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How do I use FB events?

How do I use FB events?

Facebook events are a great way to publicize an event, invite friends, and track RSVPs. With a Facebook event page, you can provide key details about your event to help guests plan their attendance. Creating a Facebook event is simple and only takes a few minutes.

Creating a Facebook Event

Here are the steps to create a Facebook event:

  1. Open Facebook and click on the “Events” tab on the left sidebar.
  2. Click on the “+ Create Event” button at the top.
  3. Enter your event name, location, date/time, host(s), and description.
  4. Upload a cover photo and profile picture to brand your event.
  5. Choose privacy settings – you can make it public, private, or only visible to your friends.
  6. Click “Create” to publish your event page.

Once your event page is live, you can continue adding details, co-hosts, ticketing links, and more. You’ll also need to invite guests – more on that next.

Inviting Guests to Your Facebook Event

Here are some tips for inviting guests to your Facebook event:

  • Go to your event page and click “Invite” on the left sidebar. This will pull up a list of your Facebook friends.
  • Check the boxes next to friends you want to invite. You can also type names into the search bar to find specific people.
  • Choose “Invite” to send invites to all checked guests. They’ll get a notification about the event.
  • To invite friends of guests, check the box “Invite Friends of Guests” before sending invites. This widens the reach.
  • Consider making some invites VIPs. This reminds them to RSVP and shows them at the top of your guest list.
  • Post the event page on your timeline, in relevant Facebook groups, etc to publicize it and get more guests.

As invites go out, guests will be able to RSVP on your event page, comment, and share with their friends. Keep promoting your page up until the event date to boost attendance.

Using Facebook Event Features

Take advantage of these handy Facebook event features:

  • Discussion tab – Engage with guests by posting updates, polls, questions, etc. Guests can comment and discuss the event.
  • About tab – Share key event details, descriptions, FAQs, agenda, sponsor info, and more on this tab.
  • Photos tab – Post pictures from the event after it takes place. Guests can tag themselves and share memories.
  • Videos tab – Upload video footage, livestreams, promotional videos, and more to this tab.
  • Tickets tab – Link to third-party ticketing sites like Eventbrite if you’re selling tickets.
  • Invite tab – Monitor who’s been invited and check the guest responses at a glance.

Promote key details, updates, reminders, and FAQs using these tabs. The more information you provide, the better prepared and engaged your guests will be.

Boosting Event Attendance

Getting lots of RSVPs and attendees takes some promotion. Try these tips:

  • Create eye-catching graphics to promote your event page on social media.
  • Run Facebook ads targeted to your ideal audience based on location, age, interests, etc.
  • Ask co-hosts and planning team members to share and invite their networks.
  • Offer discounts, prizes, swag, or other perks for attending and sharing the event.
  • Send email and text message reminders to invited guests as the event nears.
  • Share video teasers or livestreams to generate buzz leading up to the event date.

Optimizing your Facebook event for discoverability and engagement is key. Use relevant hashtags so it appears in event searches. Follow up with guests who haven’t RSVP’d. And don’t be afraid to spend a little on ads – a boost in attendance can more than offset the costs.

Managing Guests and RSVPs

Facebook events make it easy to monitor guest responses at a glance:

  • The Invite tab shows three guest lists: Going, Maybe, and Invited.
  • Click into each list to message guests, change their RSVP, or remove them.
  • Hover over Going and Maybe to see which guests have checked in and if they’re bringing +Guests.
  • Get real-time updates as RSVPs change. Dashboard stats show total invites,Going, etc.
  • Sort guest lists by newest/oldest RSVPs if needed to target reminders.

Managing a large or public event? Approve join requests on your Invite tab before adding guests. You can also hide the guest list and disable invites if needed.

Engaging with Guests Post-Event

Your event may be over, but guest engagement doesn’t have to end. Here are some post-event best practices:

  • Thank guests for attending by posting on the Discussion tab or sending messages.
  • Ask guests to tag themselves in photos and share their own photo/video posts.
  • Moderate and respond to new posts and comments from guests.
  • Send out a feedback survey to learn how you can improve future events.
  • Share any presentations, slides, handouts, or other assets from the event.
  • Promote any upcoming events, offers, or opportunities.

By managing your event page even after the event wraps up, you continue the conversation and engagement. This keeps guests interested in your brand and primes them for future events.

Using Facebook Events for Different Event Types

Facebook events work for all types of gatherings and occasions. Here are tips for popular event types:

Online Events

  • Link to the video conference or livestream on the Details tab.
  • Share schedules, agendas, and speaker info so guests know what to expect.
  • Use the Discussion tab for Q&As, polls, chat, and fostering connections.
  • Post recordings and highlights after to maximize reach.


  • Share conference schedules, session details, speaker bios, etc.
  • Link to conference registration and hotel booking.
  • Promote speaker interviews, giveaways, and other exclusives.
  • Post professional photos of speakers and sessions.

Music/Arts Events

  • Include performer, venue, parking, and ticket details.
  • Post audio/video clips to give fans a preview.
  • Share photos and tag performers after the show.
  • Promote new releases, tours, or merch.

Fundraisers & Causes

  • Explain beneficiary and how funds will be used.
  • Make clear how guests can donate or get involved.
  • Share photos/stories showing impact to encourage giving.
  • Send thank yous and fundraising totals after.

Classes & Training

  • Share lesson plans, class supplies, and prerequisites.
  • Allow guests to ask questions and discuss expectations beforehand.
  • Post teaching materials, handouts, recordings, etc after.
  • Offer deals on future classes or learning opportunities.

The key details to share will vary by event type, so customize your page accordingly. Use relevant visuals, hashtags, and messaging tailored to each audience.

Tips for Creating Successful Facebook Events

Follow these best practices for planning winning Facebook events:

  • Choose a compelling, descriptive title and imagery to get clicks.
  • Be strategic with guest lists – target those most likely to be interested.
  • Add co-hosts with big networks to extend your reach.
  • Provide ample event details, directions, parking info, and FAQs.
  • Promote consistently across channels before and after publishing.
  • Engage guests in discussions and encourage photo shares.
  • Follow up with non-responders with targeted messaging.
  • Offer perks and special access to get RSVPs.
  • Make important reminders and announcements in the days/hours before.
  • Thank attendees and sponsors to maintain goodwill after.

With strategic planning and promotion, your next Facebook event can exceed your goals for registrations, engagement, and positive brand exposure.


Facebook events provide a built-in system for creating buzz, spreading the word, tracking RSVPs, and engaging with guests from promotion to post-event follow up. Take advantage of all the available tools and features to create an event page that drives action.

With a well-optimized event page and strategic invites, you can attract big crowds both online and offline. Plus, the data insights help you learn what works so you can improve with each event. Consider sponsorships, paid promotion, and co-hosting to take your events to the next level.

Facebook empowers any brand, business, or organization to host events that successfully bring people together. Whether it’s a conference, concert, fundraiser, or class reunion, Facebook events keep guests informed, engaged, and connected before, during, and after your event.