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How do I unblock my messenger account?

How do I unblock my messenger account?

Having a blocked Facebook Messenger account can be frustrating, but there are steps you can take to get your account unblocked. Here are some quick answers to common questions about unblocking a Messenger account:

Why is my Messenger account blocked?

There are a few main reasons your Messenger account may have been blocked:

  • You violated Messenger’s terms of service – for example sending spam or abusive messages
  • Your account was hacked and used for suspicious activity
  • You have an overdue payment on your Facebook account
  • There was suspicious login activity detected

How do I know my Messenger is blocked?

You’ll see an alert or notification from Facebook saying your account has been blocked from messaging. When you try to access Messenger you may see an error message that you cannot send or receive messages.

How long does a Messenger block last?

The duration of the block depends on why your account was blocked in the first place. It can last anywhere from 24 hours to weeks or indefinitely if it’s a permanent ban.

  • 24 hour blocks – minor or accidental violations of terms of service
  • 1 week blocks – more serious violations or repeat offenses
  • 2 week+ blocks – severe or repeated violations
  • Permanent blocks – for the most serious offenses

I’m blocked – what should I do?

Don’t panic – there are ways to get your account unblocked. Here are the steps to take:

  1. Check your Messages folder on Facebook – Facebook may have sent you details on why they blocked your account and instructions for appealing it.
  2. Submit an appeal to Facebook by filling out this form. Explain why you should be unblocked.
  3. If you believe your account was hacked, change your Facebook password immediately.
  4. Wait for Facebook to review your appeal. The process can take anywhere from 24 hours up to a few weeks.
  5. If the block is not lifted after submitting an appeal, you may need to wait out the duration of the block before your account is restored.

How can I prevent my Messenger from being blocked again?

Once your account is unblocked, be careful not to repeat any activities that may have triggered the block initially. Here are some tips:

  • Never buy, sell or exchange Messenger accounts
  • Don’t send spam, phishing links, or bulk unsolicited messages
  • Avoid sending abusive, harassing, or threatening messages
  • Don’t share false or misleading information in messages

Following Messenger’s Terms of Service and Community Standards can help prevent blocks in the future.

Can I use Messenger if my main Facebook account is disabled?

No, you cannot use Facebook Messenger if your main Facebook account has been disabled. Messenger accounts are tied to main Facebook accounts, so if your Facebook account is disabled you will be blocked from logging into Messenger as well.

To regain access to Messenger, you will first need to reactivate your main Facebook account by submitting an appeal and going through Facebook’s account review process. Once your main account is restored, your access to Messenger should also be restored.

I’m blocked from messaging a specific person – what can I do?

If you are blocked from messaging one specific person on Messenger, here are some steps you can try:

  1. Wait a while and try messaging them again later. They may have temporarily blocked you.
  2. Send them a message request – they’ll have the option to ignore or accept it.
  3. Reach out on another platform like phone, text, email etc to request they unblock you.
  4. Submit feedback to Facebook if you feel you were wrongly blocked by this person.
  5. Accept that this person does not wish to interact with you on Messenger at this time.

Repeated requests or harassment of someone who has blocked you may lead to your entire account being blocked by Facebook.

Can someone see my messages if I block them?

No, if you block someone on Messenger they will no longer be able to see messages you send after you’ve blocked them. Any messages from before blocking them will still be visible.

Here is a summary of what happens when you block someone on Messenger:

You block someone Their access to your account
They can no longer message you They can’t see when you’re active, typing, or online
Your old messages remain visible to them They don’t get notifications about new messages from you
You can still view their profile and see mutual friends They are removed from your friends list

Should I delete messages before blocking someone?

You don’t necessarily need to delete past messages before blocking someone. When you block them, they can still see older messages but won’t get new ones. However, for privacy reasons you may want to:

  • Delete specific sensitive messages before blocking
  • Clear your message history with them
  • Turn off chat history in your Messenger settings

This depends on your specific situation, but clearing past messages can give you a cleaner slate if you do unblock them later.

Can I get blocked just for reporting someone?

No, you should not get blocked just for submitting a report about another user to Facebook. Facebook states that they will keep your identity private when investigating user reports.

However, if the person you reported finds out you reported them, they may preemptively block you themselves. But Facebook will not reveal your identity or block you solely due to submitting a report.

I’m under 13 – can I get unblocked?

Unfortunately, if you are under 13 years old, you cannot use Facebook Messenger or have a Facebook account per their terms of service. If your account was blocked after Facebook learned you are under 13, there is no way to get it unblocked.

You will have to wait until you are 13 to create a new Facebook and Messenger account. At that point you can try going through the appeal process if your new account is blocked for any reason.

Should I create a new account while blocked?

It’s best not to create a second Messenger or Facebook account while your main account is blocked. This violates their terms around maintaining multiple accounts, and your new account will likely be blocked as well.

Wait until your original blocking period is over before accessing Messenger again. Repeated blocks or ban evasion attempts can lead to harsher penalties from Facebook.


Getting blocked on Facebook Messenger can be inconvenient, but is often reversible. Give Facebook time to review any appeal request, and avoid actions that may get you blocked. Patience and following Facebook’s rules is key to getting access restored.

If a specific person blocks you, move on and connect with them through other channels if appropriate. And remember Messenger’s minimum age – accounts for those under 13 will remain blocked.

With some diligence on following terms of service, your account should be active again shortly if blocked. Just be careful not to repeat any behavior that triggered the block initially once you regain access.

Facebook Messenger provides guidelines on acceptable use and behavior, so check their standards about issues like harassment, bullying, spam, and misinformation to stay in bounds. With conscientious messaging practices, blocks and bans can typically be avoided.

Stay persistent if you feel an error was made, but also patient as Facebook takes time to review appeals. If needed, reach out to trusted connections on other platforms during any period of restricted access. And most importantly, learn from any incident that led to a block to become a more informed Messenger user.

Facebook Messenger blocks are disruptive but normally temporary. With some care around messaging etiquette and following standard review processes, your account can be restored and open new productive dialogues. Just take time to understand the reasons for the block, correct any concerning behaviors, and get back on track with compliant messaging habits.

Being unable to use Messenger can be isolating, but this guide outlines the common reasons blocks occur and the steps to appeal them. Have hope that typical blocks are finite – focus energy on gaming better habits, not workarounds. And lean on your wider social circles during any brief time unable to access Messenger fully. Stay patient and persistent with appeals to get decisions reversed where appropriate. With some care and understanding, your blocking woes can be over and your Messenger restored.