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How do I update my Facebook page to a new version?

How do I update my Facebook page to a new version?

Facebook Pages allow businesses, brands, organizations, and public figures to establish an official presence on Facebook. As Facebook rolls out new versions of Pages, it can be important for Page admins to update to the latest version in order to take advantage of new features and maintain an up-to-date presence. Here are some quick answers to common questions about updating Facebook Pages to new versions:

How do I know if there is a new version of Facebook Pages available?

Facebook will notify Page admins through notifications in their Support Inbox if a new version of Pages is available. You can also check the “Update Page” section in your Page settings to see if an update is available.

Do I have to update my Page to the new version?

Facebook will automatically update Pages to new versions over time. However, it is recommended that you manually update your Page as soon as a new version is available to take advantage of new features.

What happens if I don’t update to the new Facebook Page version?

Your existing Page will continue to function normally, but you won’t have access to any new features included in the latest version. Your Page may also look outdated compared to other Pages that have updated.

How do I manually update my Facebook Page to the new version?

To manually update your Page on desktop:
1. Go to your Page and click “Settings”
2. In the left menu, click “Update Page”
3. Click “Update Page” to confirm

On mobile:
1. Go to your Page and tap the “More” menu
2. Tap “Update Page” and confirm

What changes when I update to the new Facebook Page version?

The layout and features of your Page will be updated to the latest version. Facebook provides release notes with each version update highlighting major changes. Updating keeps your Page current and lets you access new features.

Can I revert back to the old version after updating?

Unfortunately, once you update your Page you cannot revert back to the previous version. The update is permanent.

Will updating my Page cause me to lose any content or data?

The update process will not cause you to lose any existing Page content, data, or assets. Your Page name, likes/followers, photos, videos, posts, etc. will remain intact after updating.

When to Update Your Facebook Page

Here are some tips on when you should update your Facebook Page to take advantage of new versions:

  • When notified – Facebook will alert you via notifications when new versions are released, which is the best time to update.
  • For major changes – Prioritize updating your Page when new versions introduce significant layout or feature changes.
  • Before a marketing campaign – Consider updating right before a big marketing push to present a fresh Page.
  • When experiencing issues – If your Page is having technical issues, updating may help resolve them.
  • Every few years – Try to update your Page every few years minimum to keep your presence current.

Generally speaking, aim to update your Facebook Page at least once every 2-3 years or when major new versions are released to keep yourself on the cutting edge.

New Features in the Latest Facebook Page Version

Updating keeps your Page current with Facebook’s latest features. Here are some of the new capabilities available in the newest Facebook Page version:

  • Updated Page Layout – Cleaner, more modern design and easier navigation.
  • New Messaging Button – Makes it easier for people to reach you via Messenger.
  • Lead Generation Ads – Create ads that generate valuable leads.
  • Mobile Optimized – Designed to maximize engagement on mobile.
  • Enhanced Analytics – More insights to track your content.
  • Better Video Features – Improved video publishing and viewing.

The latest Page version provides an updated experience optimized for how people use Facebook today. Updating gives you access to these enhancements.

How to Update Your Facebook Page Step-by-Step

Follow this simple step-by-step guide for updating your Facebook Page to the latest version:

  1. Go to your Page and click on the “Settings” link in the top navigation.
  2. In the left sidebar menu, click “Templates and Tabs”.
  3. Select the “Update Page” tab.
  4. Click the “Update Page” button to initiate the update process.
  5. Check the updates and new features for your Page while the update is processing.
  6. Click “See What’s New” – this opens the Page version release notes.
  7. Review the release notes detailing changes to layout, features, etc.
  8. Return to your Page once the update is complete.
  9. Begin exploring your updated Page! Get familiar with the new layout, test features, publish content, etc.
  10. Let your followers know your Page has been updated to the latest version. Share updates and new capabilities.

Following these steps makes it simple to transition your Page to the newest Facebook Page experience. The update happens in the background, so there is no downtime for your followers.

Common Concerns When Updating Facebook Pages

Many Page admins have some common concerns about updating Facebook Pages, such as:

Will updating my Page delete content or reset likes?

Fortunately, updating your Page will not affect any of your existing content or followers. All of your current Page likes, followers, posts, photos, videos, reviews, etc. will be retained after updating. The update simply transitions your Page to use the latest version, without resetting or deleting anything.

Can I undo the update if I don’t like the changes?

Once you update your Facebook Page, there is no way to revert it back to the old version. The update is permanent. However, Facebook designs these updates to improve Pages for the majority of users. If you have feedback for Facebook on the changes, you can share it with them through their feedback channels.

Will the update make my Page completely different?

Page updates evolve the experience rather than overhauling it completely. The general layout, structure, and functionality will feel familiar. Changes are designed to be intuitive and help you better connect with your audience. Give yourself time to explore the updated features and design changes.

Will my customizations remain intact?

Any customizations you have made to your Facebook Page, such as visual branding elements, custom tabs, merged profiles, etc., will generally be preserved through the update process. However, you may need to make small adjustments after updating. Check that your key customizations transferred over as expected.

Do I have to update right away when the new version launches?

You can continue operating your existing Page normally for a period of time after a new version launches. However, updating sooner rather than later allows you to take advantage of all the latest features. Facebook will eventually migrate Pages automatically.

Testing Things Out After Updating

Once your Facebook Page is updated, it is smart to test out some key things to make sure everything is working smoothly, including:

  • Share a post and check engagement
  • Publish a video
  • Claim a vanity URL
  • Add a new tab
  • Run an ad campaign
  • Check your inbox for new messaging
  • Review your Page analytics and insights

Spend some time interacting with your newly updated Page to make sure core functionality remains intact. Let Facebook Support know if you encounter any issues with the transition.

Optimizing Your Updated Facebook Page

Now that your Page is updated, here are some tips for optimizing it and taking full advantage of the latest version:

  • Update your profile and cover images – Give your Page a fresh visual treatment.
  • Simplify and organize your navigation – Remove outdated tabs, streamline menu options.
  • Set up the new messaging button – Make it easy for people to reach you.
  • Review your Page roles and permissions – Adjust for any new capabilities.
  • Publish an announcement post – Let your followers know about the update.
  • Read Facebook’s best practices – Learn how to optimize engagement.
  • Configure ad campaigns with new templates – Create high-converting ads.

Keep optimizing your updated Page in the weeks following the transition to get comfortable with the new options.


Updating your Facebook Page to the latest version helps maintain a current presence that engages audiences. Take advantage of improvements to layout, features, analytics, messaging, ads, and more by manually updating or letting Facebook automatically transition your Page. Avoid outdated versions that lack the capabilities to connect with today’s users. Aim to update Pages every few years to stay competitive. With a modern and optimized Facebook presence, you can build stronger connections and reach more qualified followers.