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How do I unblock a chat on Messenger?

How do I unblock a chat on Messenger?

Facebook Messenger is one of the most popular messaging platforms, with over 1 billion monthly active users. It allows you to easily connect with friends, family, coworkers, and more through one-on-one and group chats. However, for various reasons, you may find yourself needing to unblock a chat that you previously blocked on Messenger.

Why Would You Need to Unblock a Chat?

There are a few common reasons why you may want to unblock a chat on Messenger:

  • You blocked someone by accident – We’ve all been there. You may have meant to block someone else and accidentally blocked the wrong person.
  • You blocked someone in the heat of the moment – Sometimes we make rash decisions when we’re angry or upset and later regret it. You may have blocked someone after a fight and now want to make amends.
  • The circumstances have changed – Perhaps you blocked an ex during the breakup, but now enough time has passed and you feel ready to reconnect as friends.
  • It’s a friend or family member – Blocking close friends or family members is tricky. Even if you had a disagreement, you usually end up needing to unblock them eventually.

Regardless of the specific reason, the ability to unblock a chat is useful for when you’ve had a change of heart and want to reopen communication with someone on Messenger.

How to Unblock Someone on Messenger

Unblocking a chat is easy to do, but the steps vary slightly depending on if you’re using Messenger on your phone or on the desktop. Here are the instructions for both:

On Mobile:

  1. Open the Messenger app on your iOS or Android device.
  2. Tap on your profile picture in the top left corner.
  3. Tap on “Blocked Accounts”.
  4. Tap on the “Unblock” button next to the person you want to unblock.

That’s it! As soon as you unblock them, their messages will show up in your inbox again as normal.

On Desktop:

  1. Go to the Messenger website by visiting
  2. Click on your profile picture in the top left corner.
  3. Click on “Blocked Accounts”.
  4. Hover over the person you want to unblock and click “Unblock”.

Unblocking the chat on desktop works the same way. The person will be able to message you again as soon as you remove the block.

What Happens When You Unblock Someone on Messenger?

Here is what happens when you unblock a chat on Messenger:

  • That person will be able to message you again – Removing the block allows them to send messages to you which will show up as normal.
  • Previous messages won’t reappear – Any messages sent while blocked will not suddenly appear. Only new messages sent after unblocking will show up.
  • They won’t be notified – Messenger does not notify a user if you unblock them. They will only know if they try to message you again.
  • You can reblock at any time – If you find you made a mistake unblocking, you can always reblock that person again using the same steps.

Essentially, unblocking removes the communications barrier so that things return to normal. Keep in mind it’s easy to block again if needed.

Unblocking Someone You Accidentally Blocked

Mistakenly blocking someone you didn’t mean to cut off communication with can be awkward. Here are some tips for smoothly unblocking a chat that you accidentally blocked:

  • Do it as soon as possible – Don’t let time go by before fixing the mistake. The sooner you can unblock them, the less awkward it will be.
  • Send an explanatory message – After unblocking, send a message apologizing for the accident and letting them know it was a mistake.
  • Call if it’s urgent – If it’s a pressing issue and you need to speak right away, give them a call to clear things up rapidly. Don’t just depend on messaging.
  • Make a joke – A little humor can take the edge off an embarrassing situation. A joke about your clumsy fingers or overactive block button can smooth things over.
  • Take responsibility – Make sure to own up to your blunder rather than trying to pass it off as not a big deal. Take responsibility and earn back their trust.

Admitting your mistake and immediately fixing your error is key. Humor doesn’t hurt either. Just don’t let an accidental block fester and cause more harm down the road.

When You Should Not Unblock Someone

While unblocking chats usually resolves issues, there are some situations where you may want to think twice before unblocking:

  • If the other person was abusive – Do not unblock someone who harassed or abused you in any way. Prioritize your safety and well-being.
  • If the other person has not changed – If their harmful behavior or toxicity is ongoing, maintaining the block may be wise.
  • If you have anxiety about it – Listen to your gut. If even the thought of unblocking this person makes you uneasy, perhaps now is not the right time.
  • If additional boundaries are needed – Consider if there need to be boundaries in place before communication can be healthy. Unblocking fully may be premature.
  • If you need more time – There is no rule saying when you have to be ready to unblock. Move at your own pace and unblock only when you feel the time is right.

Unblocking can reopen wounds or lead to more hurt if the situation or relationship is unresolved. If you have doubts, pause and reflect before rushing to restore contact.

Setting Boundaries When Unblocking

If you decide to unblock someone but still have concerns, you can set boundaries to make the situation safer and more comfortable:

  • Unblock slowly – First unblock, then wait before responding as you evaluate the situation.
  • Communicate cautiously – Keep communication light and casual at first to test the waters.
  • Limit contact – Only unblock on certain platforms vs. all at once so you control the means of contact.
  • Keep it public – Have conversations in group chats rather than privately if it lowers your anxiety.
  • Avoid hot topics – Steer clear of topics that could inflame the situation until you rebuild trust.
  • Re-establish respect – Require respect from the other person and do not tolerate anything less before continuing contact.

Make your needs clear up front and stand firm. If the other person cannot respect your boundaries, reconsider your decision to unblock them at this time.

Troubleshooting Problems When Unblocking

Hopefully unblocking a chat goes smoothly, but occasionally you may encounter some problems. Here is how to troubleshoot common issues:

Problem Solution
Can’t find “Blocked Accounts” menu Update your Messenger app or try accessing it from a computer instead of your mobile device
Error message appears when unblocking Close the app and try again; check your internet connection
Person you unblocked still can’t message you They may have also blocked you; they’ll need to unblock you first
Accidentally blocked them again Just repeat the unblock steps
Unblocking the wrong person Reblock that person; then unblock the correct person

Most issues can be resolved by closing the app, checking your internet connection, or trying the steps again. And if all else fails, you can always re-block the person.

Preventing Blocking Someone By Accident

Once you know how to unblock on Messenger, you can take some steps to avoid needing to unblock people because of an accidental block in the first place:

  • Be careful when scrolling – Going too fast can cause you to unintentionally tap the block button.
  • Avoid block shortcuts – On mobile, shaking your phone gives a block shortcut. Turn this gesture off.
  • Confirm first – Only block after getting a confirmation so you don’t do it reflexively on one click.
  • Pay attention – Take a few extra seconds when blocking to double check you selected the right chat.
  • When in doubt, wait – If you’re not 100% certain, don’t block. Give yourself time to calm down first.

Rushing into blocking someone is often what leads to regrets. Take a breath and be deliberate to avoid blocking the wrong person.


Being able to unblock people on Messenger provides a valuable recovery option for when blocks happen by mistake or you later have a change of heart. Take advantage of the ability to undo blocks, but proceed cautiously in situations involving toxicity or abuse. With tact and care, unblocking chats on Messenger can redeem connections, heal relationships, and restore mutual communication.