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How do I unblock Facebook message blocking?

How do I unblock Facebook message blocking?

Being blocked on Facebook Messenger can be frustrating. You may have no idea why someone blocked you, and now you’re unable to contact them or view their profile. Unfortunately, there is no direct way to unblock yourself from someone else’s block list on Facebook Messenger. The blocking feature is intended to give people control over who can message them, so Facebook does not allow blocked users to override that. However, there are a few things you can try to potentially get yourself unblocked.

Why Would Someone Block Me on Messenger?

There are a few common reasons why someone may have blocked you on Facebook Messenger:

  • You sent too many messages. Repeated messages could come across as harassment or spam.
  • You said something rude, inappropriate, or offensive.
  • They wanted to cut off contact with you for personal reasons.
  • It was an accident. Sometimes people block by mistake.

If you think it’s a mistake or there’s been a misunderstanding, you may be able to get unblocked by communicating through another channel or having a mutual friend intervene. But if the person clearly intended to block you, it’s best to respect their wishes for no contact.

How to Tell if You’re Blocked

Here are some signs that someone has blocked you on Messenger:

  • Your messages to them won’t deliver.
  • You can’t view their Facebook profile.
  • They disappear from your contacts list.
  • You’re unable to start a new Messenger chat with them.

One thing to note is that you won’t get any kind of notification that you’ve been blocked. The person will simply disappear from your messaging list.

Ways to Try to Get Unblocked

While there’s no surefire way to get someone to unblock you on Messenger, you can try the following methods:

Send an Apology

If you have some idea why you were blocked, send an apology explaining yourself and your behavior. Be sincere and make it clear you understand why your actions were inappropriate. Promise you’ve learned from the experience and won’t repeat the same behavior if unblocked.

Send the apology through another channel besides Messenger – an email, mutual friend, written letter, or social media account that hasn’t blocked you yet. This shows you’re making an effort.

Ask a Mutual Friend to Intervene

If you share mutual friends with the person who blocked you, ask one of those friends to talk to the person on your behalf. They may be more likely to listen and reconsider if someone they trust advocates for you.

Make sure the mutual friend fully understands the situation from both sides. Provide context on why you think you were blocked and why you feel it was unfair or want another chance. Ask them to convey to the blocker that you’re sincerely apologetic and want to mend the relationship.

Wait and Try Messaging Again Later

Sometimes people just need some time and space after a disagreement. The block may have been temporary.

Wait a few weeks or months before attempting to message them again. Don’t bombard them with contact attempts or force the issue. Send a thoughtful message acknowledging the blocking and apologizing.

There’s a chance the passage of time has softened their feelings on the issue. They may be more willing to engage in a constructive dialogue.

Message from a Different Account

This doesn’t always work, but you could try messaging the person from a different Facebook account that isn’t blocked. Explain who you are and why you’re reaching out this way.

Keep in mind this may be seen as sneaky and could make the person even angrier. Use your best judgment based on your relationship and the reason for blocking.

Appeal Directly to Facebook

If you believe you were blocked as a result of harassment, bullying, or other abuse of Facebook policies, you can file a report with Facebook directly. Go to Facebook’s Help Center and submit details on the situation, including any available screenshots.

Explain why you feel the blocking violates Facebook’s rules against harassment. Provide any proof you have. This likely won’t lead to you being unblocked, but it could potentially get the other person’s account suspended if they are harassing others.

What Not to Do

It’s also important to avoid these ineffective or harmful tactics:

  • Bombarding them with messages from new accounts or social media channels. This will only annoy them further.
  • Badmouthing them or trying to get revenge. Being spiteful will only justify the blocking.
  • Pretending to be someone else. Creating a fake account is dishonest.
  • Hacking into their account or messages. This could lead to legal trouble.

Doing anything seen as harassing, threatening, dishonest, or illegal will likely permanently destroy any chance of communication.

When to Give Up

As frustrating as it is, you ultimately have to accept there’s only so much you can do to get unblocked. If multiple sincere attempts to apologize and explain yourself are ignored, it’s best not to continue pestering the person. For whatever reason, they have firmly decided they do not want further contact with you right now.

At that point, you’ll need to:

  • Make peace with not regaining access to that person’s Facebook profile or Messenger.
  • Move on and refocus energy elsewhere. Continuing to obsess over the blocking only hurts you.
  • Wait and see if they ever change their mind and unblock you voluntarily.
  • Evaluate if you should block them as well to get closure and prevent any future contact attempts.

Getting blocked by someone close to you can feel like rejection. But keep in mind social media blocking rarely has to be permanent. With time and space, the person may reopen communication when ready. Focus on being your best self and don’t take the blocking personally.

Preventing Blocks in the Future

To avoid getting blocked by someone else in the future:

  • Respect other people’s boundaries and privacy.
  • Don’t overwhelm others with constant messaging.
  • Know when a relationship has run its course and let it go.
  • Be aware of how your behavior may negatively impact others.
  • Treat people online the same as you would in person.

Think through the effect of your words and actions before messaging. And be judicious about who you choose to interact with online. Preventing blocks in the first place is easier than trying to get unblocked.

Using Blocking Features Yourself

If you’re dealing with harassment, bullying, or abuse from someone on Messenger, don’t hesitate to block them. You have a right not to interact with abusive people. Block and report them to Facebook if necessary.

How to Block Someone on Messenger

To block another user who is harassing you or making you uncomfortable:

  1. Open your Messenger app on mobile or desktop.
  2. Open the message thread with the person you want to block.
  3. Tap their name at the top of the thread window.
  4. Tap Block [Name] in the popup menu.
  5. Confirm you want to block the user.

You can also block someone from their Facebook profile. Just click the three dots in the upper right corner and select Block.

Once blocked, the person won’t be able to message you or see any part of your Facebook profile. Make sure to also block them on any connected social media accounts like Instagram.

Turn Off Message Requests

On top of blocking individuals, you can disable new message requests entirely in Messenger settings. This prevents unwanted contacts from messaging you in the first place.

To disable message requests:

  1. Open Messenger settings.
  2. Go to the People tab.
  3. Turn off Message Requests.

With message requests off, only friends or mutual friends will be able to message you. This provides an extra layer of protection against harassment.

Report Abusive Behavior to Facebook

If someone is harassing you across multiple Facebook-owned platforms, you can submit a report directly to Facebook for abusive content.

To file a report:

  1. Go to Facebook’s Help Center.
  2. Select Report Something > Abusive Content.
  3. Choose the platform where the harassment is occurring.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to submit details, links, and screenshots.

Facebook will investigate the user behind the harassment and may disable their account if they’re found to be violating Facebook’s rules. Having their account shut down prevents them from bothering you or others.


Getting blocked on Facebook Messenger can certainly be upsetting and inconvenient. But there are constructive ways to attempt to get unblocked through apologies, mutual connections, and patience. Harassing the blocker with multiple contact points or fake accounts will only make the situation worse. If multiple sincere attempts to communicate are ignored, you’ll have no choice but to accept the block and move on. Focus on your own behavior to avoid blocks in the future, and don’t hesitate to make use of blocking and reporting tools yourself against real harassers. With time, the block may end up being temporary.