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How do I view campaigns in Ads Manager?

How do I view campaigns in Ads Manager?

Facebook Ads Manager allows advertisers to manage and optimize their ad campaigns. Viewing your campaigns in Ads Manager is easy and provides valuable insights into how your ads are performing. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk through how to view your Facebook and Instagram campaigns in Ads Manager.

Logging Into Ads Manager

To view your campaigns, you first need to access Ads Manager. Here’s how:

  1. Go to and log in using your Facebook or Instagram advertising account credentials.
  2. If you have more than one ad account, select the account you want to access.
  3. You will now be in the Ads Manager interface, which displays a summary of your ad account.

Once logged in, you can view all of your ad campaigns for the selected account.

Viewing All Campaigns

To see a list of all your campaigns:

  1. In the left sidebar menu, click “Campaigns”.
  2. This will open the Campaigns page, displaying a list of all your campaigns for the ad account.

The Campaigns page shows high-level information about each campaign, including:

  • Campaign name
  • Campaign status (active or inactive)
  • Campaign type (awareness, consideration, conversion)
  • Campaign objective (traffic, engagement, conversions, etc)
  • Time frame campaign has run or will run
  • Budget and amount spent

Reviewing this list provides a quick overview of your Facebook and Instagram campaigns and their configurations.

Viewing Details for One Campaign

To see more detailed information about a specific campaign:

  1. Click on the campaign name from the Campaigns page.
  2. This will open the Overview page for that individual campaign.

The Overview provides in-depth data and analytics for your campaign, including:

  • Audience details – location, age, interests etc.
  • Ads and creatives used in the campaign
  • Performance charts showing clicks, impressions, reach, frequency, CTR, CPM, etc over time
  • Breakdowns of results by ad set, age, gender and other factors
  • Tables with statistics and metrics like CTR, impressions, unique clicks, etc

Analyzing this information enables you to understand how your campaign has performed and which elements are working well or need optimization.

Viewing Ad Sets Within a Campaign

For large campaigns, you can further drill down into the component ad sets:

  1. On the campaign Overview page, scroll down to the Ad Sets section.
  2. Here you can see high-level metrics for each ad set.
  3. Click on an ad set name to view further details and analytics at the ad set level.

This allows you to compare and contrast performance across the different ad sets that make up your campaign.

Viewing Individual Ads

Finally, you can drill down to the individual ad level too:

  1. From the Ad Sets section, click “View Ads” next to any ad set.
  2. You’ll then see a list of all the ads in that set.
  3. Click any ad to open its details page.

The ad details show performance statistics specifically for that creative, like clicks, impressions, reach, relevance score, etc. Reviewing ad-level data enables you to identify your best and worst performing creatives.

Using Filters to View Campaign Subsets

Rather than viewing all your campaigns, you can apply filters to only see a subset of campaigns:

  1. On the Campaigns page, click “Filters” at the top.
  2. Select the filters you want to apply:
    • Campaign status (active or inactive)
    • Campaign objective (brand awareness, traffic, conversions, etc)
    • Time frame
    • Budget status
    • Spend strategy (lowest cost or target cost)
  3. Click “Apply Filters”.

This will limit the campaigns displayed to only those matching your filter criteria. For example, you could filter to only see active video view campaigns running last month.

Finding Campaigns

If you have a large number of campaigns, finding specific campaigns can be easier using the search bar:

  1. Enter keywords in the search field at the top of the Campaigns page.
  2. Click the search icon.

This will display campaigns with names, ad text or other attributes matching your search keywords.

Exporting Campaign Data

For further analysis and reporting, you can export your campaign data from Ads Manager:

  1. From the Campaigns page, click the “Export” button near the top right.
  2. Select the data you want to export: campaigns, ad sets or ads.
  3. Choose the breakdown, like age, gender or location.
  4. Select the date range to export.
  5. Choose either CSV or XLS file format.
  6. Click “Export Data”.

The exported Excel or CSV file will contain the performance data for the campaigns, ad sets or ads you selected. This allows in-depth analysis using excel, database software or visualization tools.

Viewing Campaigns via Facebook App

In addition to Ads Manager, you can also view your Facebook and Instagram campaigns using the Facebook app for iOS and Android:

  1. Open the Facebook app and log in.
  2. Tap the “More” menu icon.
  3. Select “Manage Ads”.
  4. Choose the ad account you want to view.
  5. Tap “Campaigns” to see your list of campaigns.
  6. Tap any campaign to view its details and performance.

While the Facebook app doesn’t provide the full analytics of Ads Manager, it’s a handy way to quickly check campaign status and results on-the-go from your mobile device.

Troubleshooting Viewing Campaigns

Some common issues and how to resolve them when trying to view Facebook and Instagram campaigns:

Can’t Log Into Ads Manager

  • Make sure you are using the correct Facebook or Instagram advertising account credentials. Reset your password if needed.
  • Check that your account does not have restrictions limiting Ads Manager access.
  • Ensure your account has been granted the correct Facebook ad roles to access campaigns.
  • Try logging in on a different browser or device in case of a browser issue.

Campaign Missing From Campaigns List

  • Filter the list in case the campaign has been filtered out.
  • Check the account selected contains the missing campaign.
  • Try refreshing the page in case of a display glitch.
  • If a recent campaign, wait up to 24 hours for processing delays.

Incorrect or Incomplete Campaign Data

  • Allow time for campaign data to process, especially for recent activities.
  • Check date filters are set correctly.
  • Data glitches can occur – try refreshing later.
  • Exclude known data issues from exports if needed.

Can’t Find Campaign via Search

  • Double check spelling and search terms used.
  • Try broader search terms.
  • Browse Campaigns list manually as a workaround.

Error Exporting Campaign Data

  • Make sure date range selected is valid.
  • Retry a smaller date range.
  • Limit number of campaigns/ad sets being exported.
  • Double check account permissions.
  • Try again later or request support if issue persists.


Viewing campaigns, ad sets and ads in Facebook Ads Manager is crucial for monitoring and optimizing performance. By leveraging the Campaigns page, filters, search and exports, advertisers can gain valuable insights into how their marketing campaigns are working and what changes may be needed.

Common troubleshooting tips include checking account access, retrying later for data delays, using broad search terms and limiting export size. Mastering how to view Facebook and Instagram campaign data in Ads Manager is a vital skill for marketers.

Campaign Name Objective Status Budget Amount Spent
Fall Sale Campaign Conversions Active $500 $423.21
Summer Promotion Engagement Ended $800 $753.53
Q4 Holiday Deals Traffic Active $1200 $947.62
Customer Retention Brand Awareness Inactive $1000 $831.47