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How do I turn on the Like button on my Facebook business page?

How do I turn on the Like button on my Facebook business page?

Having a Like button on your Facebook business page allows customers and fans to easily show their support and increase engagement with your brand. When people like your page, your content shows up in their news feeds, helping you get more visibility. Turning on the Like button is simple and only takes a few steps.

Why You Should Have a Like Button

Here are some of the key benefits of having a Like button on your Facebook business page:

  • Increases brand awareness – People who like your page become followers. Their friends will see your page and posts in their news feeds, spreading awareness of your brand.
  • Drives engagement – Followers are more likely to engage with your content by liking, commenting, and sharing posts.
  • Grows your audience – The more likes your page gets, the more Facebook’s algorithm promotes your content, helping you reach new potential customers.
  • Builds credibility – A high number of likes shows you have an established brand that people support.
  • Provides insights – You can view analytics on your followers’ demographics, interests, and behavior to inform your marketing strategy.

In short, having an active and growing base of page likes is crucial for any business using Facebook marketing. The Like button makes it easy for people to become followers with one click.

How to Add the Like Button

Adding the Like button to your Facebook business page only takes a minute. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook business page and click “Settings” at the top.
  2. On the left sidebar, click “Templates and Tabs.”
  3. Under “Page Tabs,” click “Add a Tab.”
  4. Select the “Like Button” tab.
  5. Drag and drop the Like Button tab where you want it to appear on your page.
  6. Click “Save Changes” at the bottom.

The Like button will now be live on your page. As people like your page, you’ll see the number of likes increase. You can check analytics for more insights on your followers.

Tips to Get More Likes

Now that you’ve added the Like button, here are some tips to get more likes and grow your audience:

  • Post engaging content regularly – Post interesting updates, photos, videos, deals, etc. to give people reasons to follow your page.
  • Run Facebook ads – Consider using ads to promote your page to more targeted demographics.
  • Add a call-to-action – Use posts and images encouraging people to like your page to build momentum.
  • Offer discounts or deals – Run promotions incentivizing customers to like your page to access special offers.
  • Share user-generated content – Reshare positive posts, reviews, and photos from happy customers.
  • Cross-promote on other channels – Link to your Facebook page from your website, emails, other social media accounts, etc.
  • Analyze performance – Track what types of content get the most likes so you can refine your strategy.

Important Things to Keep in Mind

Here are some important things to keep in mind about using a Like button and growing your page’s followers:

  • Monitor new followers – Review followers for fake accounts trying to spam your page.
  • Engage with followers – Respond to comments, questions, and feedback to build relationships.
  • Analyze follower demographics – Use Facebook Insights to understand your audience and post relevant content.
  • Adapt your content strategy – Find out what resonates best with your audience and adjust accordingly.
  • Avoid buying likes – Don’t use Facebook ad tactics to inflate likes with fake or irrelevant followers.
  • Focus on quality over quantity – Growing an authentic, engaged follower base delivers more value than a vanity metric.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do some business pages not have a Like button?

There are a few reasons why a Facebook business page may not have a visible Like button:

  • The page admin has not added the Like button tab. This can easily be fixed by following the steps above.
  • The page has been unpublished or deactivated. The Like button only displays on active, published pages.
  • The page is restricted by age or location. Pages limited to certain ages or locations will not have public Like buttons.
  • The page was converted from a profile. Business pages converted from user profiles may not automatically enable the Like button.

If your active business page does not have a Like button, double check that you’ve added the Like Button tab under your page’s Settings.

What happens when someone likes my Facebook page?

When someone likes your Facebook page, a few key things happen:

  • They become a follower of your page. They will see your page updates in their news feed.
  • Their friends may see a story that they liked your page. This can lead to new followers.
  • They may engage further by commenting, sharing, or clicking on your posts.
  • Your page likes count increases by 1. This metric helps signal credibility.
  • You gain access to analytics on that follower’s demographics and behavior.

Overall, new page likes represent a new potential customer and opportunity to grow your brand’s reach and engagement.

How do I see who likes my Facebook page?

There are a couple ways to see who likes your Facebook business page:

  1. Go to your page and click on the number of Likes next to the Like button. This will show a list of people who like your page.
  2. Go to Facebook Insights in your page admin. Under the Followers section, click “See All” next to Followers to view your full list of likes.

Facebook graph search also used to allow searching for “People who like [page name]” but removed this feature. Page admins can still view a full list of their page’s followers through Insights.

Why is my Facebook page’s number of likes dropping?

There are a few reasons why your Facebook page’s like count may be declining:

  • Followers unliked your page – They may have lost interest or no longer want to see updates.
  • Followers deactivated their accounts – Deactivated accounts are removed from page like counts.
  • Facebook deleted fake accounts – They regularly delete fake accounts to improve integrity.
  • Facebook updated its counting method – They may exclude inactive accounts from page like metrics.

Don’t panic if your page likes decrease slightly over time. Focus on posting quality content, engaging followers, and running promotions to organically grow your audience. Drastic drops in likes could indicate an issue with fake followers that should be addressed.

How often should I post on my Facebook page to get more likes?

Here are some best practices on posting frequency to get more likes on your Facebook business page:

  • Post 1-2 times per day – Posting this regularly keeps your content moving but avoids overwhelming followers.
  • Experiment to find optimal times – Analyze when your followers are most engaged and active online.
  • Balance different content formats – Post a mix of updates, images, videos, live videos, Stories, etc.
  • Maintain consistency – Keep a regular posting schedule so followers know when to expect new content.
  • Monitor performance – Pay attention to which post types and times perform best.
  • Adapt as needed – Evaluate your strategy monthly and adjust frequency as needed.

The ideal posting frequency varies across industries and audiences. The key is regularly providing value through a variety of content formats.


Adding a Like button to your Facebook business page is a simple but highly effective way to grow your brand’s followers and increase engagement. Make sure to enable the Like Button tab under your page Settings. Then focus on posting great content, engaging with your growing audience, and running promotions to get more likes. With a sound Facebook marketing strategy centered around your Like button, you can turn followers into customers.