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How do I turn off reactions in my story?

How do I turn off reactions in my story?

Turning off reactions in your story is a feature that allows you to prevent viewers from reacting with emoji to your story posts. This can be useful if you want to share content without enabling engagement or if you find reactions distracting. On Instagram, disabling reactions is done in the settings when you are creating or editing your story. Here are the steps to turn off reactions in your Instagram story:

Steps to Turn Off Reactions in Your Instagram Story

1. Open the Instagram app and tap on your profile picture in the bottom right to access your profile page.

2. Tap on the three line menu icon in the top right and select “Settings” from the menu.

3. In Settings, scroll down and tap on “Privacy.”

4. Under “Interactions,” toggle the switch next to “Allow Reactions and View Counts on Your Story” off. This will disable reactions.

5. Tap “Close” to save your changes.

Reactions should now be turned off for any new story content you share. Keep in mind that disabling reactions only applies to future stories, not existing ones. You’ll need to manually turn reactions off again if you re-enable them at any point.

Checking That Reactions Are Disabled

To confirm that you’ve successfully turned off reactions, you can post a test story and have a friend try reacting to it. They should see a message that reactions aren’t available when they try to react.

You can also double check that the “Allow Reactions and View Counts on Your Story” setting remains toggled off by navigating back to your story privacy settings. As long as this switch is disabled, new stories you post will not have reactions enabled.

Considerations When Turning Off Reactions

Here are some things to keep in mind when disabling reactions on your Instagram story:

– Disabling reactions only applies to future story posts, not existing ones. You’ll need to re-share existing stories if you want them reaction-free.

– Turning reactions off is account-wide and can’t be done on a per-story basis. All your stories will have reactions disabled.

– While reactions will be hidden, viewers can still see if their message was seen. Read receipts are not impacted.

– Your number of viewers will no longer display if reactions are off. However, you can still see views in Instagram analytics.

– Disabling reactions means losing out on engagement and feedback from your audience. Consider if you still want some reactions before fully turning them off.

Other Ways to Limit Reactions

In addition to completely turning off reactions, you have a couple other options to limit reactions on your Instagram story:

– Hide reactions from specific people. You can block individual users from reacting to your story while keeping reactions on for everyone else.

– Restrict story audience. Making your account private or limiting story viewers will inherently limit who can react.

– Delete reactions after posting. You can manually delete reactions by pressing and holding on them. New ones may continue to be added, however.

– Use Close Friends. Reactions will be limited to only your Close Friends list if you share stories through Close Friends.

So you have alternatives beyond fully disabling reactions if you still want to limit reaction ability in some way.

Turning Reactions Back On

If you change your mind later on, re-enabling reactions on your Instagram story is easy:

1. Go back into your privacy settings.

2. Under “Interactions,” flip the switch next to “Allow Reactions and View Counts on Your Story” on.

3. Tap “Close” to save changes.

New stories you share will once again have reactions enabled. Keep in mind you may need to re-share old stories without reactions if you want reactions on them as well.

Who Can React to Your Instagram Story?

If reactions are enabled on your story, here are the people who will be able to react:

– Any of your followers can react, as long as you have a public account.

– Anyone you share the story directly with via Direct Message.

– Anyone who is added to your Close Friends list, if you share the story through Close Friends.

So reactions are available to your followers and anyone you directly share your story with. Having a private account will limit story views overall.

Limits on Who Can React

You do have some options if you wish to limit who can react:

– Block specific users from viewing your story or reacting.

– Use Instagram Close Friends for sharing stories with just your inner circle.

– Restrict your overall audience with a private account.

– Hide reactions from specific people as outlined above.

Types of Reactions Viewers Can Use

Instagram offers a selection of eight different reactions that users can react with:

  • ❤️ Love
  • 😆 Laugh
  • 😢 Sad
  • 😡 Angry
  • 👍 Like
  • 🙏 Thankful
  • 😯 Surprised
  • 💬 Comment

Viewers simply need to press and hold on your story to pick a reaction emoji to send. So they have quite a range to choose from beyond just a heart or thumbs up.

Limits on Emoji Reactions

Unfortunately there is no way to selectively disable certain emoji reactions. It’s all or nothing when it comes to reactions.

The only way to limit specific emojis would be to manually delete them after the fact by long pressing on the reaction. But this would be time-consuming for popular stories with lots of reactions.

Your best option is to either allow all reactions or disable them entirely if you want to limit specific emoji.

Where Do Reactions Appear in Stories?

When enabled, reactions will appear in the bottom left corner of story slides. The most recently used reaction will display.

Viewers can tap this corner to open a reaction tray and scroll through all reactions the story has received.

So while you only see the last reaction used, viewers can access the full reaction history. There is no way to disable the reaction tray.

Limits on Reaction Visibility

If you want to completely hide reactions from viewers, the only option is to turn off reactions in your story privacy settings.

There is no way to show reactions selectively per story or hide the reaction tray. It’s all visible if reactions are enabled.

Do Reactions Increase Views or Engagement?

Allowing reactions can potentially boost engagement and views on your Instagram story in a few ways:

  • They encourage more interaction beyond just views.
  • The reaction tray may lead viewers to re-watch stories and react multiple times.
  • Viewers may react multiple times to “compete” with other reactions.
  • Those reacting are counted in your views for 24 hours.

However, not everyone likes or uses reactions. So it’s hard to quantify the impact reactions have on actual story performance.

If engagement is important to you, it’s likely worth keeping reactions enabled. But your mileage may vary.

Maximizing Impact of Reactions

To try maximizing engagement from reactions:

– Ask viewers directly to react in your story caption.

– Use interactive stickers that prompt reactions.

– Share exciting stories that elicit emotional reactions.

– Reply to viewers who react to further drive engagement.

Metrics for Your Story Reactions

Wondering how your story reactions are performing? You have a few options:

– Swipe up on your story tray to view reaction breakdowns. This shows total reactions and top reacted stories.

– Check Story Insights after 24 hours to see views and reactions. You can also download metrics.

– Use third-party analytics platforms connected to a business account for more data.

So Instagram does provide some analytics around reactions. Though it takes more work to analyze the data versus something simple like a Like counter.

Do Reactions Affect Algorithm?

Many people wonder if reactions directly impact how the Instagram algorithm ranks story content.

Unfortunately Instagram has not provided full details on how reactions factor into the algorithm. However, we can make some educated guesses:

  • Stories with more reactions likely signal higher engagement to Instagram.
  • Frequently reacted-to stories may be shown to more viewers.
  • But feed engagement likely still carries more overall weight.

Because reactions require more effort than just viewing, it makes sense for Instagram to value them for ranking. But your followers and their interests are likely the biggest ranking signals.

Boosting Algorithm Impact

While reactions may help, focusing on great content and your followers is more likely to improve algorithm ranking.

Some best practices:

– Post at optimal times when followers are active.

– Respond to messages and comments from followers.

– Use relevant hashtags and locations followers are interested in.

– Connect your feed and stories together.

– Analyze data to refine content.

Do Reactions Increase Visibility?

In addition to potentially boosting algorithm ranking, Instagram stories with lots of reactions can gain visibility in other ways:

  • They may appear higher in search results when users search related terms.
  • Instagram surfaces trending stories based in part on reactions.
  • Stories get shared to the viewer’s own story more often.
  • You gain social proof and interest from non-followers who see reactions.

So while reactions may not directly drive feeds or Discover placement, they can gradually increase the visibility and reach of your story.

Maximizing Your Reach

If your goal is to get your story seen by more people, some good strategies include:

– Use relevant trending hashtags so your content is discovered.

– Post “link in bio” shortcuts to drive traffic to your account.

– @mention relevant accounts to potentially gain shares.

– Partner with influencers in your niche to access new audiences.

– Promote your best stories off Instagram with links.

Troubleshooting Reaction Issues

Here are some common troubleshooting steps if you are having issues with reactions on your Instagram story:

  • Make sure reactions are enabled in your story settings. This is the most common issue.
  • Check that the viewer’s app is updated to the latest version with reactions capability.
  • Have the viewer restart the Instagram app if reactions still don’t appear.
  • Report the issue directly to Instagram if the problem persists for debugging.

Getting Help from Instagram

If reactions remain problematic even after troubleshooting, you can reach out to Instagram directly for help:

– File a bug report from Settings > Help > Report a Problem.

– Request support via the in-app support form under Settings.

– Contact @Instagram on Twitter.

– Consult the Instagram Help Center for common reaction issues.

Reporting specific details around the reaction problem will help Instagram resolve your issue as fast as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some commonly asked questions around reactions for Instagram stories:

How long do story reactions last?

Reactions remain visible for 24 hours after the story is posted. After 24 hours, they disappear.

Can I see who reacted to my story?

No, Instagram does not show who specifically reacted to your stories. You only see the emoji used, not the username.

Do story reactions notify you?

No, Instagram will not send a notification when someone reacts to your story. You need to check manually.

Can I react to the same story multiple times?

Yes, you can react multiple times to the same story. Each reaction will count in the viewer counter.

Can I react to expired stories?

You cannot react to expired Instagram story content. Reactions must be used within 24 hours.

Do DMs support reactions?

No, you cannot react with an emoji to Instagram Direct Messages currently. Reactions only work on ephemeral stories.


Disabling reactions on your Instagram story is a personal choice that comes down to your preferences as a creator. Some users may want to limit distractions or focus on content quality over engagement.

The steps to turn off reactions are relatively simple within the app’s settings. Just be aware that disabling reactions applies account-wide to all your future stories. There is no picking and choosing for individual stories.

Hopefully this guide has provided a rundown of how to turn off reactions and what factors to consider when making your decision. Ultimately reactions are a fun way to engage viewers, but are not required to have an effective Instagram story strategy. Weigh your goals and audience preferences when determining if disabling reactions is the right choice for your account.