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How do I turn off reel feature?

How do I turn off reel feature?

The new Reels feature on Instagram allows users to create and share short videos, similar to TikTok. However, some users may wish to turn off the Reels feature if they find it distracting or aren’t interested in using it.

Why would you want to turn off Instagram Reels?

Here are some common reasons why a user may want to disable the Reels feature on Instagram:

  • You find Reels videos distracting or irrelevant in your feed
  • You don’t want to accidentally open a Reel when you’re scrolling
  • You’re not interested in creating Reels yourself
  • You want to avoid video content and focus on photos
  • You want a more simplified Instagram experience
  • You don’t want to compete with Reels for engagement and reach
  • You find the featured music in Reels annoying or repetitive
  • You want to reduce your social media usage

Whatever your reasons, you have the option to hide Reels from your Instagram feed and profile if you prefer.

How to turn off the Reels feed on Instagram

Here are step-by-step instructions to turn off Reels and stop seeing them in your Instagram feed:

  1. Open the Instagram app and go to your profile page
  2. Tap the three-line menu button in the top right corner
  3. Go to Settings > Account > Posts
  4. Turn off the toggle next to “Reels” and “Suggested for You”

This will prevent Reels from automatically playing in your main Instagram feed. You may still see some Reels content mixed in with photo and video posts, but it will no longer be emphasized.

How to hide the Reels tab from your Instagram profile

In addition to turning off the Reels feed, you can also hide the Reels tab from your profile so it’s no longer discoverable:

  1. Go to your Instagram profile
  2. Tap the three-line menu button in the top right corner
  3. Go to Settings > Account > Profile
  4. Tap “Posts” and toggle off Reels

This will completely remove the Reels tab from your profile so people can’t click into it. Your Reels will also no longer be visible to anyone else.

How to stop getting recommended Reels in Explore page

Even if you turn off Reels in your main feed, you may still come across them in Instagram’s Explore page based on the algorithm. Here’s how to minimize Reels content in Explore:

  1. Go to the Explore page in Instagram
  2. Tap on the three-dot menu in the top right corner
  3. Select “Not Interested” on any Reels video that shows up
  4. Keep selecting “Not Interested” as more Reels appear

Over time, Instagram’s algorithm will learn not to show you Reels content based on these signals. However, some Reels may still show up if they are highly relevant to your interests.

Important caveats

While you can take steps to minimize Reels in your Instagram experience, keep these points in mind:

  • You may still see some Reels mixed in with photo/video posts
  • Influencers and accounts you follow may still post Reels to their profiles
  • Instagram will likely continue emphasizing Reels, so they may become unavoidable
  • These settings only impact what you see – your existing Reels remain visible to others

Instagram clearly has big plans for Reels as a TikTok competitor. While you can control Reels to some degree, they are likely here to stay as a key part of the app.

Should you turn off Instagram Reels?

Whether you actually want to disable Reels depends on your personal preferences and reasons for using Instagram:

Pros Cons
– Avoid distracted or irrelevant video content – May miss out on video content from accounts you like
– Streamline your feed and focus on photos – Reels still appear occasionally even when turned off
– Control your Instagram experience – Instagram is pushing Reels as a key feature
– Reduce repetitive featured music – Influencers/friends can still create Reels

In general, if you find Reels distracting or want to avoid the TikTok-style video format, turning them off can help. But Reels likely aren’t going away anytime soon on Instagram.

Other options besides turning off Reels

If you don’t want to disable Reels entirely, consider these alternatives:

  • Mute accounts that post a lot of Reels
  • Unfollow accounts focused on Reels content
  • Limit your time on the Explore page
  • Be more selective about which Reels you watch and engage with
  • Use Instagram’s Close Friends feature to share Reels privately
  • Create Reels to your comfort level, but don’t feel pressured to overdo it

Balancing your Instagram feed and managing Reels takes some work. But you have options to shape the experience you want.


Instagram Reels are here to stay, but you’re not required to use them or let them dominate your feed. By turning off Reels in your settings, hiding them from your profile, and disliking them in Explore, you can minimize their presence. This lets you focus on the Instagram experiences you genuinely enjoy. But keep in mind limitations, as Reels are an increasingly big part of the app. With the right balance, you can still benefit from Instagram while controlling the role of Reels.