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How do I upload a post on FB?

How do I upload a post on FB?

Uploading posts on Facebook is a great way to share photos, videos, and other content with your friends, family, and broader connections on the platform. With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook offers a massive potential audience for your posts. While uploading content is easy to do, there are some best practices to follow to ensure your posts appear properly and reach the right people.

Preparing Your Post

Before uploading a post to Facebook, you’ll first want to prepare your content. For photos or videos, make sure your files are in a supported format like JPG, PNG, MP4, or MOV. The ideal photo dimensions for Facebook are 1080 x 1080 pixels. For video, formats under 1GB are recommended. Be sure to pick out photos and videos that are clear, engaging, and appropriate to share publicly.

If you are making a text-based post, craft a compelling message. Write an informative post or one that conveys your personality. You can also ask questions to spark discussion. Aim for posts with authenticity that will interest your connections.

Uploading Your Post

To upload a post on Facebook, follow these steps:

  1. Click the “Create Post” button at the top of your News Feed or Timeline
  2. Add your text, photo, or video to the post area
  3. – For photos/videos, click the Photo/Video icon and select your files to upload
  4. – For text, simply start typing your update in the main post box
  5. Customize your post with options like location, tagging people, feeling/activity, etc
  6. Click the “Post” button to share your post publicly

The post will now appear in your Timeline and in the News Feeds of your connections. People will be able to interact with it by liking, commenting, and sharing.

Optimizing Your Post for Maximum Exposure

To help your posts reach and engage as many people as possible, keep these tips in mind:

  • Post at optimal times – Weekday afternoons and evenings tend to see high Facebook traffic.
  • Use relevant hashtags – Include hashtags related to your post content to make it discoverable.
  • Tag friends – Tagging friends in a post means it may also show up in their friends’ News Feeds.
  • Post consistently – Stay active regularly to keep your Page top of mind.
  • Monitor responses – Check back on your post to reply to comments and likes.
  • Analyze results – Use Facebook Insights to see what types of posts work best.

Troubleshooting Issues

Sometimes technical issues may prevent your post from appearing properly. Here are some common problems and solutions:

Post not showing up

  • Refresh your Timeline – New posts can take a few minutes to appear.
  • Check your internet connection – Connectivity issues could delay your post.
  • Verify post privacy setting – Make sure you did not accidentally restrict the audience.
  • Check for post violations – Facebook may restrict posts that violate its policies.

Image not displaying correctly

  • Re-upload image in proper format like JPG or PNG.
  • Check image file size – Large high-res files may fail to load.
  • Clear browser cache – Cached images may not refresh properly.

Video not playing

  • Check video file format – MP4 and MOV work best.
  • Re-encode video to MP4 format – Other formats may have issues.
  • Reduce video resolution – Large ultra HD videos can fail to load.
  • Check video orientation – Vertical videos may not appear properly.

Following troubleshooting steps like these can usually resolve common posting issues. You can also contact Facebook support if your problem persists.

Using Scheduling Tools

Managing frequent Facebook posts can be time consuming. Fortunately, many third-party apps and tools are available to schedule your posts in advance. Some popular scheduling options include:

Tool Key Features
  • Free and paid plans
  • Browser extensions for easy scheduling
  • Analyze post performance
  • Schedule across multiple networks
  • Collaborate with team members
  • Auto-schedule based on past performance
Sprout Social
  • Visual calendar for planning
  • Integrates with Google Analytics
  • Available on desktop and mobile

These tools allow you to easily plan and preview your posts in advance, then schedule them to automatically publish at optimal times. Many also provide analytics to help refine your strategy over time.

Following Facebook Best Practices

When posting on Facebook, be sure to follow the platform’s Community Standards and Pages Policies to avoid issues. Here are some key guidelines:

  • Post authentic content that provides value for your audience.
  • Properly attribute any content that does not belong to you.
  • Do not post misleading, false, or illegal content.
  • Respect copyrights, trademarks, and other legal rights.
  • Never post content that is threatening, harassing, hateful, or pornographic.
  • Abide by Facebook’s rules for advertising and contests/promotions.

Staying compliant with Facebook’s guidelines will help ensure your account stays in good standing, and that your posts remain visible to your audience.


Uploading posts on Facebook provides an excellent channel for sharing your life, ideas, content, and more with friends and beyond. Start by preparing engaging posts with photos, videos, or text. When posting, use features like hashtags and tags to extend your reach. Monitor responses and analyze your results over time. Scheduling tools make it easy to plan and manage posts efficiently. Stick to Facebook’s policies, and troubleshoot issues as needed. With these tips in mind, you can connect with people in meaningful ways through impactful Facebook posts.