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How do I turn off featured photos on Facebook?

How do I turn off featured photos on Facebook?

Facebook’s featured photos allow your friends to see the photos you have chosen to showcase at the top of your profile. While this can be a great way to highlight your favorite pics, you may decide you want to remove the featured photos section from your profile.

Turning off featured photos on Facebook only takes a few clicks. Here’s a step-by-step guide to removing featured photos from your Facebook profile.

Why Would You Want to Turn Off Featured Photos?

Here are some common reasons people decide to turn off featured photos on their Facebook profiles:

  • Privacy – To limit the personal photos your friends can see on your profile
  • Clutter – If you want a cleaner, more streamlined profile
  • Accidents – So photos aren’t unintentionally featured on your profile
  • Changes – If you want to update your profile photos and don’t want old featured photos showing
  • Confusion – To avoid featuring photos by accident instead of posting them normally

While featured photos can be a nice addition to Facebook profiles, they aren’t mandatory. If having featured photos on your profile doesn’t feel like the right choice for you, turning the option off only takes a moment.

How to Turn Off Featured Photos on Facebook

Ready to remove featured photos from your Facebook profile? Follow these simple steps:

  1. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner of Facebook.
  2. From the drop-down menu, choose “View Profile.”
  3. Look for the featured photos section, just below your cover photo.
  4. Click the three dots icon “…” in the top right corner of the featured photos section.
  5. Select “Turn off featured photos” from the menu that appears.

And that’s it! As soon as you confirm turning off featured photos, that section of your profile will disappear. Your friends will no longer see any featured photos on your profile.

Things to Know About Turning Off Featured Photos

Here are some additional tips to keep in mind as you turn off featured photos on Facebook:

  • Turning off featured photos doesn’t delete or remove any photos – it just takes away the featured section.
  • You can turn featured photos back on at any time by following the same steps and selecting “Turn on featured photos.”
  • Only you can view and control the featured photos section on your own profile.
  • Featured photos are different from profile and cover photos. Turning off featured photos won’t affect your main profile or cover images.
  • When featured photos are turned off, the section will not appear on your profile on desktop or mobile.

Customizing Your Facebook Profile

In addition to controlling featured photos, there are a few other ways to customize your Facebook profile:

Profile Photo

Your profile picture appears throughout Facebook and is one of the first things people will see on your profile. Choose a favorite close-up photo of yourself for your profile image.

Cover Photo

The cover photo spans the top of your profile. It’s a great chance to show off a beautiful landscape, your photography skills, or a cool illustration.


Edit your bio, job information, education, places you’ve lived, contact info, relationship status, family members and more.

Featured Friends

Showcase your closest friends at the top of your profile. Turn this on or off in the same place as featured photos.

Optimizing these key parts of your profile can help craft the story of you on Facebook. Take the time to curate profile images and information that feel authentic.

Expert Tips for Managing Your Facebook Profile

Beyond customizing your profile, there are a few expert tips for taking full control:

Adjust Privacy Settings

Control exactly who can view your profile content and information. Set custom privacy settings for posts, photos, bio details, friends list and more.

Create Friend Lists

Organize different friends into lists like Close Friends, Family, Acquaintances, etc. Then choose which lists can see certain posts.

Leave Groups

Part of maintaining your ideal profile is managing the groups you’ve joined. Feel free to leave any groups that no longer interest you.

Unlike Pages

Just like groups, clean up the pages you’ve liked over the years. Unlike those you don’t want showing up on your profile anymore.

Try Messenger

Use Messenger for your one-on-one and group chats instead of Facebook. This separates your social feed from messages.

Curating your Facebook profile is an ongoing process. Check in every so often to make sure your profile still reflects the story you want to share.

FAQs About Facebook Featured Photos

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about featured photos on Facebook:

How many featured photos can you have?

Facebook allows you to feature up to 36 photos on your profile. If you’ve chosen that many, small thumbnail previews of all 36 will appear in your featured section.

How do I add featured photos?

You can easily add photos to the featured section right from your profile page. Just click “Add Photos” and select up to 36 pics you want to feature from your existing Facebook albums and photos.

Can I reorder my featured photos?

Yes! Click “Add Photos” then select “Rearrange Photos.” Drag and drop your featured photos into your desired order.

Can I hide certain photos from friends?

You can’t hide specific featured photos from certain friends. However, if you want to limit who sees certain photos, add them to a photo album with customized privacy settings.

Do featured photos disappear when I untag myself?

Usually if you untag yourself from a photo, it will automatically unfeature from your profile as well. But be sure to double check that any photos you untag no longer appear as featured.


Facebook featured photos offer a unique way to showcase your favorite snapshots. But if having a featured section on your profile no longer feels right, you can easily turn off the option.

Simply navigate to your profile, click the three dots icon by the featured photos, and select “Turn off featured photos.” Poof – just like that, the section will disappear from your profile.

Customizing your Facebook presence often comes down to personal preference. If you ever want those featured photos back, toggling the option is swift and simple. But for those looking for a more streamlined profile, turning off featured photos may be the right call.

Beyond featured photos, consider periodically reviewing other profile elements like your bio, profile and cover images, friends and groups. Curate your Facebook presence to reflect the story you want to tell.

With the proper privacy controls and some profile tweaks, Facebook can be customized to showcase the version of yourself you feel most comfortable sharing with friends near and far.