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How do I whitelist my Facebook ad account?

How do I whitelist my Facebook ad account?

Having your Facebook ad account whitelisted is important for ensuring your ads are approved and delivered without issues. Facebook has strict policies in place to protect users from low-quality or inappropriate ads. If your ad account is not whitelisted, your ads may frequently get rejected or disapproved. Whitelisting establishes your ad account as trusted and compliant with Facebook’s advertising policies.

Why should I whitelist my Facebook ad account?

There are a few key reasons you may want to take steps to get your Facebook ad account whitelisted:

  • Faster ad review process – Whitelisted ad accounts enjoy expedited reviews of new ads. This means your ads get published faster.
  • Fewer rejected ads – When your account is in good standing, fewer of your ads will be wrongly rejected by Facebook’s automated review system.
  • Lower chance of account disablement – Accounts in good standing are less likely to have campaigns or ad sets paused due to policy violations.
  • Access to more ad options – Whitelisted accounts unlock certain additional advertising options not available to regular accounts.

Overall, whitlisting provides more assurance that your ad campaigns will run smoothly without disruptions from rejections or policy issues. It’s highly recommended for accounts running substantial Facebook advertising campaigns.

What are the requirements to whitelist a Facebook ad account?

Facebook does not publish exact criteria for whitelisting ad accounts, but based on experience and best practices, these are likely factors that help:

  • Spend at least $5,000 monthly on Facebook ads
  • Run Facebook ads consistently for 3-6 months
  • Maintain a Facebook page with substantial audience size
  • Have minimal policy violations and advertising rejections
  • Respond promptly to any requests from Facebook’s ad review team
  • Provide accurate and thorough billing and contact information

Essentially, Facebook wants to see a commitment to running compliant, high quality campaigns over an extended period. Ad accounts that continually follow best practices are rewarded with whitelisting privileges.

How can I check if my ad account is whitelisted?

There are a few signs that indicate your Facebook ad account may already be whitelisted:

  • Your ads get approved much faster than the typical 24-48 hour review period
  • You rarely or never have ads rejected for policy violations
  • Your ad delivery is not restricted to certain times/days due to policy issues
  • Your ad account unlocks additional placements or features not available to all
  • Facebook contacts you directly to confirm billing details periodically

You can also check for a badge on your Facebook ad account that explicitly states “Whitelisted Ad Account.”

What steps can I take to request whitelisting?

If your ad account is not yet whitelisted, here are proactive steps you can take to request whitelisting from Facebook’s team:

  1. Ensure your ad account complies with all Facebook’s advertising policies. Remove any policy-violating content.
  2. Confirm your ad account has accurate contact information listed. Whitelisted accounts require a valid email and phone number on file.
  3. Provide a detailed overview of your company, advertising objectives and target audiences. Facebook needs to understand your business and goals.
  4. Highlight any past advertising success stories relevant to Facebook. If you have expertise running campaigns on their platform, let them know.
  5. Spend at least $5,000 per month consistently for 3 months. This shows you are committed to advertising on Facebook.
  6. Contact Facebook ad support and explicitly request whitelisting. Be patient – this privilege is not granted instantly.

With consistent compliant behavior and clear communication, you can demonstrate to Facebook that your ad account deserves whitelisting status.

How long does it take to get whitelisted?

There is no exact timeframe for when Facebook will whitelist an ad account. Some accounts may get whitelisted within a few months, while for others it could take 6 months or longer. Factors that influence timing include:

  • How long you’ve actively advertised on Facebook – Longer history is better
  • Your ad spend – Higher spend may get privileged treatment
  • Compliance record – Accounts with violations take longer to whitelist
  • Industry/sector – Some industries have greater scrutiny from Facebook
  • Number of submitted ads – Whitelisting takes longer if you submit large volumes of new ads

The review process is not transparent, so you will need to be patient. Keep running robust campaigns and follow all policies. If your account is in good standing, whitelisting approval could take 3-6 months in many cases.

Can a whitelisted ad account lose its status?

Yes, it is possible for a previously whitelisted Facebook ad account to have that status revoked. This can happen if:

  • You violate Facebook’s advertising policies multiple times
  • You stop running ads for an extended period
  • There are issues with your ads such as low quality or relevance
  • Your business model or practices raise compliance concerns
  • Your contact information on file is invalid
  • You fail to respond promptly to inquiries from Facebook’s team

To retain whitelisting privileges, continue following best practices in your campaigns. Watch carefully for any policy updates from Facebook that may impact your vertical. Having open communication with Facebook’s support team is also recommended.

What additional benefits come with a whitelisted ad account?

Whitelisting unlocks a variety of perks and advanced capabilities for Facebook ads:

  • Greater reach for your ads – Whitelisted accounts can show ads to wider audiences with less targeting refinement needed.
  • Access to beta features – You may gain early access to new ad formats, placements and platforms that are in beta testing.
  • Dedicated support – Priority access to Facebook’s account management and customer support teams.
  • Higher ad spend caps – Facebook may increase your daily/monthly spend caps allowing you to scale campaigns.
  • Expanded placement options – Whitelisted accounts can often access placements (Instant Articles, Messenger etc.) unavailable to others.
  • Brand lift studies – Ability to run detailed brand surveys and lift studies on your audiences through Facebook.

The additional benefits definitely make whitelisting worthwhile for active advertisers on Facebook. But keep in mind these perks can disappear if you lose your whitelisting status at any point.

Best practices for maintaining whitelisting

Once your Facebook ad account becomes whitelisted, you’ll want to be vigilant in maintaining your status. Follow these best practices:

  • Carefully monitor all your campaigns for any policy violations. Pause or edit non-compliant ads quickly.
  • Set spending caps on your daily/monthly ad budget to avoid any spikes that seem abnormal.
  • Respond promptly if contacted by Facebook’s ad team for any additional information.
  • Stay up to date on Facebook’s ad policies and platform updates that could impact your campaigns.
  • Don’t make dramatic changes in your target audiences, creatives or landing pages without review.
  • Maintain consistent ad spend month-to-month to avoid large fluctuations.
  • Contact Facebook support if you ever have questions about your whitelisting status or benefits.

Proactively managing your whitelisted Facebook ad account will help prevent losing your hard-earned status. Be a valuable advertising partner and you’ll continue enjoying the perks.


Getting your Facebook ad account whitelisted brings huge advantages for any advertiser investing substantially in the platform. While the specific process is somewhat vague, consistent compliant behavior, strong spend, and clear communication seem to be key factors that can eventually lead to whitelisting approval. Be prepared for it to take 3-6 months in many cases. Proper ongoing maintenance of your whitelisted status is crucial as the privileged designation can be taken away due to policy violations. Overall, the benefits of fewer ad rejections, faster review, higher spend caps, and access to new features make whitelisting well worth pursuing for eligible advertisers.