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How do you add a trademark symbol in Facebook?

How do you add a trademark symbol in Facebook?

Adding a trademark symbol (TM, ®) next to your brand name or logo on Facebook is an important way to protect your intellectual property and notify users that your brand name is legally registered. However, Facebook does not have a built-in option to easily add trademark symbols. So how can you include them?

In this article, we’ll explain multiple methods to add a trademark symbol in Facebook including using HTML codes, copying and pasting the symbol, and typing it on desktop and mobile. We’ll also provide tips to properly use trademark symbols on Facebook without overusing them.

What are trademark symbols?

A trademark legally protects words, phrases, symbols, designs, or a combination of these that identifies the source of a product or service and distinguishes it from others.

The two most common trademark symbols are:

– TM – Used for brand names or logos that are common law trademarks. This means they are in use but not formally registered.

– ® – The registered trademark symbol, used for brand names or logos that are formally registered with the appropriate national trademark office, like the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

Proper use of these trademark symbols puts other parties on notice that your brand name or logo is legally protected intellectual property. This can deter infringement and strengthen your ability to enforce your trademark rights.

Why should you add trademark symbols on Facebook?

There are a few key reasons to use trademark symbols on Facebook:

– Protect your rights – Properly using trademark symbols preserves your ability to enforce your trademark and defend against unauthorized use or infringement. Without proper marking, your rights may be weakened.

– Notification – The symbols notify other Facebook users that your brand name or logo is protected intellectual property. This may deter other businesses from using your marks without authorization.

– Brand distinction – Trademark symbols immediately identify your name or logo as a brand, differentiating it from generic mentions or uses by others. This helps establish brand recognition.

– Legal requirements – In some countries, trademark laws require consistent use of trademark symbols for registered marks in order to maintain registration. Adding them on Facebook can help satisfy this.

So in short, adding trademark symbols to your Facebook presence aids brand protection, recognition, and legal compliance. But how exactly can you insert them in your Facebook posts, bio, ads, or other areas?

Method 1: Use HTML codes

Many areas on Facebook allow you to use HTML codes to add formatting or symbols. The HTML codes for the two main trademark symbols are:

– TM – ™
– ® – ®

To add a trademark symbol using the HTML codes:

1. Find the place you want to add the symbol – This could be in your Facebook bio, post text, comment, ad text, Facebook shop products, etc. Make sure the area allows HTML.

2. Insert the HTML code – For TM, type ™. For ®, type ®.

3. The symbol should appear automatically after you finish typing the code.

For example, if I wanted to add the registered trademark symbol to my Facebook bio, it would look like:

I’m the founder of Company®

The ® symbol displays automatically thanks to the ® HTML code.

The benefit of using HTML codes is that they work across desktop and mobile, and in most areas that allow formatting. The downside is it can be a bit tricky memorizing the codes.

Method 2: Copy and paste the symbol

An alternative to HTML codes is copying and pasting the actual trademark symbols:

– On Windows – Hold down ALT and type 0153 for TM or ALT + 0174 for ® on the numeric keypad.

– On Mac – Hold down Option + 2 for TM or Option + R for ®.

Once you generate the symbol using the keyboard shortcuts, copy and paste it wherever you want on Facebook.

The steps would be:

1. Use the appropriate keyboard shortcut to generate the TM or ® symbol.

2. Copy the symbol.

3. Paste it where you want on Facebook – bio, post, comment, ad, shop, etc.

4. The symbol will display as normal copied text.

The advantage here is you don’t need to memorize HTML codes. However, the symbols may not appear correctly on all mobile devices or browsers when copying and pasting.

Method 3: Type the symbol on desktop

For desktop Facebook access, you can type the trademark symbols directly using your keyboard:

TM – Hold down ALT and on the numeric keypad, type 0153

® – Hold down ALT and on the numeric keypad, type 0174

For example, to add the TM symbol to a Facebook post on desktop:

1. Type the brand name: Company

2. Hold down ALT

3. While holding ALT, type 0153 on the numeric keypad

4. Release ALT

The TM symbol will appear next to the brand name. This method is fast and easy on desktop, but won’t work on mobile since mobile devices don’t have numeric keypads.

Method 4: Add trademark symbols on mobile

Facebook’s mobile apps don’t allow HTML codes or have numeric keypads. So how do you use trademark symbols? Here are a few options:

– Use the symbols keyboard – Many mobile devices have a symbols or special characters keyboard, including the TM and ® symbols. Enable this and insert them into Facebook.

– Copy/paste from other apps – Generate the symbols in a word processing app or spreadsheet app, copy, then paste into Facebook’s mobile app.

– Use text expansion – Text expansion apps like TextExpander allow you to create shortcuts that auto-replace with full text. So you could set “tm” to expand to “TM”

– Post from desktop – An easy workaround is to create posts with trademarks on desktop, then publish to Facebook from your desktop.

Overall, adding trademark symbols directly on mobile takes a few extra steps. But with the right keyboard or text expansion app, it’s possible.

Where should you use trademark symbols on Facebook?

Important places to use your trademark symbols on Facebook include:

– In your profile/page username – This distinguishes your brand name and indicates registered or common law trademark status.

– In your profile/page bio – Helps identify you as an official brand.

– In posts and captions – Whenever mentioning your product name, logo, slogan, etc. in a post or caption.

– For hashtags – If you have a branded hashtag protected as a trademark, use the symbol when posting it.

– Facebook ads – Using symbols in ad text helps protect your brand names and prevent unauthorized use.

– Facebook shop – Add symbols to your shop section names, product names/listings, and other content.

– Reviews and recommendations – If your brand is mentioned in a rating, review, or recommendation, reply with the trademark symbol.

– Links and URLs – When your brand name is part of a link or URL, use the symbol.

Anywhere your intellectual property appears on Facebook, consider adding a trademark symbol to protect your rights and put others on notice.

Tips for properly using symbols

When posting trademark symbols on Facebook, follow these tips:

– Only use symbols if you have a protected common law or registered trademark. Don’t use them for generic words or undeserving brand names.

– Add symbols consistently every time you mention your brand name or logo. This includes hashtags and variations like acronyms.

– Don’t use TM and ® interchangeably. TM is only for common law marks, ® is for registered trademarks.

– Only use symbols on the most prominent or first mention of your brand name or logo. No need to add it to every single mention.

– Don’t overdo it. Use symbols selectively to avoid looking spammy.

– Place symbols after your brand name or logo – Brand® rather than ®Brand

– Check trademark office rules – Some countries have specific requirements for symbol usage and placement.

Following these best practices helps ensure you’re properly marking your intellectual property while avoiding overuse on Facebook.


While Facebook doesn’t have built-in options for adding trademark symbols, you can insert them through several methods:

– HTML codes – ™ for TM and ® for ®

– Copy/paste the actual symbols from other apps and documents

– Type the symbols directly using keyboard shortcuts on desktop

– Use a symbols keyboard or text expansion on mobile

Make sure to add trademark symbols consistently whenever your intellectual property appears on Facebook – in your profile, posts, ads, shop, and more. This will strengthen your brand protection and recognition. But avoid overusing symbols or placing them improperly.

With the right strategy, adding trademark notifications on Facebook is simple and helps defend your brand names and logos. Just use the symbols thoughtfully to maximize their impact. So don’t hesitate to add those TMs and ®s on Facebook today!