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How do I use Facebook commerce Manager?

How do I use Facebook commerce Manager?

Facebook commerce Manager is a powerful tool that allows businesses to easily manage and sell products directly on Facebook. With commerce Manager, you can create an online store, manage your product catalog, run targeted ads to boost sales, and track your store’s performance, all within Facebook. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to get started with Facebook commerce Manager.

Step 1: Create a Facebook Page and Connect Your Instagram Account

To use Facebook commerce Manager, you first need to have a Facebook Page for your business. If you don’t already have one, go to and click “Create Page” to set one up. Make sure your Page is published and has all the necessary info like your business name, description, contact info, etc.

You should also connect your Instagram account to your Facebook Page if you plan to tag products on Instagram or run Instagram shopping ads. Under your Facebook Page settings, go to “Connected Experiences” and connect your Instagram account.

Step 2: Sign Up for a Facebook Commerce Manager Account

Once your Facebook Page is ready, you can sign up for a commerce Manager account. Go to and click “Get Started” under Commerce Manager. Follow the prompts to connect your Facebook Page and set up your commerce Manager account.

As part of the setup process, you’ll need to provide some basic business information like your business name, customer service email, phone number, business website, etc. Make sure this info is accurate as it will be displayed on your Facebook shop.

Step 3: Set Up Your Digital Storefront

After your account is created, you can customize your digital storefront right within commerce Manager. This includes:

  • Choosing a store design – Pick a template or use your Facebook Page’s existing branding.
  • Adding a store logo and cover image.
  • Writing an “About” section.
  • Setting up your payment provider – You can use PayPal, Stripe, and others.
  • Choosing shipping providers – Add shipping rates to enable delivery.

Take your time setting up your storefront to ensure it aligns with your brand and provides a seamless shopping experience.

Step 4: Upload Your Product Catalog

The next step is adding your products into Facebook commerce Manager. You can manually upload your catalog by going to the “Products” tab and clicking “+ Add Products.” Fill in all the product details like:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Available variants
  • Price
  • Product Images
  • Inventory count

For larger catalogs, consider using product data feeds instead of manual uploads. This allows you to quickly import product info from your ecommerce platform or spreadsheet.

Best Practices for Setting Up Your Catalog

  • Include high-quality product images – Use an image background that contrasts with your products.
  • Write compelling titles and descriptions – Mention key details like materials, sizes, etc.
  • Categorize your products – Make it easy for shoppers to navigate your catalog.
  • Keep inventory up to date – Customers will see if a product is out of stock.

Step 5: Tag Your Products on Facebook and Instagram

Once your catalog is ready, you can start tagging products in your Facebook posts and Instagram posts. This allows people to easily see and shop the products you showcase on social media.

To tag a product:

  1. Upload the image or video you want to tag.
  2. Enter your caption as usual.
  3. Click “Tag Products” and search for the relevant products from your catalog to tag.
  4. Adjust the tags so they outline the products clearly.
  5. Preview how it will look.
  6. Publish your post.

Tagging products is a great way to drive traffic to your online store and increase sales.

Step 6: Run Product Advertising

Facebook commerce Manager makes it easy to create targeted ads that promote your products. Under the “Advertise” tab, you can:

  • Select products to feature from your catalog.
  • Customize your ad creative and add tags.
  • Pick your target audience and placement.
  • Set a budget and schedule.
  • Launch your ad.

Product ads are an excellent way to get your products in front of interested buyers across Facebook and Instagram. You can target shoppers based on their interests, demographics, behaviors, and more.

Tips for Optimizing Your Product Ads

  • Test different images, videos, and copy.
  • Highlight discounts or sales.
  • Use lifestyle imagery that shows your products in context.
  • Retarget people who already engaged with your brand.

Step 7: Track and Optimize Your Shop Performance

Facebook commerce Manager provides data and insights to help you understand and improve your shop’s performance. Some key metrics to analyze include:

Metric What to Look For
Sales Monitor product and overall sales trends over time.
Revenue See how much money your shop is generating.
Conversion rate The percentage of store visitors who make a purchase.
Top-selling products See which products resonate most with your audience.
Traffic sources Find out where your store visitors come from.

Use these insights to make data-backed decisions about things like inventory levels, product selection, promotions, ad targeting, and more.


Facebook commerce Manager provides a powerful, all-in-one platform to create and manage your online store directly within Facebook. By following the steps above, you can set up your digital storefront, easily manage your product catalog, advertise your products across Facebook and Instagram, and track your sales performance.

The convenience of having your store integrated with the world’s largest social media platforms gives you access to over billions of potential customers. With commerce Manager’s user-friendly tools and robust data, you can optimize your ecommerce strategy and unlock the full potential of selling on social media.