intro:

– Keep it short and sweet – stick to 1-2 sentences given the 200 character limit.

– Showcase your personality – use descriptive adjectives and quick anecdotes.

– Highlight passions and interests – feature hobbies, causes you care about, or topics you geek out over.

– Use humor and wit – a funny or clever line can be memorable. Just keep it appropriate.

– Include credentials – highlight educational or professional achievements.

– Ask a question – this engages people and gives them a reason to comment.

– Use emojis – sprinkling in relevant emojis makes your intro more eye-catching.

Intro Section Examples

To get inspiration for your own Facebook profile intro, here are some example intros covering a range of styles and approaches:

Quote Intros

“She believed she could, so she did.” – Inspiring quote intro highlighting confidence.

“Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” – Uplifting quote from a book or movie.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Motivational quote that conveys optimism.

Humorous Intros

“My first job was as a fortune cookie writer. I quit because I couldn’t handle the daily pressure.” – Funny intro showing your personality.

“My talents include syncing Bluetooth headphones on the first try and parallel parking. Hire me.” – Playful intro highlighting your quirky skills.

“World’s okayest social media manager. I’ll reply to your messages a day late but full of emojis.” – Self-deprecating intro downplaying your role.

Professional Intros

“Proud computer science graduate turned software engineer at [Company]. Transforming coffee into code daily.” – Intro featuring your career.

“Passionate educator helping today’s students become tomorrow’s leaders. Loves seeing those ‘lightbulb moments’ in the classroom.” – Intro showcasing your vocation.

“Award-winning marketing leader driving digital growth and innovation @ [Brand]. Also a proud mom of 2.” – Intro highlighting your work and family roles.

Interest Intros

“Devoted globetrotter and occasional foodie on a quest to explore all 7 continents before I’m 50.” – Intro conveying your travel interests.

“Lifelong learner who geeks out over ancient history, astrophysics, and watercolor painting.” – Intro revealing intellectual passions.

“Resident coffee snob, wanna-be chef, and aspiring world class napper. My perfect day involves books, dogs, and yoga pants.” – Relatable intro showing low-key interests.

Call to Action Intros

“Self-taught pianist always looking to learn new pieces. Recommend me your favorite composers!” – Intro with a call to action.

“Cooking my way through the cuisines of the world. What dish should I try next?” – Intro posing a question to engage your audience.

“Amateur photographer shooting the beauty around me. Tag me in your favorite local spots!” – Intro encouraging relevant tags.

Tips for Writing an Intro

Keep these tips in mind as you craft your own Facebook profile intro:

  • Show, don’t tell – Give specific examples and stories vs. just listing adjectives
  • Spotlight variety – Highlight diverse aspects like personal, professional, interests, etc.
  • Find your tone – Use a style and voice consistent with your personality
  • Hook your audience – Open with something attention-grabbing
  • Be positive – Focus on upbeat qualities and achievements
  • Stay current – Update it periodically as your life changes
  • Consider your goals – Align with how you want people to see you
  • Express creativity – Have fun with it and show your originality!

Common Questions

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about adding an intro to your Facebook profile:

How do I edit or update my intro later?

To edit your intro after initially adding it, go back to your About section on your profile, click the pencil icon next to Intro again, make your changes in the text box, and click Save Changes. You can update your intro as often as you want.

Is there a character limit?

Yes, you have a limit of 200 characters for your intro section so you need to be concise. Use just 1-2 short sentences or a brief paragraph.

Can I use emojis, tags, and hashtags?

Absolutely! You can include emojis, tag people’s profiles, or add hashtags related to your interests to make your intro more visual. Just click the symbols at the bottom of the text box when typing your intro.

Will my intro show on mobile?

Yes, your profile intro will be visible whether people are viewing your profile on desktop or on the Facebook mobile app.

Do I have to add an intro?

Adding an intro is completely optional. If you prefer not to showcase an intro section, you can leave it blank. Many people choose to add one, but it’s up to you.

Is there a way to reorder sections like my intro on my profile?

Unfortunately there is no way to reorder where the intro section appears on your profile. It will always show up underneath your profile and cover photos.


Adding an intro provides a great opportunity to showcase your personality, interests, and achievements to people visiting your Facebook profile. Take the time to craft a short, engaging intro paragraph that highlights the aspects of yourself you most want others to know. A creative, well-written intro can make your profile stand out while allowing you to shape the narrative of how people perceive you. So have fun getting clever with those 200 characters and use these tips to develop an intro as unique as you are!

Section Key Points
Why Add an Intro
  • Provides context about you
  • Makes profile stand out
  • Allows you to control narrative
  • Shows creativity
  • Icebreaker for new connections
  • Showcase skills and expertise
How to Add an Intro
  1. Go to About section
  2. Click pencil icon by Intro
  3. Type intro text
  4. Add emojis/tags if desired
  5. Click Save Changes
Intro Examples
  • Quote intros
  • Humorous intros
  • Professional intros
  • Interest intros
  • Call to action intros
Tips for Writing
  • Show, don’t tell
  • Spotlight variety
  • Find your tone
  • Hook your audience
  • Be positive
  • Stay current
  • Consider your goals
  • Express creativity