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How do you add a thumbnail to a Facebook video?

How do you add a thumbnail to a Facebook video?

Adding a custom thumbnail to your Facebook videos can help them stand out in the news feed and attract more viewers. By default, Facebook will just use a frame from the video as the thumbnail, but creating your own relevant and eye-catching thumbnail image can really help your videos get more clicks.

Why Add a Custom Thumbnail?

Here are some of the key reasons you should take the time to create and add a custom thumbnail image for your Facebook videos:

  • More clickable – An interesting, high-quality thumbnail will get more attention and clicks than just a random screenshot from the video.
  • Conveys what the video is about – You can choose an image that conveys the topic and content of your video, which helps viewers quickly grasp what it’s about.
  • Branding – You can incorporate your branding colors, logos, text, and other elements into the thumbnail design.
  • Matches other thumbnails – Creating consistent branded thumbnails will make your video content more recognizable in the news feed.
  • Improves watch time – More clicks from a good thumbnail can lead to improved average watch times for your videos if they reflect the content accurately.

In short, compelling custom thumbnails act like mini advertisements for your videos, drawing viewers in. Take the time to create good ones, and it can really pay off!

Thumbnail Size and Format Requirements

When creating your custom Facebook video thumbnails, there are some specific size and format requirements you need to follow for optimal results:

  • Minimum width of 600 pixels
  • Minimum height of 315 pixels
  • Aspect ratio of 1.91:1 (e.g. 1920 x 1005 pixels)
  • File format must be JPG or PNG
  • Maximum file size of 8MB
  • Recommended resolution of at least 1280 x 720 pixels

Keep these technical specifications in mind when designing and exporting your thumbnail image files. The minimum width and height are especially important.

How to Add a Custom Thumbnail in Facebook

Adding your custom thumbnail to a Facebook video is easy and can be done in just a few steps:

  1. Upload your video as usual to Facebook. Add a title, description, tags, set the audience, etc.
  2. Click on the pencil icon over the video thumbnail preview image.
  3. Click “Upload Thumbnail” and select your custom thumbnail file from your computer.
  4. Position or zoom the image if needed.
  5. Click “Save Thumbnail.”

That’s all there is to it! Your custom thumbnail will now be associated with that video and display in the news feed and on your Page or Profile.

Tips for Positioning/Zooming Thumbnails

When positioning or zooming in on your thumbnail image, keep these tips in mind:

  • Use the central focal point – Position the most important part of the image in the center.
  • Avoid too tight of a crop – Give the image some breathing room and don’t cut things off unnaturally.
  • Watch out for text – Make sure any text in the image is still readable after zooming and positioning.
  • Focus on faces or eyes – Images featuring people tend to work best with faces/eyes in the central area.
  • Consider the preview size – Preview the thumbnail at different sizes to ensure your crop works on large and small displays.

Best Practices for Creating Strong Custom Thumbnails

Follow these best practices when designing your custom thumbnails for Facebook video success:

Reflect Video Content Accurately

Choose a representative frame from the video or create related imagery that accurately depicts what viewers can expect to see. Don’t use misleading thumbnails.

Use High-Quality, Eye-Catching Images

Invest in professional photography or licenses for stock photos to make the thumbnails appealing. Low quality or blurry images won’t perform well.

Include Relevant Text

Include descriptive headings, keywords, or subtitles on the thumbnail image to help get the message across. Just don’t overload it.

Leverage Colors Strategically

Use colors that reinforce your brand identity, evoke appropriate emotions, or complement the video content itself.

Adapt Thumbnails for Mobile

Many Facebook videos are viewed on mobile, so ensure your thumbnail works well on small screens with the brand visible.

Test Different Options

Try out multiple thumbnail variations to see which ones have the highest click-through rates and watch time.

Be Consistent Across Videos

Using templates and consistent design elements will make your different videos recognizable as part of your brand.

Track Performance

Use Facebook Insights to see which thumbnails are performing the best in terms of views and engagement.

Thumbnail Design Tools and Software

Specialized tools and creative software programs can help you more easily design and optimize custom thumbnails. Here are some top options:


Canva is a user-friendly graphic design platform with templates and easy drag-and-drop functionality for creating social media images. They have a custom Facebook video thumbnail layout.

Adobe Photoshop

Photoshop is the industry standard photo and image editing software. It has advanced features for manipulating images and optimizing thumbnails.

Adobe Illustrator

Illustrator is a vector graphics editor that can be helpful for designing scalable thumbnail graphics or illustrations.


FotoJet is an online graphic design app with many templates and effects for thumbnail creation and quick easy editing options.


PicMonkey is another handy online photo editor with lots of tools for touch-ups, effects, text, and graphics to enhance your thumbnails.

Thumbnail Maker

This is a thumbnail-specific online app that makes it easy to customize templates for video thumbnails and social graphics.

Outsourcing Thumbnail Design

If you don’t have the time, skills or design resources, consider outsourcing your video thumbnail creation to a professional graphic designer or agency. The investment can pay off in better performing videos.

Benefits of Outsourcing Thumbnails

  • Saves you time and effort
  • Access to skilled graphic design expertise
  • Thumbnails match brand identity and style
  • High-quality, eye-catching results
  • Created quickly at affordable rates
  • Custom-designed for your niche and content

Where to Find Thumbnail Design Services

You can find capable freelance designers or agencies to create thumbnails for you on these sites:

  • Upwork
  • Fiverr
  • 99Designs
  • Designhill
  • Freelancer

Take the time to review portfolios and past work samples before selecting a thumbnail designer to outsource to.

Tips for Creating Great Thumbnails

Follow these pro tips for designing eye-catching, effective thumbnails for your Facebook videos:

  • Show emotion – Happy excited faces work well.
  • Use numbers – Stats, percentages, counts grab attention.
  • Include arrows – Pointing arrows draw the eye where you want.
  • Try faces looking sideways – Creates a bit of mystery and intrigue.
  • Use contrasting colors – Bold, contrasting colors pop more.
  • Feature people’s hands – Gesturing hands feel more human and relatable.
  • Minimal text – 1-3 words max, large font size.
  • Use animation or motion – Subtly animated or moving elements stand out.
  • Include mascots – Brand mascots make it recognizable.

What Makes a Bad Thumbnail?

On the flip side, here are some characteristics of weak thumbnail images that won’t perform well:

  • Blurry or pixelated images
  • Dark, dreary color schemes
  • Cluttered or complex compositions
  • Overly busy backgrounds
  • Unrelated or confusing imagery
  • Text that is difficult to read
  • Out of frame or oddly cropped subjects
  • Unprofessional or cheap appearance
  • Overused or cliché elements
  • Visually boring or bland

Avoid these issues with your own custom thumbnails to maximize their effectiveness.


Adding custom thumbnails to your Facebook videos can really help them get more views and engagement on the platform. Put time into designing quality, eye-catching thumbnails that accurately represent your video content. Follow the recommended specifications for size and format. Include strong visuals, minimal text, and vibrant colors that reinforce your brand. Take advantage of design tools and consider outsourcing to get top-notch thumbnails. With these tips, you can make your Facebook videos stand out in the news feed and perform better.