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How do I unfriend someone on Facebook video?

How do I unfriend someone on Facebook video?

Unfriending someone on Facebook is a simple process that allows you to remove a connection from your friends list. Here are some quick answers about how to unfriend on Facebook:

Can I undo an unfriend on Facebook?

No, once you unfriend someone on Facebook the action cannot be undone. You will have to send them a new friend request if you want to connect with them again.

Is there a limit to how many I can unfriend on Facebook?

No, there is no limit to how many people you can unfriend on Facebook. You can remove as many connections as you like.

Will the person know if I unfriend them on Facebook?

No, the person will not be notified if you unfriend them. They will simply disappear from your friends list and will no longer see your posts in their News Feed.

Unfriending someone on Facebook is a simple process, but it helps to understand exactly how it works before removing connections. Here are step-by-step instructions for unfriending on Facebook:

Unfriend on Facebook via Profile

The easiest way to unfriend someone is directly from their profile:

  1. Go to the profile of the person you want to unfriend
  2. In the top corner of their profile, click on the Friends button. This will open a drop-down menu.
  3. Select Unfriend from the menu options.
  4. Confirm that you want to unfriend the person by clicking on the Unfriend button.

This will immediately remove the person from your friends list. You will no longer see their posts or have access to their profile.

Unfriend from News Feed

You can also easily unfriend someone directly from your News Feed:

  1. Go to your News Feed page
  2. Locate a post by the person you want to unfriend
  3. Click on the three dots in the top right corner of their post
  4. Select Unfollow from the menu
  5. Choose Unfriend to confirm removing the connection

This will remove the person’s posts and your connection with them in one easy step.

Unfriend from Friends List

If you want to view your full friends list and unfriend from there:

  1. Click on the Friends tab in the left sidebar menu
  2. Locate the person you want to unfriend and hover over their name
  3. Click on the Friends button that appears. This will show a menu.
  4. Select Unfriend to remove the connection.

While not as direct, this allows you to view and manage your full friends list easily.

Unfriend Multiple Connections

You can also unfriend multiple Facebook connections at the same time:

  1. Go to your Friends list page
  2. Select all the friends you want to remove by clicking their names
  3. Click on the Friends button at the top of the list and select Unfriend
  4. Confirm that you want to unfriend all the selected connections

This is an easy way to do a major friend list cleanup and remove many connections at once.

Unfriend vs Unfollow

It’s important to understand the difference between unfriending someone and simply unfollowing them:

  • Unfriend – Removes the connection completely. You will no longer show up as friends.
  • Unfollow – Stops seeing their posts but remains connected as friends.

In most cases if you want to stop seeing someone’s content, unfollowing them is better than completely unfriending them.

How to Tell if You’re Unfriended

There is no notification if someone unfriends you on Facebook. However, there are a few signs you can watch for:

  • Their name disappears from your friends list
  • You can no longer view their full profile or posts
  • Your messages to them may show as “sent”, not “delivered”

If you notice these signals, chances are you’ve been unfriended by that person.

Unfriending vs Blocking

Unfriending and blocking are different – here’s a comparison:

Unfriend Block
Removes friendship Prevents any contact
No notifications sent No notifications sent
Can still message each other Blocks messaging
Can refriend anytime Must unblock to reconnect

In most cases, unfriending is sufficient. Blocking is for cases of harassment or bullying.

Who Can See My Friends List?

Your full friends list is always private. No one can see who you have friended or unfriended, except:

  • You
  • Your approved followers if you allow it
  • Facebook for internal purposes

So there is no need to worry about others knowing when you unfriend connections.

Does Unfriending Delete Messages?

No, unfriending someone does not delete your messaging history with them. All previous messages and conversations remain in your inbox and can still be accessed.

The only change is that you will no longer be able to send new messages to that person after unfriending.

Can I Unfriend Someone’s Liked Pages?

No, it is not possible to specifically unfriend Pages or other public entities that you have liked. You can only unfriend other individual Facebook users.

If you no longer wish to see updates from a Page, you canUnlike or Unfollow it instead of fully unfriending.

Unfriending After A Fight

It’s normal to unfriend someone after a fight or during a period of tension in your relationship. Here are some tips:

  • Give yourself time to cool down before unfriending
  • Consider if this is a temporary dispute or permanent change
  • Decide if unfollowing gives enough distance without unfriending
  • Weigh the pros and cons of cutting off contact

Since unfriending cannot be undone, take your time making the decision after a heated argument.

Accidental Unfriending

If you accidentally unfriend someone, don’t panic. Just send them a new friend request to reconnect. Say you think you may have unintentionally unfriended them and wanted to correct it.

Unfriending an Ex After A Breakup

Unfriending an ex is often necessary for moving on after a tough breakup:

  • Prevents seeing their updates and photos
  • Stops constant reminders about your ex
  • Allows you a fresh start and clean break

However, think carefully before deleting all connection with an ex. In some cases staying friends makes sense.

When Unfriending Crosses the Line

While unfriending itself is not harmful, it can cross the line into bullying or passive aggression when used:

  • As a weapon to hurt someone
  • To shame or embarrass them publicly
  • To make them feel excluded and rejected

Make sure your reasons for unfriending are justified, not just to be mean or dismissive.

Coping With Rejection After Being Unfriended

Being unfriended can feel upsetting and hurtful. Here are tips for coping:

  • Remember it’s not a reflection on your worth
  • The other person may be going through personal issues
  • Focus on positive relationships in your life
  • Avoid obsessing over the situation

With self care and support from loved ones, you can overcome the rejection from being unfriended.

Unfriend Etiquette

To unfriend politely and tactfully:

  • Do it privately without public posts
  • Resist the urge to make snide comments
  • Consider unfollowing first before unfriending
  • Have empathy and don’t do it impulsively

Treating others how you would want to be treated makes all the difference.


Unfriending someone on Facebook is a simple process of removing a connection from your friends list. While unfriending cannot be undone, it provides a clean break from unwanted contacts or reminds of painful relationships. Use the unfriend feature thoughtfully and maturely. With the right intentions, unfriending can be a positive step forward.