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How do I untag myself from multiple photos on Facebook?

How do I untag myself from multiple photos on Facebook?

Wanting to untag yourself from multiple Facebook photos is common – you may want more privacy, a fresh social media start, or have an old friend post unflattering pics. Whatever the reason, untagging yourself from multiple Facebook photos can be a tedious task if you don’t know the tricks.

Here are some quick answers about untagging yourself on Facebook:

Does untagging myself remove the photo?

No, untagging yourself does not delete or remove the photo from Facebook. It only removes your name and profile link from appearing in the photo.

Can I untag myself from Facebook photos posted by others?

Yes, you can untag yourself from any photo you’re tagged in – even if it was posted by someone else on Facebook.

Will I have to untag myself from each photo one by one?

Not necessarily! There are shortcuts to untag yourself from multiple photos at once, which can save a lot of time.

How do I untag myself from a single Facebook photo?

To untag yourself from a single photo:

  1. Click on the photo you want to untag yourself from.
  2. Hover over the tagged name and click “Remove Tag” when it appears.
  3. Confirm you want to untag yourself.

This will remove your name and profile link from that individual photo.

How do I untag myself from multiple Facebook photos?

There are a couple approaches to untag yourself from multiple Facebook photos at once:

Untag yourself from all photos on a page or post

If you want to untag yourself from every photo on a specific page post or photo album:

  1. Go to that post or album.
  2. In the upper right, click the three dots icon.
  3. Select “Remove Tag From All Photos.”
  4. Confirm you want to untag.

This will untag you from every photo in that post or album.

Untag yourself from all past Facebook photos

To untag yourself from every single photo posted in your Facebook history:

  1. Go to your profile page.
  2. Click “Photos” below your cover image.
  3. In the left column, click “Photos of You.”
  4. Click the three dots in the top right corner.
  5. Choose “Remove Me From Posts.”

This will allow you to bulk untag yourself from every photo, with the option to “Untag All Photos.” Just be careful, as this will untag you from your entire Facebook photo history!

Will I have to confirm every single photo untag?

Only if you choose to untag yourself from photos one by one. If you use the bulk untag options, you only have to confirm the bulk untag once.

What’s the easiest way to untag myself from lots of old Facebook photos?

The easiest and quickest way to untag yourself from lots of Facebook photos is to use the “Untag All Photos” option.

To do this:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile page.
  2. Click “Photos” below your cover photo.
  3. In the left column, click “Photos of You.”
  4. Click the three dots icon in the upper right corner.
  5. Select “Remove Me From Posts.”
  6. Choose “Untag All Photos.”

This allows you to untag yourself from your entire Facebook photo history in just a few clicks. Just be sure you want to untag yourself from everything!

Can I untag myself from photos on a friend’s timeline?

Yes, you can untag yourself from photos that appear on a friend’s timeline or profile. Just go to their profile, find the photo, and untag yourself the same way you would on your own timeline.

What happens when I untag myself from a Facebook photo?

When you untag yourself from a photo:

  • Your name will be removed from the photo caption.
  • The photo will no longer be visible on your own timeline or in your photo gallery.
  • The photo will still appear on the timelines of anyone else tagged who did not untag themselves.

So essentially, the photo itself will still exist on Facebook but your association with it will be removed.

Can someone re-tag me in a photo I untagged myself from?

Yes, it is possible for someone else to tag you again in a photo you have untagged yourself from. To prevent this, you would need to either:

  • Delete the photo entirely (if you are the owner).
  • Ask the photo owner to remove your tag permanently.
  • Block the person who posted the photo.

To ensure you stay untagged, you’ll need to take steps like these.

What happens if I delete a photo I’m tagged in?

If you are the owner of a photo on Facebook and delete that photo, a few things will happen:

  • The photo will be permanently deleted from your timeline.
  • Any tags on you or others in the photo will be removed.
  • If the photo was album-only, it will be deleted for all users.
  • If the photo was public, it will only be deleted from your timeline.

So deleting a photo can permanently untag you and others from that photo in some cases.

Can I bulk untag myself from Facebook photos of an ex?

Yes, if you want to untag yourself from lots of photos with an ex, there are a couple bulk options:

  • Untag from their timeline: Go to their profile, click photos, click the three dots, and “Remove Tag from All Photos”
  • Untag from your own timeline: Go to your profile, click photos, click photos of you, click the three dots, and “Remove Me from Posts”

You can also block the ex entirely, which prevents them from ever tagging you again.

What’s the limit for bulk untagging myself on Facebook?

According to Facebook, you can untag yourself from a maximum of 500 photos at once with the bulk untag options.

If you need to untag yourself from more than 500 photos, you’ll need to do it in multiple batches of 500 photos or less.

Can I automate untagging myself from Facebook photos?

There is no built-in way to automate untagging yourself from Facebook photos. However, there are some third-party apps that offer automated or bulk untagging features:

App Key Features
Social Book Post Manager Bulk untagging, unfollow and delete
FB Purity One-click untagging
CleanMyFeed Auto-untags based on keywords

These apps can help speed up or automate the untagging process beyond Facebook’s default tools.

Can I undo an untag if I change my mind?

Unfortunately there is no official “undo” option after untagging yourself from a Facebook photo.

However, you can essentially undo an untag by:

  1. Going back to the photo
  2. Clicking where your name used to be tagged
  3. Searching for your name
  4. Selecting your profile to re-tag yourself

This will “re-tag” you in a photo you previously untagged yourself from.

What are the pros and cons of untagging myself on Facebook?

Some pros and cons of untagging yourself from Facebook photos include:

Pros Cons
– More privacy and control over photos – Can be time consuming to remove tags
– Removes unwanted or unflattering pics – Others may be offended if you untag
– Limits visibility of photos you’re in – Some features like facial recognition use tags

Overall, untagging yourself gives you more control over your presence on Facebook – but can take effort and may offend some friends.


Untagging yourself from Facebook photos gives you more privacy and control. While untagging one photo at a time is simple, removing tags from multiple photos or your entire history takes more work.

Using bulk untag options can help speed up the process. Be thoughtful about how untagging yourself may impact friends. With strategic untagging, you can curate your Facebook photo presence effectively.