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How do I view scheduled posts?

How do I view scheduled posts?

Viewing your scheduled posts on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn can be very useful for staying organized and making sure content goes out when you want it to. Here are some tips for viewing scheduled posts on each platform:


To view your scheduled Facebook posts:

  1. Go to your Facebook page
  2. Click on “Publishing Tools” in the left side menu
  3. Click on “Scheduled Posts” in the drop down menu

This will show you a list of all your scheduled posts for your Facebook page. You’ll be able to see the post content, when it is scheduled to post, and you have the option to edit or delete the scheduled post.


Unfortunately, Instagram does not have a built-in way to view your scheduled posts. However, if you use a social media management platform or scheduling tool like Hootsuite or Buffer, you can view your scheduled Instagram posts there.

Here’s how to view scheduled Instagram posts with a few popular tools:


  1. Go to your Hootsuite dashboard
  2. Navigate to the “Social Networks” tab in the left menu
  3. Click on your Instagram account
  4. Click on “View Scheduled Posts”

This will open a calendar view of your scheduled Instagram posts where you can see the content and scheduled date/time.


  1. Go to your Buffer dashboard
  2. Click on the “Queue” tab
  3. Select your Instagram account from the drop down menu

This will show your Instagram queue with any scheduled posts. You can view details and reschedule or remove posts.


  1. Go to your Later dashboard
  2. Click on the calendar icon in the left menu
  3. Select your Instagram account at the top

Later’s calendar view will display your scheduled Instagram posts and allow you to manage them.


To view your scheduled tweets:

  1. Go to your Twitter account
  2. Click on the arrow next to the “Tweet” button
  3. Select “Scheduled Tweets” from the drop down menu

This will open your scheduled tweets where you can see the tweet text, attached media if any, scheduled date/time, and you can delete tweets.


Unfortunately, LinkedIn currently does not have a built-in way to view your scheduled posts. However, similar to Instagram, if you use a scheduling tool, you can view your queued LinkedIn posts there.

For example, here is how to view scheduled LinkedIn posts with SmarterQueue:

  1. Go to your SmarterQueue dashboard
  2. Click on “Social Queue” in the left menu
  3. Select your LinkedIn account

This will display your queued LinkedIn posts. You can see the content, when they are scheduled to post, and can delete or edit them.

Key Takeaways

  • Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn have built-in ways to view scheduled posts from their platforms
  • Instagram does not have a native way to view scheduled posts – you need to use a scheduling tool
  • Popular scheduling tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, Later, and SmarterQueue allow you to view and manage scheduled posts across multiple networks
  • Viewing scheduled posts allows you to confirm they are ready to go and ensure your content goes out when planned

Benefits of Viewing Scheduled Social Media Posts

Here are some of the benefits of regularly viewing your scheduled social media posts:

  • Ensure posts go out when planned – Viewing scheduled posts allows you to double check posts are set to go out on the date/time you want. You can catch any errors or inconsistencies.
  • Manage last minute changes – If you need to make any edits or updates to a scheduled post, you can easily do so by viewing and accessing the post before it goes live.
  • Monitor for mistakes – Scanning your scheduled content enables you to catch any typos, incorrect information, or linking errors before the post is published.
  • Capitalize on timing – Viewing scheduled posts lets you take advantage of any trending hashtags, news events, or other real-time opportunities by updating posts or times.
  • Stay organized – Seeing all your planned social media content in one place helps you stay coordinated and queue relevant, engaging posts.
  • Plan your calendar – Knowing which posts are scheduled for what days/times allows for better planning of your overall social media calendar.

Tips for Viewing Scheduled Posts

Here are some tips to get the most value out of viewing your planned social media content:

  • Check scheduled posts daily or weekly to maximize the benefits.
  • Scan posts from all your connected accounts to maintain a consistent presence.
  • Make edits to old posts if you find new relevant information to share.
  • Delete posts if you find incorrect information or links.
  • Look for opportunities to add new posts – engage with any trending topics or hashtags.
  • Repost old evergreen content if you have gaps to fill in your schedule.
  • Use any relevant new media like videos or images to enhance scheduled posts.
  • Adjust post times if an important event or announcement comes up.
  • Look at your overall mix of posts – aim for variety in content types.
  • Check that links, handles, and hashtags are still valid.

Tools to Use for Viewing Scheduled Posts

While some platforms have built-in scheduling features, social media management tools often provide enhanced functionality for viewing and managing your queued content. Here are some top tools to use:


Hootsuite is one of the most popular social media management tools. Features include:

  • View scheduled posts for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest
  • Edit or delete posts before they publish
  • Drag and drop to easily reschedule queued posts
  • Supports bulk uploads and scheduling
  • Monitor social media from a unified dashboard


Buffer pioneered social media scheduling and queue management. Features include:

  • Schedule posts for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest
  • View and manage your content queues
  • Easily edit, reschedule, or remove posts
  • Plan content in advance in an intuitive calendar view
  • Analyze the performance of your posts

Sprout Social

Sprout Social is a powerful platform for social media management and engagement. Features include:

  • Schedule and queue posts for all major networks
  • Calendar view makes visualizing your schedule easy
  • Social media monitoring and inbox features
  • Community management tools
  • Robust analytics


Later focuses on Instagram scheduling and visual content planning. Key features include:

  • Visual calendar to view your Instagram content schedule
  • Schedule and autopost Instagram feeds, stories, reels
  • Curate collections of posts
  • Workflows to simplify posting
  • Hashtag research tools

Social Media Posting Frequency Best Practices

When scheduling social media posts, it’s important to have a good understanding of optimal posting frequency for each platform. Here are some best practice guidelines on how often to post:


  • Pages – 1-2 posts per day
  • Groups – 1-2 posts per day
  • Profiles – Less frequent, every 2-3 days


  • Business accounts – 1-2 posts per day
  • Established accounts – Up to 2-3 posts per day
  • Stories – Post daily or several times throughout day


  • 1-3 tweets per day for regular posting
  • Can tweet up to 2-3x day for active use
  • Allow time between posts for engagement


  • Company pages – 1 post per day
  • Group posting – 2-3 discussions per week
  • Profiles – 1-2 updates per week

Key Takeaways

  • Consistency is key – stick to regular posting schedules
  • Focus on quality over quantity – informative, useful content
  • Increase posting for promotions or events
  • Monitor engagement and adjust your frequency
  • Allow time between posts for community interaction

Common Social Media Posting Mistakes to Avoid

Here are some common scheduling mistakes when planning social media content:

  • Scheduling too far in advance – Lose the flexibility to adapt posts. Stick to 1-2 weeks.
  • Scheduling too much at once – Space out posts over time for better visibility.
  • Not having a calendar – Failure to plan leads to inconsistencies.
  • Repeating post times – Vary when your audience sees posts.
  • Posting too often – Avoid oversaturation.
  • Posting too rarely – Don’t let accounts be inactive for long periods.
  • Incorrect or outdated information – Proofread and fact check posts.
  • Inconsistent branding – Maintain recognizable branding across networks.
  • Using irrelevant hashtags – Research appropriate hashtags.
  • Duplicate content – Repurposed content should be adapted for platforms.

Optimizing Your Social Media Posting Process

Here are some tips to optimize and improve your social media posting process when using scheduling tools:

  • Use templates to save time replicating posts
  • Create social media calendars to plan out content
  • Research hashtags ahead of time to incorporate
  • Pre-schedule recurring posts (like Facebook Live reminders)
  • Collaborate with team members by sharing post schedules
  • Use the bulk scheduling features for efficiency
  • Integrate analytics to identify best times to post
  • Set up media libraries to access visual assets
  • Use features like auto-correct and grammar checks
  • Schedule social listening time to engage with audiences


Viewing your scheduled social media posts is an essential practice for organizations and marketers to maintain strong, active presences on social platforms. Routine checks of upcoming content ensure posts go live when intended, let you make last minute edits, and provide valuable oversight of your social media calendars. Built-in platform features, as well as the wide range of social media management and scheduling tools now available, make it easier than ever to plan, schedule, and review your social content across multiple networks from one centralized dashboard.

By implementing best practices around scheduling frequency, avoiding common posting mistakes, and optimizing your processes, you can effectively plan and queue content that helps you consistently engage your audiences and achieve your social media goals.