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How do I unlink my business page from my personal account?

How do I unlink my business page from my personal account?

If you initially set up your Facebook business page by converting your personal profile, you may eventually want to unlink the two. There are a few reasons you might want to do this:

Keep your personal and business interactions separate

Having your personal profile attached to your business page means that your friends and family can see your business posts in their News Feeds. This can get messy, especially if you tend to post personal content on your profile. Unlinking the two allows you to keep business and personal separate.

Avoid confusing followers

When your personal profile is linked to your business page, anyone who interacts with your business thinking they’re connecting with the company may be surprised to see personal posts. Unlinking helps avoid any confusion for your followers.

Protect your privacy

A linked personal profile exposes more of your personal information to anyone who engages with your business page. Unlinking allows you to keep your personal profile more private.

Steps to unlink your Facebook business page

Here are the steps to unlink your Facebook business page from your personal profile:

1. Go to your business page

From your personal profile, go to your business page. You can get there by clicking “Pages” in the left menu and selecting your page.

2. Click “Settings”

In the left menu on your business page, click “Settings”.

3. Select “Page Roles”

On the Settings page, click “Page Roles” in the left column.

4. Remove your personal profile

Under “Admins”, find your personal profile and click “Remove” next to it. This will unlink your personal profile from the business page admin role.

5. Add a new business admin

With your personal profile unlinked, you’ll need to add a new admin for your business page. This could be another personal profile used for business purposes or a Facebook business manager account. Type the name or profile/account you want to make admin and select it when it pops up.

6. Confirm you’re not an admin

Once the new admin is added, confirm your personal profile no longer appears under the Page Roles. You can also test by trying to access admin settings from your personal profile. If you don’t have access, the unlink was successful.

Pros and cons of unlinking your Facebook business page

Before unlinking your business page from your profile, consider these potential pros and cons:

Pros Cons
– Separate business and personal interactions
– Avoid follower confusion
– Protect personal privacy
– Looks more professional
– Lose access to insights and metrics
– Can’t edit page from personal profile
– Less convenient admin access
– Must rely on others to post as admin

Pros of unlinking

Some of the benefits of unlinking your Facebook business page include:

  • Keeping business and personal interactions separate.
  • Avoiding confusion for your followers who interact with your business.
  • Protecting more of your personal privacy.
  • Presenting a more professional image for your brand.

Cons of unlinking

Some potential downsides of unlinking your Facebook business page include:

  • Losing access to page insights and metrics from your personal profile.
  • No longer being able to easily edit your page from your profile.
  • Less convenient access to admin settings.
  • Having to rely on others to post page updates as admin.

Maintaining control of your unlinked page

If you’re worried about maintaining control of your business page after unlinking, here are a few tips:

Use a business manager account

Add your business page to a Facebook business manager account rather than another personal profile. This provides central oversight of all your pages.

Grant admin access selectively

Only give admin access to those you trust. Avoid assigning it to clients, temporary employees or team members who may leave.

Ask for notifications

Request notifications for any changes made to your page, like new posts or edits to info. This way you stay in the loop.

Check in regularly

Even if you aren’t posting or managing the page day-to-day, check in regularly to ensure everything looks right.

Using a business manager without your personal profile

If you’ve unlinked your personal Facebook profile from your business page, you can still maintain control through a business manager account. Here’s how it works:

Set up a business manager

If you don’t have one already, set up a Facebook business manager account. This is specifically for managing business pages and ad accounts.

Add your business page

In business manager, claim your existing business page so it is linked to your business manager account.

Assign page roles

Just like with your personal profile, you can assign admin and other roles to your business manager account for the page.

Manage and post as business

When logged into your business manager, you can access page insights, post as your business page, and control other settings.

With Personal Profile With Business Manager
– Access insights from profile
– Post to page from profile
– Control page via profile
– Access insights in business manager
– Post to page from business manager
– Control page via business manager

Should you keep a personal profile attached?

In some cases, you may opt to keep your personal profile attached to your business page even after converting it. Here are some reasons you may want to do this:

Ease of use

Keeping your personal profile linked provides convenience and simplicity. You don’t have to switch between accounts.

Already established

If your brand is already well-known and associated with your name, separating may confuse followers.

Primary admin

For solopreneurs who run their business page alone, a personal profile may be the only admin needed.


With your name attached, there is clear accountability for who controls the business page.

Should you unlink your Facebook business page?

Ultimately whether you should unlink your Facebook business page comes down to your specific situation and preferences. Here are some final things to consider:

  • How active are you on your personal profile? If you frequently post personal content, unlinking keeps this separate.
  • How sensitive is the information on your profile? Unlinking protects your privacy.
  • How established is your brand identity? Well-known names may want to stay linked.
  • Who needs to manage your page? Relying on others may require unlinking.
  • How convenient do you want page management to be? Keeping linked allows easy access.

Carefully weighing factors like these can help you decide if unlinking your Facebook business page is the right move.


Unlinking your Facebook business page from your personal profile takes just a few steps, but it’s a big change. While it provides more privacy and segmentation between business and personal, you lose convenient access for managing your page.

Using a business manager account allows you to control your unlinked page while keeping things separate. Evaluate your specific needs and priorities to determine if unlinking is the best option.