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How do I turn off search engine on FB?

How do I turn off search engine on FB?

Turning off the search engine on Facebook is a simple process that can be done in just a few steps. By disabling the search engine, you can prevent your Facebook profile and posts from appearing in Google or Bing searches. This adds an extra layer of privacy to your Facebook account.

Why Would You Want to Turn Off Search Engines on Facebook?

There are a few key reasons why someone may want to turn off search engines for their Facebook account:

  • Privacy – Preventing your profile from being indexed by search engines keeps your personal information more private.
  • Control – You get to decide who can find and access your Facebook profile.
  • Reduced visibility – Your posts and photos won’t show up in public web searches.
  • Limit unwanted contact – Making your profile unsearchable can reduce friend requests or messages from strangers.

So for those who prefer extra privacy and control over their Facebook presence, disabling search indexing is a useful option.

How to Turn Off Search Engine Indexing on Facebook

Turning off search engine indexing only takes a few steps, but does require adjusting some settings in Facebook:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile page and click on the down arrow in the top right. Select “Settings”.
  2. On the left sidebar, click “Privacy”.
  3. Under the “How people find and contact you” section, click “Who can look you up?”
  4. Under “Who can look you up using the email address or phone number you provided?” select “Friends”.
  5. In the “Do you want search engines outside of Facebook to link to your profile?” section, toggle the slider to the left to disable indexing.
  6. Click “Confirm” to save the changes.

It may take some time for search engines to remove any existing links to your profile after making this change. But going forward, your Facebook account will no longer be searchable on Google or other search engines.

Other Ways to Increase Facebook Privacy

In addition to turning off search indexing, here are some other tips to boost your overall Facebook privacy:

  • Adjust post audience settings – Narrow down who can see future posts to just friends or smaller lists.
  • Limit old post visibility – Change the audience of previous posts to “Only me” if needed.
  • Review app settings – Remove unused apps that may have access to your data.
  • Adjust ad preferences – Opt out of targeted ads to limit data collection.
  • Enable login alerts – Get notified of logins from unrecognized devices.
  • Check tagging settings – Control who can tag you in posts and photos.

Combining several privacy settings like these can help lock down your Facebook profile.

The Pros and Cons of Disabling Facebook Search

Turning off search indexing for Facebook has some advantages, but also a few drawbacks to consider:


  • Much greater privacy from search engines and the public web
  • Prevent strangers from easily finding your profile
  • Posts and photos stay more private and controlled
  • Reduces risks of identity theft or stalking


  • Harder for people to find you and connect on Facebook
  • Limits discoveries from people with shared interests or communities
  • Some loss of public visibility; harder to promote work/businesses
  • Can’t easily find your own content through web searches

Overall, the extra privacy tends to outweigh the cons for most people. But it depends on your priorities and intended use of Facebook.


Disabling search engine indexing for your Facebook profile provides an extra layer of privacy control. While it takes a few steps to configure properly, the process is straightforward. Just go to your Facebook settings, adjust the “Who can look you up?” options, and toggle search indexing off.

Turning off search visibility prevents strangers from easily finding your account. It removes your info from public web searches. And it allows you to curate who can see and access your Facebook profile.

But it also has some trade-offs, like making it harder to connect with new people. Evaluate your priorities and options to decide if disabling search indexing is the right choice for your Facebook presence.

With the proper privacy settings like this enabled, you can enjoy Facebook while also controlling your information and online visibility.

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Facebook’s privacy settings offer many configurable options to control how visible your profile and posts are. Finding the right balance between privacy and discoverability takes some trial and error. Many people choose to disable search indexing initially, then tweak settings later if they want more visibility.

More Facebook Privacy Tips

In addition to search visibility, Facebook has many other privacy levers you can adjust. Here are some extra tips for locking down your account:

  • Review post audience settings weekly. As you post new updates, double check who can see them.
  • Delete old posts if they are too personal or embarrassing. This also shrinks your online footprint.
  • Disable location services on your mobile device to limit geo-tagged posts.
  • Don’t accept friend requests from strangers to prevent snooping.
  • Unfriend or block people that post abusive or inappropriate content.
  • Be cautious of third-party apps and limit their data access.
  • Adjust ad topic preferences to reflect your interests less accurately.

Think carefully before posting very personal or sensitive information. Consider if you would be comfortable with all Facebook friends seeing it.

Also be alert for potential scams or phishing attempts. Don’t click links or open attachments from unknown sources. Report any suspicious behavior.

Profile and Cover Photo Tips

Your profile and cover photos also affect your visibility and privacy:

  • Don’t use profile pics that clearly show your face if you want anonymity.
  • Change your cover photo regularly to avoid scammers using an outdated one.
  • Never use revealing or risque photos which could be used against you.
  • Watermark important photos if you want to control their usage.

Updating your profile and cover images frequently makes it harder for others to steal your identity or old photos.

Facebook Security Options

To maximize account security, enable these Facebook options:

  • Two-factor authentication using SMS codes or an authenticator app
  • Login approvals to validate new devices attempting to access your account
  • Password auditing to check for use of your credentials on unsafe sites
  • Identity confirmation by providing government ID to Facebook

With all privacy layers enabled, scrutinize each post carefully before sharing. Remember even “friends only” posts can be copied or shared by others.

Who Can’t Find Your Profile with Search Off

Disabling search indexing prevents your Facebook profile from appearing in these places:

  • Google searches
  • Bing searches
  • Yahoo searches
  • DuckDuckGo
  • Facebook graph search
  • Other search engines like AOL Search

People will need to know your exact name or username to find your Facebook page. Casual searches via Google will no longer work.


Some cases where people may still find you include:

  • If they visit Facebook and search directly on the Facebook platform
  • If they have an existing link to your profile or page
  • If they have you in their contacts and lookup via phone number/email
  • If your name/profile appears on other public sites or directories

So disabling search indexing reduces public visibility, but doesn’t make you invisible. Friends, contacts and existing connections can still reach you.

Should Businesses Use Search Indexing?

For businesses and creators, disabling search indexing has some downsides:

  • Makes it harder for potential customers to find your Facebook business pages organically
  • Limits brand visibility and discoverability by new audiences
  • Hurts traffic and conversions from people finding you via search engines
  • Reduces potential reach for content, ads and promotions

That’s why most businesses choose to leave search indexing enabled. The broader visibility helps attract ideal new customers at a larger scale.

Business Recommendations

For business profiles, it’s better to:

  • Keep search indexing enabled to maximize visibility
  • Use security features like two-factor authentication to protect accounts
  • Be selective in the types of content shared publicly
  • Promote team member personal accounts that don’t represent the brand

With the right balance, businesses can maintain privacy while also leveraging search visibility and Facebook’s marketing capabilities.

Troubleshooting Facebook Search Visibility

If you are still seeing your Facebook profile in search results after disabling indexing, try these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Double check settings – Confirm search indexing toggle is disabled under privacy settings.
  2. Clear cookies/cache – Delete your browser history and cookies to remove cached pages.
  3. Use anonymous browsing – Open a new incognito window and re-run searches.
  4. Check multiple search engines – Do you still appear on Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc?
  5. Give it time – It can take days or weeks for search engines to crawl and update indexed pages.
  6. Request removal – Use search engine removal tools if issues persist.

As search engines recrawl and find your Facebook profile no longer public, they will remove and deindex the URLs. But this process can take a bit of time and patience.

Key Takeaways

Here are the key points to remember about disabling search indexing for Facebook:

  • Adjust settings under “Privacy – How people find and contact you”
  • Toggle “Do you want search engines outside Facebook to link to your profile” off
  • This prevents discovery via Google, Bing and other search engines
  • Great for privacy but reduces visibility and new connections
  • Businesses should keep search indexing on for broader reach
  • Give search engines time to deindex your profile if issues

With this visibility control, you can curate your Facebook presence and reduce unwanted contact. Weigh the pros and cons based on your goals. And use search indexing as one of many tools to customize your ideal privacy settings.