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How do I write in another language on Facebook?

How do I write in another language on Facebook?

Facebook allows you to post status updates, comments, and messages in languages other than English. This can be useful for connecting with friends and family who speak other languages, or for practicing your language skills.

Switching the language on Facebook is easy to do, but there are a few things to keep in mind. In this article, we’ll walk through the steps for writing Facebook posts in another language, switching your default language, using different keyboards, and more.

How to post in another language

Posting in another language is as simple as typing your text into the status update box or comment field. Here are the basic steps:

  1. Go to or open the Facebook app and log in.
  2. Click in the status update box at the top of your News Feed (on desktop) or tap “What’s on your mind?” (on mobile).
  3. Type your text in the desired language.
  4. You can add any punctuation, accents, or special characters needed for that language.
  5. Click “Post” or hit Enter to share your other language post.

The same process applies when commenting, messaging friends, or posting in groups. Just type your text in whichever language you want.

Switching your default language

While you can post in any language at any time, you may want to change your default language to make Facebook display text predominantly in another language. Here’s how to switch your default language on desktop and mobile:

On desktop:

  1. Click the down arrow at the top right of any Facebook page.
  2. Select “Settings & Privacy” from the menu.
  3. Click “Settings” in the left column.
  4. Click “Language and Region” under the General Account Settings section.
  5. Under Facebook Language, use the dropdown menu to select your desired language.
  6. Click “Save Changes” at the bottom of the page.

This will change the language for buttons, menus, and default text across Facebook. Any posts you’ve already made in other languages will stay that way.

On mobile:

  1. Tap the three-line “hamburger” menu icon in the top right of the Facebook app.
  2. Scroll down and tap “Settings & Privacy.”
  3. Tap “Settings.”
  4. Tap “Account Settings.”
  5. Tap “Language.”
  6. Tap your desired language.

Facebook will now display predominantly in the language you selected as your default.

Using different language keyboards

Typing in certain languages requires special keyboards with accented characters, symbols, and letters. Here’s how to switch your keyboard language on desktop and mobile:

On desktop:

  1. Click inside a text field where you want to type in a different language.
  2. Look at the lower right corner of your screen and click the keyboard icon.
  3. Select the desired language from the menu.
  4. The keyboard layout will change to match your selection.
  5. Type your text as needed. Toggle between languages by clicking the keyboard icon again.

On iPhone/iPad:

  1. Go to Settings > General > Keyboard > Keyboards.
  2. Tap “Add New Keyboard.”
  3. Select the language.
  4. Open Facebook and tap inside a text field.
  5. Tap the globe icon to switch between keyboard languages.

On Android:

  1. Go to Settings > System > Languages & input > Virtual keyboard.
  2. Tap “Manage keyboards.”
  3. Tap the toggle next to the language you want to enable.
  4. Open Facebook and tap a text field.
  5. Tap the globe icon to switch between keyboards.

This allows seamless typing in other languages, with easy access to special characters.

Using Google Translate

If you only need to occasionally write short phrases in another language, Google Translate can be helpful. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Type your text in your native language in any text field.
  2. Highlight and copy the text.
  3. Go to
  4. Paste your text into the left box.
  5. Select the language you want to translate to.
  6. Copy the translated text in the right box.
  7. Return to Facebook and paste the translated text where needed.

While Google Translate won’t be perfect, it can work in a pinch for short Facebook posts.

Using the Facebook Translate feature

Facebook also has a built-in translation option you can use to translate posts and comments:

  1. Hover over a post or comment written in a different language.
  2. Click on the 3 dots in the top right corner.
  3. Select “Translate post” or “Translate comment.”
  4. The text will show the original language first, followed by the English translation.

This makes it easy to get the gist of foreign language posts without leaving Facebook. However, the translations are done by machine so may not be entirely accurate.

Practicing a new language

Writing Facebook posts in a language you’re trying to learn is great practice:

  • Status updates let you translate thoughts from your native language.
  • Commenting helps you engage in basic conversations.
  • Chatting with friends gives experience with informal language.

A few tips for practicing on Facebook include:

  • Start simple. Don’t worry about perfection.
  • Ask friends who speak the language to correct your mistakes.
  • Use slang and conversational language when chatting.
  • Look up words and phrases you don’t know.

With over 2 billion active users, Facebook is a great tool for exercising your language skills with native speakers.

Connecting with friends and family

Switching languages on Facebook allows you to better connect with friends, family, acquaintances, and colleagues who speak multiple languages:

  • You can seamlessly have bilingual conversations.
  • Switching keyboards makes it easy to code-switch.
  • Grandparents and other relatives will appreciate posts in their native tongue.
  • You can join expat/immigrant community groups.

Here are some tips for using Facebook to bridge language barriers:

  • Add language details to your profile’s “About” section.
  • Post often in languages spoken by your connections.
  • Use Facebook’s translation tools to understand posts.
  • Don’t be shy about making mistakes – people will appreciate the effort.

Facebook allows you to nurture relationships with people around the world, regardless of language differences.

Potential issues

While posting in foreign languages on Facebook has many benefits, there are a few potential issues to keep in mind:

  • Automatic translations are not always accurate – subtle mistakes could change the meaning.
  • Some slang, dialects, and cultural phrases are hard to translate.
  • Words with multiple meanings can cause confusion.
  • Mistakes may give the impression you know less of a language than you actually do.
  • Some people may find switching languages on the same platform odd or annoying.

To avoid problems, double-check translations and be cautious using humor or sarcasm in a non-native tongue. Let friends know you’re practicing and invite corrections. With a bit of care, any issues can easily be avoided.

Facebook posting tips

Here are some top tips for seamlessly posting great content in multiple languages on Facebook:

  • Add language flair to catch people’s attention – e.g.greetings, holiday wishes, congratulations.
  • Use keyboards and input tools tailored to the language – they make typing easier.
  • Double-check accuracy of translations and complex grammar.
  • Keep an online dictionary/translator tab open for quick reference.
  • Ask native speaking friends to proofread important posts pre-posting.
  • Share photos/videos with text in different languages in the captions.
  • Utilize Facebook’s multilingual features like translation tools.
  • Engage with foreign language posts from friends and Pages you follow.
  • Join relevant multilingual Facebook Groups to find communities.

With the right tools and techniques, posting in foreign languages on Facebook can become second nature.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some commonly asked questions about posting in other languages on Facebook:

How many languages can I post in on Facebook?

You can post status updates, comments, messages, and other content in any language supported by Facebook – over 100 globally. This includes major world languages as well as regional/minority languages.

Can I translate an entire post into another language?

Unfortunately there is no current Facebook feature to translate entire posts or comments. You can either use Google Translate or similar services to translate it yourself before pasting into Facebook, or translate it post-by-post using Facebook’s manual translation feature.

Do posts in other languages appear differently to my friends?

When you post in a language other than your friends’ default, it will appear normal on their end. The language will not change unless they manually translate it using Facebook’s tools. Friends with your post language set as their default will see it normally.

How do I type special characters on a keyboard without those keys?

On desktop, you can click the keyboard icon in the lower right of the Facebook text field to open a virtual keyboard with special characters for any supported language. On mobile, enable the keyboard for that language in your device settings to gain access to the associated special characters.

Can I post in mixed languages in the same post?

Absolutely! You can seamlessly integrate multiple languages in one post or comment on Facebook, such as replying in a friend’s native language while keeping your post primarily in your own native language. This code-switching mirrors real-life conversations.

Will my posts in other languages be translated for people who can’t read them?

Other than the manual translation tool, Facebook does not automatically translate posts into viewers’ languages, even if they cannot read the original language. Readers can utilize translation tools or online services if they want to translate your posts themselves.

How do I report offensive content that I can’t read?

If a post is obviously inappropriate but is in a language you don’t understand, hover over it and use the translation feature to identify concerning phrases, threats, or harassment. You can then report the translated content to Facebook for review – be sure to specify it is a translation.


Facebook provides a flexible platform to allow self-expression and rich communication in multiple languages. From changing keyboard input to translating conversations, built-in multilingual support powers global connections. Respectfully code-switching demonstrates a openness to linguistic diversity.

With over 2 billion users worldwide, Facebook communities reflect a vast intersection of languages and cultures. Learning how to effectively write in another language on Facebook facilitates deeper connections, combats isolation, and fosters mutual understanding between friends across cultures. Harnessing linguistic versatility strengthens the “social graph” that powers Facebook’s mission to give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together.